In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dr. Michael A. Aquino) wrote:

> My mother's family is English, my father's Italian,
> so I am not particularly Nordic. :-)

     It's been 10 years or so since the flurry of news reports about
you, sir, and I was referring to a Mae Brussell broadcast that asked if
your father was a Nazi. Thus the "Nordic" crack. But before I'd believe
anything you have to say, I'd want to see documentation, and that means
the original, because you are slipperier than a moray eel.
     This notation from one of Ms. Brussell's outlines does not answer
the question, but does provide an insight into your family history:
"NEWS. Nov. 23, 1987. Ten minute interview with Michael Aquino. Aquino's
tapes viewed on the screen, including WAFFEN SS. 'Aquino's mother was
engaged to a member of the WAFFEN SS, she is a millionaire living in San
Francisco. He is 3rd generation in S.F.. Sandra Gallant, S.F. POLICE,
'We have tried to get Michael Aquino OUT OF THE ARMY SINCE 1983, TO GET
memorabilia, uniforms of the Nazis, books and pictures."
> It is Napolis' right to state truths, but not malicious
> falsehoods whose obvious intent is to endanger
> innocent people, that's all.

      Brave soldier. Her intent was not to "endanger" you. I know this
for a fact because Curio is a friend of mine. She is fearful for her own
welfare because your gang from hell is stalking her.

‹ Alex Constantine

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