Fl 990--One version of what's going on

Kent Steadman of CyberspaceOrbit relayed some information to us about
Fl. 990 which he has now put up at his website.

Reportedly, an extremely ancient planetary defense/stargate apparatus
which exists WAY beneath the Giza plateau was missing some crucial
parts. Parts which may have been pilfered by some "Raiders of the Lost
Ark"-type hombres and turned over to covert factions of the federal government.

In hopes of duplicating said planetary defense/stargate system, said
parts were reportedly in the process of being back-engineered by same
covert government factions in some central Calif. location, when word
went ut that parts were NEEDED--very badly, apparently--by certain other
parties ensconced in the Giza underground.

Activation of said device is reportedly required due to an extremely
threatening series of asteroids/meteor(ites) which are making a beeline
for earth. Situation is said to be CRITICAL.

NewsHawk has received COMPLETELY separate confirmation from a VERY trusted
NY-area source of objects heading for earth. At least 3 such were cited.
Two weeks ago this source told us that though technologies existed
(particle, positron, pulse, nuclear, laser, etc.) which COULD prevent
these objects
from impacting by other deflecting or destroying them, New World Order
factions WANT the objects to impact and were trying to PREVENT any such
planetary defense being deployed. He also implied that perhaps existing
technology MIGHT be inadequate for the purposes required. Our source told
us again that this threat is VERY real and VERY serious. We've been
acquainted for a long time and this guy does NOT worry easily. He sounded

The existence of these approaching celestial objects is well-known among
those scientific circles with a "need to know".

Egyptian military officers aboard Fl. 990 were reportedly transporting
required parts of the ancient planetary defense/stargate apparatus BACK
to Egypt.

Then Flight 990 vanished.

HOWEVER, according to one of Kent Steadman's sources, the desperately needed
parts DID in fact make it back to Cairo/Giza, despite the fact Fl. 990
did NOT.

Either the vital materials were taken off the plane in New York, or Fl.
990 was a DECOY and the materials were actually transported by other means,
or the entire plane itself was subjected to some drastic time/space
"alterations" in order to secure the device(s) needed.

In support of this general scenario is some information gleaned from OUR
source in NY later in the day the jet went down. We contacted him to
find out
if he had any "inside" info on the crash. At the time he didn't, other
than to observe that the area of the plane's disappearance is a literal
"Bermuda Triangle" of sorts.

We THEN asked our source about the current status of threats posed to
the planet by approaching celestial objects. His response was blunt and
to the point. "That's been taken care of," he said tersely. Remember,
this was within 12 hours of the disappearance of Fl. 990.

What did he know that he could then make that statement with such
certainty? Was it that he KNEW (but couldn't say) those desperately
needed parts had in fact made it back to Egypt to be utilized in the
planetary defense apparatus under the Giza plateau, and that for now at
least, earth was safe?

We strongly urge readers to visit Kent Steadman's website to get the
details on this extraordinary story.

By the way, Steadman ALSO noted it's confirmed that weather radar
data from the time the jet went down indicate a severe electromagnetic
pulse of some kind in the area.

NewsHawk® Inc.

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-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [KENT] What might have been on board 990
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 1999 14:27:38 EST

Flight 990, data, information

refer folks to these urls:


Wild tales about strange devices


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