-Caveat Lector-

>   www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/aponline/20001121/aponline162817_000.htm
>  Tuesday, Nov. 21, 2000; 4:28 p.m. EST
>       CBS Head Details Wrong Florida Calls
>       By Curt Anderson
>       Associated Press Writer
>  WASHINGTON -- The networks' mistaken early calls Election Night that Al
>  Gore -- and later George W. Bush -- had won Florida were due in part to
>  flawed exit polls in the Tampa area and a "significant computer error" in
>  Volusia County's election agency, the CBS News chief told Congress.
>  CBS News President Andrew Heyward said in a letter to Rep. Billy Tauzin,
>  chairman of the House Commerce Committee's telecommunications panel, that
>  his network's initial call for Gore at 7:50 p.m. EST on Nov. 7 was based
>  on Voter News Service exit polls and actual vote data, interpreted
>  through tested statistical models.
>  But at about 9:20 p.m., Heyward said in the letter released Tuesday, CBS
>  found that exit poll results in the Tampa area had overstated Gore's lead
>  and that tabulated votes in Duval County were probably wrong. That call
>  was retracted at 9:54 p.m.
>  When the networks then erroneously called Florida for George W. Bush
>  a few hours later, Heyward said, "another series of confusions took
>  place -- including what at this juncture appears to be a very significant
>  computer error made by the Volusia County Elections Department -- which
>  led to another series of bad calls by the television networks and
>  newspapers across the nation."
>  That mistake has been traced to a faulty government computer disk.
>  Tauzin, R-La., is investigating what led to the early election calls, how
>  they affected voter turnout where the polls were still open and whether
>  any inherent biases were involved, partisan or otherwise. Tauzin,
>  planning congressional hearings in January, on Tuesday released responses
>  from the networks and The Associated Press to a series of questions he
>  has asked in preparation.
>  CBS, ABC, NBC, Fox, CNN and the AP make up the consortium that uses Voter
>  News Service exit polls and actual results to project election results.
>  The AP never called Florida for Bush but did give, and then retract, the
>  state's critical 25 electoral votes to Gore earlier in the night.
>  Although Tauzin received responses from all six news organizations,
>  Heyward went into the most detail about what led to the mistaken early
>  Florida calls. He said the matter will be thoroughly reviewed by a
>  three-person panel headed by Linda Mason, CBS' vice president of public
>  affairs.
>  "We were as good as the information we were getting from sources we
>  trusted," Heyward said. "In this case, that information was not good, and
>  neither were we."
>  Top executives at ABC, CNN, Fox and NBC also said they had begun
>  intensive internal examinations of what went wrong and assured Tauzin of
>  their future cooperation.
>  CNN Chairman Tom Johnson stressed that "there was no intentional bias in
>  the election night reporting" at his network.
>  "Nothing is more upsetting than to make an incorrect projection," added
>  Robert C. Wright, NBC's president and chief executive officer.
>  Tauzin has indicated it may be time to update a 1985 agreement between
>  Congress and the networks on when races should be called so all of a
>  state's polls would have to be closed, not just most of them.
>  On that point, CBS' Heyward noted that in Florida "it would be extremely
>  difficult to argue any impact on turnout" because all but 5.8 percent of
>  the state's precincts were closed when the call for Gore came at 7:50
>  p.m. EST -- and the rest closed 10 minutes later.
>  Republicans have complained that the initial Florida call for Gore might
>  have depressed voter turnout in California and elsewhere, tipping the
>  balance in close House races and helping Gore to a lead in the national
>  popular vote.
>  Meanwhile, the senior Democrat on the Commerce Committee, Rep. John
>  Dingell of Michigan, has complained to Tauzin that no Democrats have been
>  involved in the investigation. Of particular interest, he said, is the
>  presence at Fox of a Bush cousin in a position to influence when the
>  network called state results.
>  "If the work of this committee on this important inquiry is to have
>  credibility, bipartisan cooperation is necessary," Dingell said.
>   www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/aponline/20001121/aponline162817_000.htm
>                   (C) Copyright 2000 The Associated Press

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