-Caveat Lector-

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Date: September 19, 2006 1:31:26 AM PDT
Subject: Benedict Pushes the Envelope -- Papal Prophecies


Before discussing the rose prophecy of Quatrain 2.97 and the related Third Secret of Fatima and how either may apply to the newly-elected Pope, we are almost certainly obliged to address another prophetic issue I am sure is on the minds of everyone.

Although we must all celebrate the election of a new pope who shall replace the sad winter season of a great but slowly-dying pontiff with a renewal of spring for the Catholic Church and all of Christendom, we must, unfortunately, respect in dread the dark days ahead that may be in store for the entire planet. Indeed, it may be this pope who shall lead all of Christendom against the forces of darkness gathering in the East. But not without first offering an olive branch of peace to those who would trespass against us; for universal love may yet win out and confound the dangerous stratagems of evil men, of psychopaths, and of lovers of war, and of a vast subculture dedicated to death rather than life.

This is a pope who needs as much support and aid as possible to achieve his mission. For this is also a man who has been placed in terrible danger by a convergence of prophecies and, unwittingly, by the very Church he serves. For it has long been whispered in the Vatican halls that a Benedictine shall lead when all the nations of Christendom are in grave peril from the enemies gathering in the East. The author of this folly was a 12th Century monk named St Malachy who conferred upon the 111th pope to come the motto of Gloria Olivae, which translated means "the Glory of the Olive."

The order St Benedict founded, the Benedictines, is also known as the "Olivetans." Clearly, someone in the Vatican has gone to a lot of trouble to force the prophecy of Malachy to come true. Being a Benedictine is one thing, but having an elected pope take on the name of Benedict seals the prophecy.

This, after the shortest election conclave in Vatican history, leaves little room for doubt that this rite of passage was all planned out in advance.

The choice of Benedict almost guarantees that a world war is now looming on the horizon.

Why? The last Benedict, Benedict XV, became pope in 1914 just before World War I broke out. He spent the next four years trying to get the warring nations of Europe to mend their differences and end the most calamitous conflict in world history up to that time.

So, this tells us several things. The Vatican believes World War III is right around the corner. They want a pope in power who can live up to the name given by Malachy: "Glory of the Olives" -- a name which also signifies the role of the peacemaker (to this day "offering an olive branch" is a gesture of peace). Thus, they hope this pope, Benedict XVI, will be instrumental in bringing a quick end to the coming world war, preventing it from happening, or leading all of Christendom in the coming great conflict of good against evil where the West and Christianity will emerge victorious.

Unfortunately, two controversies become apparent due to an apparent clash between the prophecies of Malachy and those of the learned scholar, doctor, astronomer, and prophet Nostradamus.

One is no longer a controversy at all. There are too many popes -- at least seven of them -- prophesied for the future by Nostradamus. Too many to fit Malachy's abbreviated list of one remaining pope after Benedict XVI: Petrus Romanus ("Peter the Roman").

However, I have learned it has apparently become the Vatican's official position that there may be an indeterminate time (and presumably a number of popes) between "Glory of the Olive" and "Peter the Roman", whom they agree is the last pope.

The other controversy regards the proper designations of Malachy's mottos, De Medietate Lunae ("Of the Half Moon") and De Labore Solis ("Labour of the Sun").

I believe it is quite possible that John Paul the First was completely overlooked by Malachy because of his short 33 day reign and because his immediate successor adopted the same unusual papal name ("John Paul"). If true, John Paul II was really "Of the Half Moon," not John Paul I to whom it has, perhaps, been erroneously abscribed. Thus, Benedict XVI is actually "Labour of the Sun" -- with two more popes to follow: the real "Glory of the Olive" and "Peter the Roman" (or an indeterminite number of popes between Glory of the Olive and Peter the Roman).

The half moon or crescent moon is a symbol of Islam. Who can forget John Paul II's visits to the Holy Land during the Jubilee Year, hobnobbing with Bashar al-Assad of Syria and PLO Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat, blessing Christians and Muslims alike in Lebanon, greeting Mohammad Khatami of Iran and Tariq Aziz of Iraq at the Vatican?? "Of the Half Moon" makes more sense than applying the dubious sobriquet of "Labour of the Sun" to John Paul II because he was buried during a solar eclipse.

But why does it make more sense? Because of what Nostradamus and the European prophets of old warn us will happen to a future pope:

It remains clear as ever that the prophetic verse that appears at top of page, Quatrain 2.97, inked by Michel de Notredame in 1554, is so remarkably similar to what was revealed concerning the Third Secret of Fatima as to be another facet of the vision. There is now no question that the vision contained in the Third Secret of Fatima was not fulfilled with the attempted assassination of Pope John Paul II in 1981 as suggested by leading cardinals after the release of the transcript on June 26, 2000.


Complete Translation of Original Text by Lucia dos Santos

VATICAN CITY, JUN 26, 2000 (VIS) - Given below is the complete translation of the original Portuguese text of the third part of the secret of Fatima, revealed to the three shepherd children at Cova da Iria-Fatima on July 13, 1917, and committed to paper by Sr. Lucia on January 3, 1944:


"I write in obedience to you, my God, who command me to do so through his Excellency the Bishop of Leiria and through your Most Holy Mother and mine. "After the two parts which I have already explained, at the left of Our Lady and a little above, we saw an Angel with a flaming sword in his left hand; flashing, it gave out flames that looked as though they would set the world on fire; but they died out in contact with the splendor that Our Lady radiated towards him from her right hand: pointing to the earth with his right hand, the Angel cried out in a loud voice: 'Penance, Penance, Penance!'. And we saw in an immense light that is God: 'something similar to how people appear in a mirror when they pass in front of it' a Bishop dressed in White 'we had the impression that it was the Holy Father'. Other Bishops, Priests, men and women Religious going up a steep mountain, at the top of which there was a big Cross of rough-hewn trunks as of a cork-tree with the bark; before reaching there the Holy Father passed through a big city half in ruins and half trembling with halting step, afflicted with pain and sorrow, he prayed for the souls of the corpses he met on his way; having reached the top of the mountain, on his knees at the foot of the big Cross he was killed by a group of soldiers who fired bullets and arrows at him, and in the same way there died one after another the other Bishops, Priests, men and women Religious, and various lay people of different ranks and positions. Beneath the two arms of the Cross there were two Angels each with a crystal aspersorium in his hand, in which they gathered up the blood of the Martyrs and with it sprinkled the souls that were making their way to God."


It has been declared that the May 1981 attack on Pope John Paul II's life in Rome by Turkish assailant Mehmet Ali Agca was the fulfillment of the Third Secret of Fatima.

This plainly cannot be the meaning of the Third Secret.

First of all, according to the translated text of the letter written by Sr. Lucia, "the Bishop dressed in White" is accompanied by a large number of bishops, priests, and nuns -- all of whom are killed along with the pope.

Secondly, and this is most important, the Pope visits a large (and probably major) city that is half-destroyed and littered with corpses. It is quite obvious that a major war, possibly a global war, is going on at the time.

The Pope and his clergy are killed by soldiers.

The mountain with the rugged cross at its top may be an actual place, but I also take it to be a metaphor for the tribulation of the Holy Church and Christendom.

One viewer suggests it may be the hill of the Sacre Couer Cathedral. Another believes it could well be a hill in Avignon called Le Rocher des Doms and the cathedral at top.

The sprinkling of souls with the blood of the martyrs by angels may be the sealing of the 144,000 of the tribes of children of Israel as described in the Book of Revelation. If not, it is something that will precede that event and involve the blessing upon the faithful.

We are introduced to a new figure -- what may be an angel of the Apocalypse described as "an Angel with a flaming sword." He is actually introduced well before the appearance of the Bishop in White. Mary stays the world-consuming fire from his hand. This suggests that nuclear war has nearly occurred in the recent past but was prevented by Mary's intercession and prayer.

Since the vision clearly states that the "Bishop clothed in White" (the Pope) will be slain along with "the other Bishops, Priests, men and women Religious" by soldiers firing bullets, I submit to you that this is remarkably similar to Quatrain 2.97 which warns a future pontiff that both "you and yours" will "come to spit blood" in a city watered between two rivers. Even though, by miracle, the late Pope John Paul the Great was spared during the attack on his life by Mehmet Ali Agca a quarter century ago, this does not explain why he alone was attacked when the Third Secret states that the Bishop in White will crawl over the corpses of his entourage and followers. This is also what Quatrain 2.97 indicates when saying "both you and yours."

Because the pope is described as being "afflicted with pain and sorrow" one might conclude that this is a frail and elderly pontiff. However, we cannot discount the possibility that the "pain and sorrow" is a result of the terrible war and persecution to come.

I have little doubt that events described in Quatrain 2.97 and the Third Secret of Fatima will happen. And if events are as pre-destined as they appear to be in the Third Secret of Fatima, then all the warnings in the world will not save the Pope or those who will be slain with him.


What does Quatrain 2.97 say?

Let us review the quatrain again:

Quatrain 2.97

Roman Pontiff beware of your approaching,
Of the city where two rivers water,
Your blood you will come to spit in that place,
Both you and yours when blooms the Rose.

Quatrain 2.97 suggests that some anti-Christian leader, likely an Al Qaeda leader, will order the Pope and everyone in his entourage to be gunned down during a visit to an important river port city. According to Nostradamus they will bleed from the mouth due to internal hemorrhaging. The prophecy also states that the deadly visit will be scheduled to take place in the spring or summer: "when blooms the Rose." An alternative meaning of "the Rose" will be explored below. Obviously, Benedict XVI or his successor, whom many believe will bear St. Malachy's motto Petrus Romanus ("Peter the Roman"), must avoid extensive traveling to cities that match the profile provided by Nostradamus or the Blessed Virgin in the Third Secret of Fatima. Not only will the Pope be assassinated but so too will all clergy people accompanying him.

I should add once again that, although Malachy predicts only one more pope after Benedict XVI, Nostradamus appears to predict at least another seven future popes. Not only that, but it has apparently become the Vatican's official position that there may be an indeterminate time (and presumably a number of popes) between "Glory of the Olive" and "Peter the Roman", whom they agree is the last pope.

Anyway, to demonstrate how easily Quatrain 2.97 could have been fulfilled during the reign of Pope John Paul the Great, consider the following:

On October 16, 1998, it was reported that Pope John Paul II was planning to visit Iraq ("the land between two rivers") in the summer of 1999. The original version of this web page was created in the early spring of 1999 to warn that such a trip might prove dangerous to the Pope and those close to him. In July 1999 it was revealed that he hoped to make a pilgrimage to the ancient city of Ur, the birthplace of Abraham, and meet with Saddam Hussein in Baghdad. That visit was postponed until December 1999 and then re-scheduled for January 2000.

Thankfully, on December 10, 1999, it was announced that the trip had been canceled.

Again, during the Jubilee Year, the Pope expressed a desire to visit Baghdad and the ancient city of Ur, and again what might have been a May 2001 trip was canceled.

I am convinced that the Pope narrowly escaped what would have been a likely assassination attempt, probably at the behest of Osama bin Laden, had any of the planned trips to Iraq moved forward in 1999, 2000, 2001, or 2003. It is very strange that so many attempted trips to Iraq were cancelled -- in one instance at the request of the United States government.

Were he alive to visit Iraq now, it would be incredibly dangerous -- dangerous beyond belief. Needless to say, Pope Benedict XVI must also refrain from visiting such a perilous place.


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