-Caveat Lector-

Forwarded message:

>Election: Parody News Releasee
>Saturday at 1 pm, the local Republican Party gathered at the State
>Capitol to condemn the messy and uncertain process of counting
>votes. The keynote speaker was Chad Worthlessness, PhD, of the
>Institute for Fuzzy Math.
>"How do we really know anything?" he asked. "Certainly, two was larger
>than one the last time we checked, but how can we be sure that will be
>the case the next time?
>"Heisenbergs Uncertainty Principle demonstrates that the more we know
>about one thing, the less we know about another, and therefore
>counting votes introduces an unnecessary element of uncertainty into
>the outcome of an election. Don't get me wrong, I am not against
>voting, I simply realize that it is an unforgivable mistake to
>actually count more than a few of those votes.
>" Since it has been scietifically demonstrated in our laboratories,
>using very expensive equipment with names you could never pronounce,
>that the only thing that can actually be counted with any accusracy is
>money, we at the Institute for Fuzzy Math reccomend that a more
>accurate method of determining the winner of any election would be to
>add up the campaign spending of each candidate, and declare the
>Republican the winner."
>He was followed by Adam Dumkopf of the Pomeranian Innumerati, a secret
>society formed in the 19th century for the purpose of steering history
>down as many blind alleys as possible.
>To the cheers of the small crowd, Dumkopf said, "What is this counting
>stuff anyway? Why can't people simply follow orders the way they are
>supposed to?"
>Hawaii Republican Party Chair Linda Lingle then gave a speech pointing
>out that the governorship of Hawaii had been stolen from her by the
>same barbaric practice of counting votes that was now being proposed
>by Vice President Gore in Florida.
>"Without this inconvenient and unfair practice of counting," Lingle
>said, "I would be Maximum Supreme Leader of the Hawaiian Reich
>today. It is unfair that our strength should be restrained by the will
>of the weak and decent. We must destroy them!"
>Dale Gardiner of the Voting Integrity Project then spoke, warning, "We
>know who you are and how you voted. Do not expect to escape the wrath
>of God!"
>With only a couple of minutes of prompting, the crowd broke into a
>spontaneous chant of "We can't count, why should you?"  and chased a
>couple of hapless democracy advocates from the Capitol grounds.

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