-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

FYI...some good stuff. Read on...

>  You may have gotten an e-mail forwarded from Al Gore's Campaign
telling you
>  how rotten George W. Bush's record in Texas is. Thanks to the
>  work of Jennifer Strong from the GREAT State of Texas and other
>  Americans, more Gore lies, exagerrations, and diversions have been
>  This is Gore's e-mail, followed by the facts.
>  > Subj: The great state of Texas
>  > The state of Texas, under the leadership of Governor George W.
>  > Bush, is ranked:
>  > 50th in spending for teachers' salaries
>  FACT: Wrong, Prince Albert. Actually, Bush's Texas is *9th* in
Teacher Pay,
>  not 50th, factoring in cost-of-living and teacher experience. And
thanks to
>  George W. Bush, Texas teachers got a whopping 33% raise, lots more
than the
>  national average.
>  > 41st in per-capita spending on public education
>  FACT: Bush's Texas is #1 in improving test scores, especially for
> and
>  African American students. Thanks to George W. Bush, state education
>  per pupil is up 37% since he took office.
>  What happened under Gore and Clinton? While test scores skyrocketed
>  they remained stagnant nationally. Next time you see Gore, ask him,
>  had eight years. Where are the better schools you promised?"
>  > 49th in spending on the environment
>  > 1st in air and water pollution
>  FACT: Only because of an antiquated pre-Bush law that exempted older
>  factories from having to clean up their emissions. Bush was the
>  Governor to make them clean up. As a result, TEXAS IS #1 in reducing
>  waste emissions under Bush.
>  > 48th in per-capita funding for public health
>  > 1st in percentage of poor working parents without insurance
>  FACT: Under George W. Bush, Texas was the first in the nation to
allow a
>  patient to appeal HMO decisions to deny care. Bush's Texas also
>  gag clauses that prevented doctors from discussing all treatment
> with
>  their patients. And Texas law insures that people with pre-existing
>  conditions will not lose health insurance when they change jobs.
>  What happened under Gore and Clinton? They promised to reform health
> and
>  have done nothing. They've had eight years, and eight million more
>  are uninsured.
>  > 47th in delivery of social services
>  > 5th in percentage of population living in poverty
>  FACT: Take notice: Prince Albert apparently believes it is terrible
>  people actually need welfare "delivered" to their doorstep. Unlike
Al Gore,
>  George W. Bush believes that freeing people from the chains of
welfare and
>  giving them independence is a GREAT thing. That's why Texas was one
of the
>  ten most successful states in implementing welfare reform. Texas was
>  successful that Gore's Administration tried to stop Bush from
>  innovative, faith-based solutions to radically reduce the welfare
>  more, lest Bush get the credit.
>  Also, under Governor Bush:
>          - Texas is #4 in personal income (i.e. people are richer)
>          - Texas has the lowest unemployment in 20 years.
>  > 1st in executions (avg. 1 every 2 weeks for Bush's 5 years)
>  FACT: Uh... did someone forget to mention that Al Gore is for the
>  penalty too? Actually, Green Party candidate Ralph Nader is the only
>  candidate who opposes the death penalty.
>  > Forward this to every person of voting age
>  This part we agree with!
>  For the full report of Gore lies exposed,
>  http://people.ce.mediaone.net/ilrepublican/ilrepublican/gore.htm

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