-Caveat Lector-

>Subject: B-GE: Guardian (London) writes about Monsanto political clout
>Biotech food giant wields power in Washington
>John Vidal on the politics of the GM food industry
>Guardian (London)Thursday February 18, 1999
>While European scientists, politicians, and pressure groups furiously
>debate the merits of GM foods, there is barely any discussion in the
>the home of the $50-billion-a-year bio-technelogy industry.
>The US government, which actively promotes the industry worldwide and
>accepts millions of dollars a year from Monsanto and other companies,
>maintains there is no health or environmental risk.
>But the foods have been introduced with very few people being aware of
>them, and Monsanto, the leading food revolution company, is widely
>regarded as one of the world's most innovative, successful and
>It employs 25,000 people, including 1,900 scientists, gives freely to
>charities and foundations, and pays for science theme parks.
>It is a hero on Wall Street where in the four years since its visionary

>chief executive, Bob Shapiro, took over and started launchung its GM
>products on the world market, it has seen its share price soar and its
>market capitalisation grow to more than $26 billion.
>The science-friendly corporate image of environmental responsibility
>been built on its very close links to political parties, say Monsanto
>critics. The company is one of three big funders of Clinton's
>Welfare-to-Work programme, and there is a constant exchange of staff
>between the government, the company and the regulatory bodies.
>Its access to power isbarely questioned. Scientists are widely trusted
>what is good for corporations is seen as good for everyone. A Monsanto
>board member chaired Clinton's presidential campaign.
>Another senior executive mapped US pesticide policy, and a third was a
>Clinton aide. The company also donates heavily to both main political
>parties and pays lobbyists to represent its interests at every point.
>Like other corporations it quite legally gives money to congressmen who

>sit on food safety and regulatory committees.
>Betty Martini, of the consumer group, Mission Possible, which watches
>Monsanto's activities in the US, said: 'The Food and Drug
>which regulates the US food industry, is so closely linked to the
>industry now that it could be desribed as their Washington branch
>Monsanto executives agree that they work closely with the government
>say that the regulatory system is based on sound science. 'It's tough
>get anything through', says a company spokesman.
>The company, with other biotech firms, paved the way for public
>of GM technology up to 10 years ago by preparing 'educational'
>for schools and investing heavily in science museums.
>Meanwhile it and other companies were lobbying global organisations to
>prohibit the worldwide labelling of GM foods. US embassies around the
>world are known to lobby for the industry in most countries
>But the first stirrings of revolt are now being heard. US activists are

>targeting company chiefs, and the powerful Union of Concerned
>is calling for more caution.
>The health and environmental risks are under-appreciaed, says Dr Marion

>Mellon of the UCS. 'Billions of dollars have been devoted to developing

>the technology but few resources have been put into understanding its
>Meanwhile unexpected environmental results in the US are worrying
>and the rapidly growing healthfood and organic farming industry. This
>month, 89,000 packets of organic tortilla chips had to be destroyed
>being found to contain GM organisms. It is believed that they were
>'contaminated' by a nearby field of GM maize.
>The US requires that no GM foods be labelled, and allows biotech
>to largely police themselves. After heavy lobbying, the biotech
>has persuaded 14 states to pass laws to prevent the 'spreading of false

>and damaging information about food'.
>The heavily subsidised US food industry is thought to be worth more
>$300 billion a year and its acceptance of the GM revolution is almost
>complete. Fifty million acres of land was grown with GM crops, last
>in the US, much of it soyabean and maize.
>Acreage is expected to double within two years and grow exponentially
>at least five years.
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>is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior
>in receiving the included information for research and educational
>purposes. **
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