-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: September 17, 2007 12:20:50 AM PDT
Subject: Chickenhawk Republican Dismisses 3700+ Dead Americans as "Small Price to Pay"

Since life is cheap, apparently, and corporate lawyers AKA "legislators" only care about the bottom line, let me point out a way to get better results for an even cheaper price. Let's see, there are 49 Republicans in the Senate and about 200 in the House, say 250 total -- an entirely negligible loss ...

Finally! CNN Does Solid 2-Minute Segment

on Boehner's "Small Price" Comment

Wolf Blitzer: "The loss in blood -- the Americans killed every month -- how much more do you think this military commitment is going to require?"

GOP majority leader Rep. John Boehner: "[It's] a small price to pay if we're able to stop al Qaeda here, if we're able to stabilize the Middle East ... Not only a small price for the near future, but think about the future for our kids and their kids."

September 14, 2007 -- 6:25 PM EST
http://www.talkingpointsmemo.com/horsesmouth/2007/09/ finally_cnn_doe.php

Okay, this counts as real movement.

Two days ago CNN aired the now-infamous "small price" comment from John Boehner. The network didn't really understand what it had, and so, even though the Dems raised holy heck yesterday and attacked Boehner's remark, CNN didn't air any follow-up on it at all -- in stark contrast to the tons of attention it gave John Kerry's botched troop joke last October.

Now the yelling about this has grown too loud for CNN to ignore. And to the network's credit it has done a solid two-minute segment hitting Boehner for the comment. It's really worth a watch:

The report did a very good job of making it ultra clear that Boehner was responding to a question about troop deaths, and not just money, as the Boehner camp is spinning it.

And the network gave credit to bloggers for highlighting the importance of the story that CNN broke without initially appreciating its import.

Most fun of all, the report kept the words "small price" on the screen for the entire segment.

I'm still sticking to my prediction that this will end up getting nowhere near the attention that John Kerry's botched troop joke got. But this is good.

-- Greg Sargent

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