A few words of wisdom from Hilliary Clinton,  duh, and more duh.....

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A Word From Our Sponsors

Competitive Edge Research & Communication has been handling polling, voter 
contact and grassroots lobbying for across the nation since 1987.  
Candidates, organizations and independent expenditures have won at the 
federal, state and local levels using Competitive Edge.  Call firm President 
John Nienstedt today at 800-576-CERC to learn how you can get the Competitive 

One Heck of a Jobs Program

"San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown... and his fundraising coordinator had a 
baby girl. He paid her $380,000. Jessie Jackson paid his girlfriend $450,000. 
I guess these are the high paying jobs for women created during the Clinton 

- "Tonight Show host Jay Leno

Reagan-Republican vs. Jeffords-Republican

"For a few fleeting hours last month, Bret D. Schundler thought he had the 
Republican nomination for governor of New Jersey locked up.  Then the 
Republicans weighed in.  Donald T. DiFrancesco, the acting governor, had just 
withdrawn from the race in a hailstorm of criticism over his legal ethics and 
business dealings. Mr. Schundler, the mayor of Jersey City, was the only 
other candidate in the field.

"Not only that, but here was a man any good Republican could embrace: a 
proven tax-cutter, fund-raiser and vote-getter. An apostle of school choice 
and smaller government who had won over Democrats and minorities in New 
Jersey's second-largest city. An intellectual George W. Bush.  But state 
Republican leaders shunned him as if he were a disease. Calling him way too 
far-right for New Jersey - he opposes abortion rights, for starters - they 
drafted a moderate, former Representative Bob Franks, to carry the party's 

"Mr. Schundler now faces Mr. Franks in the June 26 primary, in what is 
shaping up as a power struggle over the future of the New Jersey Republican 
Party. The outcome could revivify the moderate establishment, personified by 
former Govs. Tom Kean and Christie Whitman, that has ruled for generations 
while being increasingly orphaned on the national scene. Or it could help 
vault to prominence a little-understood but feisty conservative wing that has 
found in Mr. Schundler its first credible, well-financed champion in decades."

- New York Times, 5/21/01

Naiveté Is NOT A Leadership Quality

"Senator Lott is incredible.  He said Friday morning that 'we worked to share 
power in the evenly divided Senate and now that the Democrats are in power, I 
expect a similar power-sharing agreement to be crafted.'  How naive.  Does 
Lott really believe that the Democrats, given their new majority, will share 
their new power the way Lott and the Republicans did?  Yeah, right.  No 
matter how bi-partisan Republicans are, not matter how many concessions we 
make to them, no matter how nice we are or how much we compromise or share 
power, Democrats will never, NEVER, return the favor. … Come on, GOP.  
Jeffords' damage is done.  Time to get tough, appoint leaders who will get 
the job done, court the Libertarian vote, and campaign hard to ensure we 
regain control of the Senate in 2002."

- Ted Miller, Colorado Springs, CO  

Where the Hell Is the ACLU When You Need 'Em?

"'Your future begins here' is the motto of Florida's Estero High School. But 
if your name is Lindsay Brown, you can begin your future somewhere else, 
thank you very much. Brown is the 18-year-old senior who spent nine hours in 
jail Monday for having a steak knife wedged in the seat of her car; the 
'weapon' had apparently fallen out of a box when she was moving over the 
weekend. Principal  Fred Bode tells the Fort Myers News-Press that because 
Brown has been suspended from school, she won't be allowed to attend the 
school's graduation ceremony next Tuesday. She's also banished from the 
senior class breakfast and a party for the staff of the yearbook, which she 
worked on.  'We're just stepping up our efforts in order to provide a safe 
environment in the school for our students and teachers,' Bode tells the 
paper. What a hero."

- Best of the Web, 5/24/01 


"As the minutes went by and the hours, it became abundantly clear that this 
has nothing to do with an economic policy. This is nothing but a big tax 

- Hillary Rodham Clinton, Washington Post, 5/23/01

Refreshing Plain-Speaking From a Republican

"They knew over a year ago they had a problem, and (California Gov.) Gray 
Davis (D) refused to address that problem, kept putting it off and putting it 
off and putting it off, with the notion that somehow price caps could be 
maintained. Now, today where are they in California? Well, rates are having 
to go up. They've got rolling blackouts. They bankrupted the biggest utility 
in the state, destroyed the state's credit rating and squandered a 
significant portion of the state's financial surplus in a hair-brained scheme 
to try to use the state to purchase power. So the classic thing, I mean, if 
you want to see how not to do it is to look at California."

- Vice President Dick Cheney in an interview with Tim Russert

This Is the Kind of Creative Thinking the GOP Needs

"The GOP ought to start sending out 'Democrat Energy Shortage Solution Kits' 
consisting of three candles, a pair of mittens, and a bicycle.  Complete with 
pictures of McAuliffe, Gephardt, and Daschle stepping out of big SUV's at 
rallies to distribute them."

- J. David Krauser

Much More Than a Dime's Worth of Difference

"Attorney General John Ashcroft has thrown out the Clinton administration's 
interpretation of the Second Amendment--that it applies only to the rights of 
states to maintain militias--and restored the interpretation that 'the text 
and the original intent of the Second Amendment clearly protects the right of 
individuals to keep and bear firearms.' He made his statement in a letter to 
the National Rifle Association, the Washington Times reports."

- Best of the Web, 5/23/01 

Like Daniel In the Lion's Den

"Conservatives need to learn to stay away from shows like Politically 
Incorrect and The View. You would understand why if you were from the rural 
south. You can throw a boar hog in with a pack of curs and the hog may rip 
apart three or four dogs but in the end the cur dogs win."

- Tom Hough, Natchitoches, La.

Tales From the Left Side 
If you know someone who does not receive our FREE GOP News & Views briefings, 
send their e-mail address to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  You can also now read GOP 
News & Views daily on the Republican Liberty Caucus web site at:  
http://www.RepublicanLibertyCaucus.com . 

You Have to Be Active To Be An Activist 
Contact your senator or congressman by calling toll-free: (877) 762-8762
Contact the White House by calling:  (202) 456-1414 
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John Nienstedt today at 800-576-CERC to learn how you can get the Competitive 

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 To register, call 888-765-3564.  For agenda and additional information, go 
to:  http://www.crnc.org/Convention/convention.htm

*  RNC Summer Meeting:  July 19-21 at the Boston Park Plaza in Massachusetts. 
 Special room rate of $169 per night.  For reservations, call (800) 225-2008. 
 For additional details, contact the Republican National Committee at (202) 

*  2001 Midwest Republican Leadership Conference:  July 27-29 at the 
Minneapolis Convention Center in Minnesota.  Registration fee:  $199 per 
person.  For additional information, contact (651) 222-0416 or 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Or visit the conference web site at:  

*  2001 Western States Republican Leadership Conference:  October 4-7 at the 
Resort at the Mountain in the Mt. Hood National Forest.  $250 per person 
($350 after August 1).  For details, contact the Oregon Republican Party at 
(503) 587-9233 or go to their web site at:  www.orgop.com.


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Published by: 
Chuck Muth, Editor 
3659 Scotwood Street 
Las Vegas, NV  89121 
Phone:  (702) 454-0350 
Fax:  (702) 454-7798 
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