Bill Cooper ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) writes

<< Robalini;

For a while I thought you were on the level but it seems that I was wrong.

In your latest column you have proven to be just another propaganda driven

yellow journalist liar. In attempting to discredit me you discredit

yourself. And why did you do it if you are not serving the agenda of the

enemies of Freedom?

I call your attention to the 4th unnumbered page from the beginning of my

book "Behold A Pale Horse", beginning at the second sentence on that page:

"It is possible that one or more conclusions may be wrong. the purpose of

this book is to convince you (the reader) that something is terribly wrong.

It is my hope that this work will inspire you to begin an earnest search for

the truth. Your conclusions may be different but together maybe we can build

a better world."

I call your attention to page 196 under the heading "Perspective" in "Behold

A Pale Horse" read the 4th and 5th sentence than skip to begin again at the

3rd from the bottom of that paragraph:

"Most of this knowledge comes directly from, or is a result of my own

research into the TOP SECRET / MAJIC material which I saw and read between

the years 1970 and 1973 as a member of the Intelligence Briefing Team of the

Commander in Chief of the Pacific Fleet. Since some of this information was

derived from sources that I cannot divulge for obvious reasons, and from

published sources which I cannot vouch for, this chapter must be termed a


"The BULK of this I believe to be true IF the material that I viewed in the

Navy is authentic. As for the rest, I do not know, and that is why this

paper must be termed a HYPOTHESIS."

That should be very clear to anyone who has the power to read and understand

the English language, but especially to those few who have learned to use

their brains.

But just in case you find the above a little too difficult I direct your

attention to the following:

Page #234 "Behold A Pale Horse", paragraph numbered (5):

"There is always the possibility that I was used, that the whole alien

scenario is the greatest hoax in history designed to create an alien enemy

from outer space in order to expedite the formation of a one-world

government. I have found evidence that this could be true. I have included

that evidence in the Appendix. I advise you to consider this scenario as

being probable."

Page #235 "Behold A Pale Horse", last paragraph:

"If the documentation that I viewed while I was in Naval Intelligence is

true, then what you have just read is probably closer to the truth than

anything ever written. If extraterrestrials are a hoax, then what you just

read is exactly what the Illuminati wants you to believe."

My book was actually published a month early in December of 1990 instead of

the scheduled publication date of January of 1991. During 1991 I determined

that I had been intentionally fed a lot of bad information while in the Navy

so that I would tell it to the world... I suspected that all along and said

so at every opportunity.

In 1991 I clearly announced that I believe that the entire alien question,

the Apollo Space Program, and NASA are the greatest hoaxes in human history.

I have been extremely clear on that subject since 1991 and have done

probably 50 or 60 radio broadcasts on that subject. It is clearly on the


The Gallileo scenario is clearly a deception to manipulate Bible believers

into an "end time" mindset for the Millenium... and I have also stated that

on may occassions.

Any journalist writing anything about anyone owes that person an interview

to make sure that what the journalist intends to write is indeed correct.

You gave me no such consideration. I now consider you to be just another in

a long line of liars who twist and spin anything and everything in order to

promote the agenda of the new world odor.

A lot of people claim to have read my book but I have yet to find even one

person who has REALLY read it.... much less understood it. But what the

hell... this is the video generation of mind controlled, ignorant, stupid,

and apathetic sheople who just bleat their way through fantasyland. Sheople

hoping that some benevolent Shepard will come along and rescue them,

forgetting all the while that it is the shepard that shears them, then

trucks them to the slaughter house, where the Judas Goat joyfully leads them

to their demise.

"Behold A Pale Horse" is a warning not a prophecy and I am not a prophet. It

was the vicious attacks upon me and the book that eventually led me to the

truth. The truth that has destroyed the uFOOLogy movement and that has

totally screwed the timetable of the new world odor... and that is why

Clinton labeled me, "The most dangerous radio host in America", the greatest

compliment for which I could ever hope.

Eat your heart out >>

Dear Mr. Cooper,

To begin with, let me state that I will forward your comments to all
Konformist readers, and to the people of GettingIt for them print as well.
Let me further apologize about not contacting you before writing this: it
isn't as if I didn't have your email address.  The reason I didn't was
because of my inherently slothful nature, but my laziness is a pretty
pathetic excuse.

Having said that, I think you may misunderstand my motives for writing "The
Lucifer Project".  Perhaps you were put off by me describing your writing as
a "unique, rambling, surrealistic style."  I can assure you that this was a
compliment, and the comparison to Andy Kaufman was certainly another of the
highest order.  Notice that in the next sentence, when I state "he is
dismissed with a smug sneer by most 'respectable' conspiracy theorists," the
word "respectable" is in quotation marks.  I think the lack of respect given
to you is unfair, and is done often by people who take themselves way too
seriously.  One thing that annoys me about many conspiracy theorists is how
they try to dress up their stuff in a suit and tie, on the mistaken delusion
that if they present their stuff so it looks acceptable to intellectuals and
establishment types, it will be embraced by them.  Fuck that: these are the
people who've bought into the system, and have way too much invested in lies
to ever admit it.  Rather than try to convince those who have bought into the
system, I say go to the many who feel alienated from it.  I can think of
nobody who has implemented my own personal strategy more effectively than
yourself, and I salute you?  The fact is, you are embraced by a TRUE Rainbow
Coalition.  Criticisms of you miss the big picture: you know how to cause a
stir, get a reaction out of people, make people think and ask questions.
Andy Kaufman does live on.

I HAVE read - and more importantly, bought - Behold a Pale Horse (which is
listed as being copyrighted in 1991 on the inside cover page) and enjoyed it
immensely.  May I note that after reading my piece, the staff at GettingIt
were hungry for more information about you and your work, as I expected it
would, since nobody is EVER uninterested in you when I bring your work up.

Note also that I wrote near the end of the piece: "Cooper, for his part,
insists he's merely reporting what he was told in Naval Intelligence."

Why did I write this article?  I kept reading recent stories about Galileo,
and I found it interesting that the craft is working in such an unstable and
radioactive area, so close to the "fiery" surface of Io.  It made me keep
thinking back to your warning in Pale Horse, and I was surprised nobody was
talking about it, so that inspired me.

There is nothing in this article I haven't said to you (or about you) before.
 I often wonder if you are intentionally pulling people's leg with some of
your stuff.  That's part of the pleasure of your work, trying to figure out
what is the fish tale and what is the reality.  Whether you intend this
reaction or not, it is a great one, and keeps people on their toes and

Personally, I should be so lucky to one day inspire militia patriots, gangsta
rappers AND Chris Carter.  Until then, I not only admire you, but envy you.

Robert Sterling

PS - here is an unedited section of the article for you to view.  It was
rightfully cut down due to space constraints, but I think it is important for
you to see - especially my defense of you from unfair charges that you are a

For his unique, rambling, surrealistic style, he should at least be
celebrated as an Andy Kaufman-esque performance artist, who has taken a sword
to the carcass of American politics and embraced all fringe thought as his
own.  Instead, he is dismissed with a smug sneer by most "respectable"
conspiracy theorists, who argue he is a liar, a disinformation agent, a
lunatic, or a little bit of each.  He even has an entire chapter devoted to
him in the crackpotological encyclopedia Kooks.

What he lacks in respect, Cooper makes up for in popularity.  Indeed, he is
celebrated by a Rainbow Coalition which Jesse Jackson would envy.  His
militia-friendly rants against one-world government and gun control made him
a folk hero of the Patriot crowd;  meanwhile, his revelation of genocidal
plots against African-Americans involving the crack epidemic and AIDS as
biological warfare made him the same to the hip-hop community.  (That he has
a multi-cultural following, one he treats equally with his mix of charm and
contempt, reveals as an unfair smear charges of him being racist - claims
unsupported by his writings.)  In a Rolling Stone interview, no less than
X-Files mastermind Chris Carter revealed enjoying perverse pleasures from
Cooper's prose, and admitted using it as inspiration to cook up convoluted
plots for Mulder and Scully.

Bill Cooper is a provocateur, though likely an agent for only himself.  He
demands that others either love him or hate him, and he doesn't stop until
they make a choice.

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