Well Yardbird, here is a good article re Federal Reserve but that date
of 1913 reeks of conspiracy.........for this is the year the ADL formed
too so anyone who attacks Federal Reserve is accused of being

Consider this ADL was formed in 1913 and as of late bribed to influence
the President of the United States to pardon Marc Rich, Zionist.....but
oh how he longs to come back to American maybe to try to bust another
Union as he did the Steelworkers?   His trashy wife was at the Oscar
event it is said......with little Monica who compares her persecution
for her sodomist affair with the President, like the holocaust.   I
agree....only in this WWII holocaust how many Americans went to a war to
fight for homosexuals who got out of the war because they were
fags......so with a song they sent our boys to war while even Irvining
Berlin in WWI didn't like the war and they let him instead write songs?

What a lot of garbage - it is obvious this Foxman is a mafia hoodlum as
is Marc Rich - you had Lansky in Cuba who was in on murder of JFK who
was going to do something about this corrupt system....and then
look......Marlon Brando dated to tell a bit of truth and the ADL who
brags again we were organized in 1913 comes to the aid of the Zionists -
not jews, for these are Ashkenazi European Zionsists who funded Adolph
Hitler and his path to glory to the promised land in the Holy land?

Saba  (you may pull up data on Federal Reserve nd the theft of a nation
- and I might add this lady questioned cattle death in England being
attirubted to someone afater land - well she is right, for this rich
garbage in Hollywood under instruction, is buying up land all over

Press ReleaseAnti-Semitism-USA


New York, NY, April 8...The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) today called
actor Marlon Brando's remarks about Jews in Hollywood "outrageous and

Reacting to Marlon Brando's comments on "Larry King Live," on Friday,
April 5, that Jews run Hollywood and exploit stereotypes of minorities,
but never of Jews, Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director, issued the
following statement:

It was shocking to hear Marlon Brando, the acclaimed actor and champion
of civil rights, invoke the anti-Semitic canard that "Hollywood is run
by Jews, it is owned by Jews..." and blame Jews for exploiting
stereotypes of minorities, "but we never saw the kike because they know
perfectly well that's where you draw the wagons around."

Mr. Brando should know that what he said is utterly false, extremely
offensive and plays into the hands of anti-Semites and bigots. His
comments raise the centuries-old canard of Jewish control and
conspiracy, and his use of an anti-Semitic epithet is hurtful to Jews

Hollywood studios are owned and movies are made by men and women, some
of whom are Jewish, many of whom are not. Those Jews who enter the movie
industry have done so as individuals, not as representatives of their
religious group or with an aim to act in some coordinated conspiratorial

Mr. Brando owes an apology to the Jewish men and women who work in
Hollywood for vilifying them and to all Jews for his stereotyping and
use of an anti-Semitic epithet.

*****The Anti-Defamation League, founded in 1913, is the world's leading
organization fighting anti-Semitism through programs and services that
counteract hatred, prejudice and bigotry.*******

Saba Note:   So Mr. Yardbird, this ADL got into trouble having been
caught taking bribe monoey from Marc Rich and his floosie wife o get the
pardon from the President and the President obliged....note the sweet
little sodomist they sent in also, to get at the President.....bet the
Pizza was loaded with more than just pasta.

So the ADL calls themselves the "world's leading organization fighting
anti semitism"....hey what bout those Palestians who like American
Indian is true American, the Palestians are true semites and the
European Zonists steal their land going after the jugular, the oil>

So where is this cheap outfit now - who fight the anti semites, when
Barak and Sharon are the biggest fascist murdering bastards in the world
today, next to Clinton of course.

See and pull up info on Reserve and then see how Hollywood and their
movies have protected this poor huddled mass of people in Palestine?
And only 6 milion jews died in WWII...what about the other 55 million?
What were they, eskimos?

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