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                        PRESS RELEASE

      Zapruder's Ties to CIA and Oswald; 16 Million dollars,  for what?

              Zapruder Arbitration Board member Kenneth Feinberg wanted to
attach: The Adamson Report; Zapruder/Bush and the CIA's Dallas Council on
World Affairs as an exhibit to the Zapruder Arbitration Report which has
paid 16 million for the Zapruder film.
        "The question is should Abraham Zapruder (now deceased) and his
family be allowed to profit using the corporation LMH Inc. when the
Zapruder family belonged to the Dallas Council on World Affairs a CIA front
organization at the time he filmed the JFK assassination?  His son Henry
Zapruder, in 1963 was a lawyer for U.S. Department of Justice.
        Ten years before the assassination in 1953 Zapruder had worked with
Jeanne Le Gon-de Mohrenschildt at the Nardis of Dallas clothing factory.
Jeanne would design the clothes while Zapruder would cut her patterns.
        In 1964 the Warren Commission ruled that Jeanne and her husband
George de Mohrenschildt were Marina and Lee Harvey Oswald's closest
friends.  Not only did Le Gon and Zapruder know each other, they were in
1953 good friends with Olga Fehmer at Nardis of Dallas, whose daughter
Marie would become the personal secretary of Lyndon Baines Johnson's.  She
was on board Air Force One following JFK's demise.  The Fehmer family
attended Senator Chuck Robb's wedding to Lynda Johnson.
        George de Mohrenschildt worked out of a CIA-trust building and was
exchanging letters with LBJ seven months before JFK's assassination and met
with LBJ on April 26, 1963 also on May 20, 1963, seven months before JFK's
        With all of these connections one is left wondering why Zapruder
did not react for his own safety when he heard the gun shots?  The man in
charge of the CIA,  President Bill Clinton's own lawyer Robert Bennett
represented the Zapruder Family.  The Attorney General appointed Al Gore's
brother-in-law, Frank Hunger to represent our Government's interest in the
Zapruder case.  Hunger was removed after Adamson complained of the conflict
of interest.
        George Bush Sr. was President and was responsible for signing into
law in 1991-92 The JFK Assassination Records Review Board Act.  George
Bush, Sr. has written a letter admitting that he knew de Mohrenschildt
since 1942.  Bush also knew LBJ, was involved with The Bay of Pigs
Invasion, FBI Director, J.E. Hoover and to the JFK assassination
investigation.  Believe it or not George Jr.,Sr. and Prescott Bush are all
three connected to Oswald's CIA pal George de Mohrenschildt.
        If the public has a right to know contact me: Bruce Campbell
Adamson, P.O. Box 1103, Santa Cruz, CA, 95061-1103 (831) 465-9272, email:
([EMAIL PROTECTED]); website at (ciajfk.com).

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