-Caveat Lector-

>Bush Felon : ineligible for presidency
>GW Bush is one of six Felons convicted in US Savings and loan scandal of the
>GW Bush was pardoned by Reagan while his dad was Reagan's Vice President.
>Not OK.
>GW Bush appears to be an alcholic, somewhat illiterate serial killer with a
>limited attention span.
>1. Photocopy of order suspending George W. Bush from military flying duty:
>2. Photocopy of George W. Bush military document redacted for
>"administrative  reasons"
>  http://www.talion.com/admin.html
>   3. Photocopy: Agreement (reneged on after disobeying orders.) Signed by
>George W. Bush
>4.  Photocopy: George W. Bush  allowed to substitute civilian duties for
>flying duties
>    (Viet Nam era) following his refusal to take physical and drug test
>   5. Photocopy: Statement agreeing to ORS Duty if he fails to complete
>military obligations satisfactorily, signed by George W. Bush
>6. Photocopy: Assignment of George W. Bush to ORS disciplinary unit in
>Bush Dynasty: 70 Years is enough
>(sent November 13, 2000)    for full text:    SEARCH:
>Archives: http://www.egroups.com/messages/bay_area_activist
>http://www.unc.edu/surge         www.unc.edu/surge
>Much of the Reagan Bush economy was bogus investment of the windfall.
>The bank crash and S&L swindle was them getting their money a third
>time. http://speech.csun.edu/ben/news/cia/quig/s-pizzo.html
>Any election in which only two individuals are allowed exposure is, by
>definition, a fraud.  We are an occupied nation.

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