Post Number 146: Gun Control II
The response to my first post on guns was very good, so perhaps we
should do it again!  Below are some sobering, and enlightening thoughts,
about guns.  And people.  Because guns are simply a tool, just as a
false money system is simply a tool.

In the hands of the people, guns are the ultimate answer to the fraud of
the bankers.  And the bankers well understand this, therefore, gun
control laws.  In this century, well over 200 million people have been
slaughtered by their own so-called governments.  Those governments we
think as guilty of this slaughter are mostly in so-called Communist
nations.  But, until you learn that Communism has always flowed and been
paid for from New York and ‘the City’ (London financial district), the
close parallels of what is happening in America, and what is planned to
happen in America, will never make sense to you.

The most important part of this starts with the intensifying move to
disarm those who are about to be scarified.  That, ladies and gentlemen,
is you.

Date:  5/16/99 7:27:57 AM Pacific Daylight Time
 From:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Hammell)
 Hi Kristina,
 I read your mssg to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and have some thoughts on the

 In Australia, where gun ownership has been banned, the murder and
 crime rate has soared because when you ban guns, only criminals
 possession, and everyone else is left defenseless.

 During WW2, in the Warsaw Ghetto, a handful of Jews who had refused to
 up their arms waged a valient struggle against the Nazis, killing many
 them, and holding them at bay for a long time before they were
 overwhelmed and forced into places like Auchwitz concentration camp.

 I'm not Jewish, but I have a lot of respect for a group called Jews for
 Preservation of Firearm Ownership which has a truly thought provoking
 website at I urge you to please go there and just
 out what they have to say.

 What you need to realize the most is that following WW2, the bulk of
 Nazi war criminals escaped justice because the Nuremburg War Trials
 largely staged for public consumption to give the APPEARANCE that
 was taking place, while in REALITY, most of the top Nazis were spirited
 of Germany, and were brought to America by the forerunners of the CIA,
 OSS) via Project Paperclip.

 You also need to realize that the NWO, of which Clinton is a puppet
 with Tony Blair in England) is trying to destroy the sovereignty of
 in order to force us into a one world totalitarian dictatorship. They
 do it unless they can first confiscate our guns, and they're pulling
 all the stops in their effort to do so.

 The y2k situation is going to trigger martial law. An unarmed person
 be very vulnerable in the not too distant future. If you live in a
 recommend strongly that you leave now while you can still get out. Our
 whole infrastructure is going to collapse soon. We're being fed fast
 amounts of misinformation on y2k via the mainstream press.

by Tina Terry (c) 1998

(Published in THE FIREARMS SENTINEL, the quarterly publication of Jews
the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (JPFO) - P.O. Box 270143,
Wisconsin, 53027 - phone: 414-673-9746; web site:

Those who stridently and self-righteously lobby for the seizure of all
by the government in America, particularly women like Sarah Brady,
Streisand, Senators Diane Feinstein and Barbara Boxer and Congresswoman
Carolyn McCarthy, would do well to study the results of forced
in other countries.

I have personally lived through a government-instigated disarmament of
general public, and its subsequent, disastrous consequences: From 1961
1977 my father (who is a white American, as are my mother, sister and I)

was stationed with his family and business in Kingston, Jamaica.

Around 1972, the political situation in Jamaica had so seriously
deteriorated that there were constant shootings and gun battles
the city of Kingston and in many of the outlying parishes (counties). In

years past no one had even had to lock their doors, but now many people
hardly dared venture out of their homes. This was especially true for
people, and even more especially for Americans, because of the real risk
being gunned down or kidnapped and held hostage by Jamaicans, who had
increasingly hostile towards whites and foreigners. My father took his
into his hands every morning simply driving to work. Going to the market
to do a simple errand was often a terrifying prospect. The open hatred
hostility which was directed at us seemed ready at any time to explode
violence, and indeed did so towards many people on many occasions, often

with tragic or fatal results.

The Jamaican government decided that the only solution to this volatile
situation was to declare martial law overnight, and to demand that all
and bullets owned by anyone but the police and the military be turned
the police within 24 hours. The government decreed that anyone caught
even one bullet would be immediately, and without trial, incarcerated in

what was essentially a barbed-wire enclosed concentration camp which had

been speedily erected in the middle of Kingston. In true Orwellian
the government referred to this camp as "the gun court."

My father and all of our American, Canadian, British and European
as well as middle class Jamaicans of all colors (locally referred to as
"black," 'white," or "beige") knew that we were all natural targets of
kind of draconian government punishment. The relentless anti-American
propaganda spewed forth by Michael Manley, Jamaica's admittedly
Prime Minister, had resulted in the widespread hatred of Americans,
and Europeans by many Jamaicans. Racial hatred of whites and "beiges,"
well as class hatred of anyone who appeared to have money or property,

Consequently, we all dutifully and immediately disarmed ourselves, and
handed our weapons in at the nearest police station. It was either that
be sent straight to the gun court. Even after we had disarmed ourselves,
lived in deathly fear that the cops, not known for their integrity, and
well-known for their hatred of whites and Americans, would plant a gun
bullet on our property or persons.

So there we all were - government-disarmed, sitting-duck, law-abiding
citizens and expatriates. Anyone can guess what happened next: the
and unfettered carnage began in earnest. Robberies, kidnappings,
burglaries, rapes - all committed by the vast populace of still-armed
criminals. Doubtless the criminals were positively ecstatic that the
government had been so helpful in creating all these juicy and utterly
defenseless victims for their easy prey.

We've all heard the phrase, "When guns are outlawed only outlaws will
guns." I can personally confirm that this statement is absolutely and
painfully true, because that is exactly how the Jamaican disarmament
At the time of the disarmament order, I was away at boarding school in
United States. However, I remember vividly coming home for the summer. I

remember the muted but pervasive atmosphere of tension and terror which
constantly permeated our household, affecting even our loyal black
servants, who worked for and lived with us, and whom we took care of.
(Practically every household in Jamaica, except the very poorest, had
live-in servants.
There was no welfare or public school in Jamaica, so middle-class
became completely responsible for the well-being of their servants, who
were considered to be part of the family, including taking them to the
doctor, and helping to educate their children.)

I remember lying awake in bed at night, clutching the handle of an
I had put under my pillow, and listening to the screaming of car-loads
Jamaican gangs going by our house, praying that they wouldn't pick our
to plunder. The favorite tactic was for a group of thugs to roar up to a

house, pile out, batter down the door and rape, steal, kill, kidnap...
whatever they felt like. They knew the inhabitants had been disarmed,
that they would be met with only fear and defenselessness. My pathetic
ice-pick seemed incredibly puny, but it was all I could think of. Our
family didn't even own a baseball bat. I remember lying awake thinking
about how our beloved dogs were old and feeble, and that they could not
protect us. And that I could not protect them either.

I can barely describe the abject terror and helplessness I felt as both
white American and as a young woman during that time. Jamaica was then
about 90% black. Although I was (and still am) an American citizen, my
family had
lived in Kingston for almost 12 years when this situation occurred, and
considered Jamaica to be my real home. Many of my friends were
Jamaican.  My
first serious boy-friend was Jamaican. For all its faults, I loved this
beautiful, suffering island dearly, and I felt like a stranger when I
away at school in America, where I was always homesick for Jamaica.

When we had first moved to Jamaica in 1960, my sister and I (both blonde

and obviously white) had been able to ride our horses up into the hills,

and, whenever we encountered local Jamaicans, their salutation to us was

open and friendly, as was ours to them. As things deteriorated into the
reign of terror, and then the government instituted overnight citizen
disarmament, when we ventured outside our home, we almost always
encountered hate-filled stares and hostile hisses of, "Eh, white bitch!
look 'ere, white bitch!" and other unprintable epithets.

Jamaica was, in the 1970's, a country with at least 50% illiteracy and
illegitimacy rate of over 50%. If a Jamaican girl wasn't pregnant by the

age of 15 or 16, she was often derisively branded "a mule," since mules,

the offspring of horses and donkeys, are almost always sterile. Being a
woman, let alone a white woman, in such a climate, especially after the
disarmament of the citizenry by the government, was one of the most
terrifying experiences one can imagine.

At that time, I had never held or fired a gun. I had rarely ever even
a gun. No one in my family had ever learned about, used or even talked
about firearms, except my father, who had been in the U.S. army. In our
circle, guns were deemed "unseemly" and "inappropriate" for polite
and especially for young ladies. I had never given much thought to any
the Bill of Rights, let alone the Second Amendment. Yet we Americans all

knew the Bill of Rights did not protect us in Jamaica, just as it hadn't

applied to us at our previous station in Singapore.

My dad had fought in World War II, however, and had brought back a Luger

pistol, which he had taken with him to Jamaica when we moved there after

having spent 6 years in Singapore. No law had prevented his bringing a
to Jamaica in 1960. When my dad handed that pistol and all his bullets
to the police, I vaguely realized that he was no longer allowed by the
government to protect my mom, my sister or me, or our household.

I was pretty confused at the time. Terrified of being kidnapped, raped,
murdered, robbed, at the same time I was still mindlessly anti-gun,
the criminals all had guns, and the government had declared guns to be
contraband, and we were all terrified of being hurt by bad guys with
all of which somehow meant that guns must be "dangerous" and "bad" and
therefore should be banned, just as the Jamaican government had decreed.

As white Americans, our status was that of permanent guests in a foreign
increasingly hostile country. In fact, after 6 years in Singapore, and
in Jamaica, we well knew how to strive to be "model guests," which meant

that questioning or challenging the Jamaican government's authority was
unthinkable -- even when such government authority decreed that we be
helpless. None of us had any illusions about any "rights" to defend
ourselves. We might have been able to do so with the government's
in the good old days, before chaos and violence and racial hatred had
over. But now it was different. Now we were white, visible, foreign,
sitting ducks in a hostile black sea. And I was a white, visible,
female sitting duck.

As obedient as I was to authority, I grasped that our household was
defenseless, and that I as a woman was particularly defenseless. And I
realized that, had my dad still had his pistol, I would have felt much
safer. I even realized that I would be willing to pick up a gun if my
were threatened. For a person who claimed to be anti-gun, these feelings

really confused me.

At least eleven friends and acquaintances of my family were raped,
kidnapped, murdered or robbed within about a year after the disarmament,

and I believe it is a miracle that we are all still alive. I am
that many of these people would not have been victims had they not been
disarmed by the Jamaican government. It was tragically ironic that the
had sold this whole disarmament program to us with the promise that:
We're here to help you, and this is for your own good and safety."

Because of this horrid and indelible experience, and of my interest in
undying loyalty to the American Bill of Rights, I have made it my
business to study the history of the Second Amendment. I have studied
related topics, too, such as police responsibility to citizens. It is my

belief that many people believe that disarmament is no big deal, because
is the job of the police to protect us. Particularly many women seem to
believe this. The media and of government authorities continue to
pervasive and corrosive propaganda aimed at creating a helpless and
disarmed populace. I used to completely believe this propaganda, but I
learned the following realities:

1. The police have no legal duty to protect individual citizens, and
be held responsible if they fail to do so. Even if a citizen's 911 call
gets through to the emergency center, the police can simply choose not
to show
up, and the citizen has no legal recourse against the police. The courts

have repeatedly ruled on this. As the court wrote in Bowers v. DeVito,
F.2d 616 (7th Cir. 1982): "There is no constitutional right to be
by the state against being murdered by criminals or madmen. It is
if the state fails to protect its residents against such predators but
not violate the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, or, we
suppose, any other provision of the Constitution. The Constitution is a
charter of negative liberties: it tells the state to let the people
it does not require the federal government or the state to provide
services, even so elementary a service as maintaining law and order."
U.S. Supreme Court, in South v. Maryland, __ U.S. ___, ruled in a
vein as far back as 1856.

2. The police carry guns primarily to defend THEMSELVES, not to protect

3. Because of items 1 and 2 above, we should all consider the police to
essentially, HISTORIANS. They show up AFTER the crime has been committed

and attempt to reconstruct and document the history of the crime. If the

history is satisfactorily re-constructed, then the perpetrator is
apprehended (if he can be found) and then (perhaps) prosecuted. This
after-the-fact law enforcement does little good for the dead or wounded
crime victims.

4. Women have a particular stake in preserving the right to bear arms.
There is no way to describe the helplessness a woman feels when she is
disarmed and made helpless by anyone. Add to that the rage she feels
the agency who is disarming her and leaving her at the mercy of rapists,

murderers, goons and thugs, is a sanctimonious government telling her
it's "for her own good."

Although there are many serious issues in today's roiling political and
social stew, I believe that preserving and restoring the Bill of Rights
general, and the Second Amendment in particular, is the most pivotal and

basic issue to all Americans, and particularly female Americans, even if

they don't yet know it. The consummate idiocy propounded by some folks
(including some women) that the Second Amendment exists only to protect
sportsmen's rights is particularly ridiculous relevant to women, most of

whom don't hunt, and who care more about being able to get a decent
hand-gun for self-protection than a hunting rifle to pursue deer or elk.

Anyone who thinks the Bill of Rights is either "out of date," "hokey" or

"needs revising" - all of which I've heard from well-meaning but
ignorant and complacent Americans - should try living in a country which

doesn't have one. I have been there and done that, and I don't want to
through it ever again - especially not in my own native nation. So I am
dedicated to preventing today's government nanny from turning, as so
has occurred in history, into tomorrow's government despot.

Finally, I implore anyone reading this, particularly women, to likewise
dedicate themselves to studying this issue carefully, and to likewise
taking an active stance to preserve the Bill of Rights in general and
Second Amendment in particular.

As of the latter part of August of this year (1998), it doesn't
appear that the situation in Jamaica has changed much for the better.
Jamaicans of all colors have immigrated to America to start businesses
to escape the hopelessness of the situation in their homeland. I
spoke with a black Jamaican named Marcus, who has opened a wonderful
Jamaican restaurant in Phoenix named "Likkle Montego," where I can go
eat Jamaican food, and catch the latest news from my long-lost home.
asked how things are today in Kingston, Marcus simply shook his head:
"Nottin' change attahl, y'know. Everyt'ing still de same. Crime is still

bad, mon. Gov'ment still de same. T'ings dere is bad and terrible, mon.
Bad and terrible."

And guns are still outlawed in Jamaica. Armed criminals still terrorize
disarmed citizens, since still in Jamaica only outlaws (and the
have guns. Like the man said: Bad and terrible, mon. Bad and terrible.

Please include the following republication information with any
Permission is given to republish this article, as long as none of it is
changed, shortened or altered, the author and JPFO are given full credit
any such republishing, and this entire republishing message is included.

Author may be reached by writing to: Tina Terry c/o JPFO, POB 270143,
Hartford, WI, 53027.

Police Have No Duty to Protect Individuals

Date: Thu, 6 May 1999 13:12:46 -0500
John V. Chilton in Vernon, Texas
Australia:   After Gun Confiscation

Read the following synopsis of an interview conducted by Ginny Simone
with Keith Tidswell of Australia's Sporting Shooters Association then
post your
views in the firearms politics newsgroup.

One year after gun-owners were forced to surrender 640,381 personal
firearms to be
destroyed, including semi-automatic .22 rifles and shotguns, a program
costing the government over 500 million dollars, the results are in...

A dramatic increase in criminal activity has been experienced. Gun
control advocates respond "Just wait... we'll be'll see...".

 * Australia-wide, homicides are up 3.2%
 * Australia-wide, assaults are up 8.6%
   * Australia-wide, armed-robberies are up 44% (yes,

* In the state of Victoria, homicides-with-firearms are up 300%
* Figures over the previous 25 years show a steady decrease in
homicides-with-firearms (changed dramatically in the past 12 months)

* Figures over the previous 25 years show a steady decrease in
armed-robbery-with-firearms (changed dramatically in the past 12
* There has been a dramatic increase in breakins-and-assaults-of-

* At the time of the ban, the Prime Minister said
"self-defense is not a reason for owning a firearm"

* From 1910 to present, homicides in Australia had averaged about
1.8-per-100,000 or lower, a safe society by any standard.

* The ban has destroyed Australia's standings in some
international sport shooting competitions

* The membership of the Australian Sports Shooting
Association has risen to 112,000, a 200% increase, in response to the
and as an attempt to organize against further controls, which are

* Australian politicians are on the spot and at a loss
to explain how no improvement in "safety" has been observed after such
monumental effort and expense was successfully expended in "ridding
society of guns". Their response has been to "wait longer".

"...The best organization you've got there, the biggest
organization you've got there is the NRA. We don't have an organization
that size. We didn't have an organization that size, and as a
consequence, we suffered. And we hope that you don't suffer..."

Keith Tidswell Sporting Shooter's Association Australia
Have an opinion on this? Post your views in the firearms politics

If the disarmament of the Australians was not for “safety,” and it
obviously was not,  then what was the purpose?  You need to study this
subject thoroughly, and then you will begin to understand the world,
just a little better.  David

As more and more people begin to starve to death around the world,
because of actions directly related to Washington, DC, perhaps more
will begin to understand why judgement will come against them.

I urge you to pass this post on to others, as they may need to
understand what is going on.  We all have a moral obligation
to help understanding and knowledge spread across America.
"But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet

to warn the people and the sword comes and takes the life of one of
that man will be taken away because of his sin, but I will hold the
watchman accountable for his blood."  Ezekiel 33:6 (NIV)

The cost of liberty is eternal vigilance

I am now selling copies of the book “Strategic Withdrawal; the Peaceful
Solutions Manual.”  If you would like a copy of the paper “Strategic
Withdrawal in a Nutshell,” please E-mail me and request it at
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  In addition, various people around the
country are arranging Seminars for the author of this book.  If you
are interested in seeing a schedule of upcoming events, please let me
know and I will supply the information.

Is information in this post for real?  I assure you it is.  If you do
understand, I suggest you begin reading the papers that I have prepared
people just like you (no cost; no obligation).  There are currently 18
papers in
all and they cover health, cancer, nutrition, the Constitution,
law, case law, nature, and many other subjects.  Currently, there are at

least 5 doctors, 2 lawyers, 1 judge (that I know of), 3
professors and many others reading the information.  They read because
they are learning; maybe you should as well.  Your first paper will be
about United States citizenship, and what case law says about it.
Case law from the Supreme Court, for instance.  The second
paper is on the Constitution.

To understand the world around you it is necessary to understand
Scripture, and one piece of information from Scripture is particularly
telling; “the
LOVE of money is the root of ALL evil.”  Not some evil; not most evil;
evil.  Private courts the IRS uses are simply another way to prey on the

uninformed; please, do not stay uninformed.  Learn what is really going
on in
America.  Learn why the United States government (a corporation [in
allows abuse of people like the fraudulent IRS.  I will be sending other

Posts I consider important; please pass them on to those you consider in
of information.  Please watch for them.  David

If you are interested, please E-mail <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> and let’s
get started!  And for those of you who have been reading and stopped for
reason, any reason, please continue.  Believe me, the real information
begins after Part X!  There will be a total of 20 parts, and those who
finishing are learning much more, and this learning is changing how they
look at
the world around them, in some ways, drastically.  God Bless, David

"Most people, sometime in their lives, stumble across truth. Most jump
up, brush themselves off, and hurry on about their business as if
had happened." - Sir Winston Churchill

When a man who is honestly mistaken hears the truth, he will either
quit being mistaken or cease to be honest.

Lawyers: 99.9 percent of them give the rest of the profession a bad

I don't think you can make a lawyer honest by an act of legislation.
You've got to work on his conscience.  And his lack of conscience is
what makes
him a lawyer -- Will Rogers (1879-1935)

It can be said better: When do you know a lawyer is lying?
When his mouth is open.

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