-----Original Message-----
From: H. Michael Sweeney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, November 01, 2001 5:04 AM
Subject: Smoking Gun: Osama meets with CIA prior to attack!

Announcing two more radio shows (please see schedule:
<http://www.proparanoid.com/enter.htm>) on prior knowledge.  I will be
introducing shocking new 'smoking gun' quality evidence of prior
knowledge which inherantly ALSO demonstrates complicity.  In other
words, not only did they know it was going to happen, but they did not
take clear and obvious steps to stop it when they had the chance.

Can't wait?  I've updated the NOILWAR! Web page

Osama, In American Hospital, Meets With CIA Just Prior to 911

The Indiareacts article demonstrates the war against the Taliban was being
planned approximately 4 months or more before the 911 attack. Our source is
India, Pakistan, and the British via BBC. Now from France comes yet another
acknowledgement of prior knowledge and, this time, more directly implies
actual complicity in the attack itself by the United States government. We
might well ask why these multiple news stories, all carried in the media of
our allies in "Americaís New War", are not picked up by our "freedom loving
people" who work in the American press, a press owned by our "freedom loving
people" we otherwise know as major military contractors.

Three different French media outlets, one being Radio France International,
one the print media, Le Figero, which is a much longer and more detailed
story, and the third a simplified English text version by the Agence
France-Presse (Paris) article of Oct. 31, Bin Laden treated for kidney
disorder in Dubai. All tell essentially the same basic story, one which
proves concretely that bin Laden and CIA were still incestuously doing
favors for each other just weeks before the 911 attack, and further
demonstrates prior knowledge, if not outright planning of 911 by the US
Government. Consider, if the US was planning the war in expectation of
911-like events caused by bin Laden months before the attack, why would the
US be talking nicely with bin Laden in an American hospital roughly two
months later - unless fully complicit in the attacks? The importance of the
story is outlined, here, the extra details from the longer Le Figero

  1) Osama bin Laden left from Quetta in Pakistan and flew covertly by
private Saudi jet with no registered flight plans to Abu Dubai, Saudi Arabia
on or about July 4, accompanied by his lieutenant Ayman Al-Zawahari, and
Egyptian, and four bodyguards, an Egyptian Doctor and male Algerian nurse.

This tells us that both Pakistan and Saudi Arabia have lied about their
legal and political stance on Osama bin Laden, and remain cordial to him
despite claimed revocation of his Saudi citizenship and deportation by the
Saudi Royal Family. This is NOT contrary to US policy as it might seem, as
we will shortly see.  Rather, it is WITH US BLESSINGS.

2) There he checked into the American Hospital of Dubai for a ten-day
treatment of renal infection by 'very famous' American Doctor, Terry
Calloway. It turns out that Osama has kidney failure and requires the use of
a portable dialysis machine (ironically, invented by my Father in Law.)
Acute renal failure can occur when such machines are not properly used and
for other reasons, often requiring immediate hospitalization. Doctor
Calloway has refused all calls by media.

This tells us we have been lied to once more - that Osama bin Laden is NOT
likely to be hiding in caves unless they happen to have access to
dependable, stable 110/220v power, and access to filtered water and
chemicals required to operate a dialysis machine. A person on dialysis is
extremely ëfixedí in place, and cannot simply get up and run in an air raid
or other attack.

  3) While in the hospital, Osama bin Laden was visited in private for a
period by a known CIA agent who subsequently spoke openly (they use the word
ëbraggedí) of the meeting, and as result was immediately recalled to
Washington, D.C.

This tells us several things: a) Despite being declared by the United States
as a wanted terrorist for the 1998 bombings of US Embassies in Kenya and
Tanzania, Osama bin Laden is still very much likely to be on the payroll of
CIA - perhaps a double agent;  b) as a double agent, the Saudi and Pakistani
cooperative stance towards Osama would make more sense; c) someone in
Washington, D.C. was well aware of the situation and extending additional
protections and sanctions to Osama bin Laden by recalling the talkative
Agent; d) if the recall was indeed to Washington, D.C., instead of Langley,
Va. (CIA headquarters), then it must be presumed that the military
(DOD/Pentagon) or White House is the source of these sanctions and
protections; e) that if Osama did blow up the American Embassies, it was
with the blessing of the US Government for unclear reasons - (see note.); f)
if giving blessings to blowing up American Embassies, which fits the
Operation Northwoods profile, such a government is likely to condone
similar, larger-scale attacks on American cities.

Note: One reason might be to establish Osama as villain early in the game,
that when the time came, it would be easier to pin the blame of 911 on him.
This would imply the 911 attack was being planned by the U.S. Government for
years, most likely as early as the first Bush administration and the first
attack on the WTC by CIA trained and FBI hand-held terrorists also tied to
bin Laden.

  4)  The longer French article describes the conversation between Osama and
the CIA agent as likely discussing the future attacks, and further concludes
that oil interests were likely behind the attacks.

This tells us that even the French now believe that the US had prior
knowledge, and are complicit in at the planning of 911, and that ëAmericaís
New Warí is about oil, not terrorism. So who should the FBI be arresting,
now?  I ask the key question, once more:

If the US was planning the war in expectation of 911-like events caused by
Osama bin Laden months before the attack, why would the CIA be talking
nicely with the him in an American hospital roughly two months later -
unless fully complicit in the terrorism?


Pass it on, please!  Now it the time to get in everyone's face. Not even
the hypnotized flag wavers can deny it.

H. Michael Sweeney


-----Original Message-----
From: Alex Constantine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: John Judge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wednesday, October 31, 2001 11:01 PM
Subject: Complete & Utter Nonsense

     The CIA denies ANY connection, past or present, to Osama Bin  Laden.


CIA denies contact with bin Laden
online.ie 31 Oct 2001

The CIA is rejecting claims that a US intelligence agent met Osama bin Laden
two months before the September 11 terror attacks.
Reports said the meeting took place between July 4 and 14.
The CIA says the report is "complete and utter nonsense".
"Numerous comments in the media recently have reiterated a widely circulated
but incorrect notion that the CIA once had a relationship with Osama bin
Laden," said a spokeswoman.
"For the record, you should know that the CIA never employed, paid, or
maintained any relationship whatsoever with bin Laden."
Reports said Bin Laden was being treated for a serious kidney ailment at the
American Hospital in Dubai.
He was visited by members of his family and the local representative of the
CIA, a professional partner of the hospital's administrative management .
The agent was seen taking the lift to bin Laden's floor, reports claimed.
The reports said the CIA agent later boasted to several friends that he had
visited the terror suspect, who at the time was wanted for the bombings of
US embassies in Africa and the attack on the destroyer USS Cole in Yemen.

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