From:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Disinfo-Member)
Subject:  Disinfo Newsletter
Date:  Fri, 9 Jul 1999 11:37:05 -0600

Here it is, folks, you can exhale now, the brand spankin' new Disinformation
Spamwich, coming right your way:

Okay, first off, our Associate Editor Alex Burns (our man in Australia) has
put some interesting Oz related research online for you weekend reading
pleasure. New in The Revolution(r) is Alex's dossier on savvy media prankster
John Safran, who sounds ike *our* kinda guy, one part Malcolm McClaren, one
part Dr. Hunter S. Thompson!

Read about him here:

And in Police State, you'll find Alex's essay on the infamous Rabelais Four
case which resulted in what is possibly the narrowest definition of (so
called) "freedom of speech" in the Western world!

As Alex points out, Gandhi himself couldn't be published in Australia under
the legal definitions these guys are using!

Some scary stuff, kids and going on right now.

Read about it in our Police State section:

Also, we're still planning our "Disinfocon" counterculture convention for
November, here in New York, so keep watching the skies and keep you calendar
free! Speakers will be announced soon!

Lastly many of you have no doubt heard of the recent allegations that Disinfo
icon Dr. Timothy Leary was an FBI informant, "ratting" on the very people who
risked their lives and liberty to help spring him from jail in the 70's. What
is not pointed out, either by our friends at The or by any of
the media outlets who picked up on the opportunity to kick a man when he's
DEAD (like Newsweek, the BBC or the heinous SF Chronicle) is that um, he
might have been LYING to the Feds to get his ass out of jail!

No one was arrested as a result of Leary's testimony. No one. Doesn't this
say volumes about the quality of his information? After years of solitary
confinement (Leary was next to Charles Manson for a while. I mean he was in
THE black hole of the California prison system) how current could his
information have been??????

Hmmmm... something doesn't add up, here, does it?

The FBI's selectively leaked documents only tell HALF the story, but the
media seems happy to repeat that half story parrot-style, all over the place.
No doubt what the FBI wanted.

Make up your own mind by perusing our Leary section at:

THIS guy is an FBI "songbird"?

Highly unlikely. Make up your OWN mind, don't let others (even us, or
especially us!!!!) make it for you.

Question authority! Think for Yourself!!!!

And have a great weekend!


Your pals at Disinformation. Everything You Know is Wrong.

P.S.-- If you happen to be in the Baltimore, Maryland area this weekend,
don't miss the premiere of "Rest in Pieces" a new documentary on painter Joe
Coleman at the Charles Theatre. Shows at 7:30 and 9:30.

Joe will also be lecturing at 6PM on Saturday night at the Museum of
Visionary Art and at 8PM "psychobilly" legend and one man band Hasil Adkins
will be performing in Joe's honor!!!!

And we hear Joe plans to jump onstage with The Haze and sing a few ditties.
Sounds like fun to us!

The Disinformation Newsletter Spamwich

Brought to you by your friends at Disinformation, the subculture search

Thanks for reading!

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