Thought you may be interested in the enclosed letter to the Wall Street 
Journal, "Halfbright Stands Up for Soros State" (Dec. 22, 1999). The letter 
is also available at the Truth in Media Web site - in 
the "TiM Activism" section.

You can also check out Djurdjevic's weekly columns on New World Order at 
"" in English - 
, or in Serbian - .

December 22, 1999; 05:05 PM

Ned Crabb
Letters Editor
New York, NY

Subject: A letter to the editor re. "U.S. Blocks $500M Aid Deal for 
Russians,” a WSJ news story (Dec. 22, 1999)

Dear Ned,

Here's a $500 million-question for you: Since when do the U.S. national 
interests coincide with private affairs of business tycoons?

Answer: Since yesterday, Tuesday, Dec. 21, 1999.

For, that's when our Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright, blocked a $500 
million loan guarantee by the U.S. Export-Import Bank to the Russian 
company, Tyumen Oil, invoking the 1978 Chafee Amendment, i.e., claiming 
that the deal was supposedly contrary to the U.S. national interests.

Albright's move is the latest example of abuse of power and public office 
by the Clinton administration officials.  For, the only entities which 
benefit from it are one George Soros, a business tycoon, and BP Amoco, a 
foreign-owned multinational.  Certainly not the United States of America, 
whose interests these officials have sworn to uphold.

If in doubt, consider what the Ex-Im loan guarantee was to be used for. 
Tyumen wants to buy American-made oil equipment and services!  About $295 
million from the Dallas-based Halliburton; and some $203 million from ABB 
Lummus Global of Bloomfield, NJ.  And that's protecting the U.S. national 
interests?  No wonder Mrs. Albright's detractors call her Madam Halfbright.

But the Secretary is "Madam Fullbright" when it comes to knowing which side 
the Clinton administration's bread is buttered on.

And which side is that?  Amazingly, the same as that of the self-proclaimed 
"conservative" voice in the media, one Wall Street Journal, judging by some 
omissions from your news story "U.S. Blocks $500M Aid Deal for Russians” 
(International Page, Dec. 22, 1999).

The Journal never mentions, for example, that George Soros is an investor 
in a company which Tyumen has been trying to acquire.  Why not?

Nor that Soros, as well as BP Amoco, have been using high-powered lobbyists 
to bring about this Halbright decision.  Why not?

Nor that the "troika" (BP, Soros, Tyumen) have been embroiled in a classic 
commercial dispute for over a year.  Why not?

Because none of the above has anything even remotely to do with the U.S. 
national interests?  True.  But silence is acquiescence.

The Journal's cover-up-by-omission suggests that your paper seems to be 
representing the same interests as our sorry Foggy Bottom secretary of the 
Soros Estate seems to be doing - those of George-the-Shark's and BP's, 
rather than those of the American people - your readers.

For, as a result of this State Dept. decision, the deficit-ridden U.S. 
economy will be deprived of another $500 million of exports which it badly 
needs, so as to offset some of the soaring imports from the Clinton 
administration's "most favorite nations," such as China, for example.  And 
stave off Clinton's most favorite export - American jobs.

If the Journal were really a voice of "conservative" business interests in 
America, it would have screamed bloody murder on account of the former 
travesty (export of goods restriction), if not the latter (export of jobs).

Thankfully, the Journal's silence and acquiescence has at least one 
redeeming virtue.  Now we know for sure whose interests both the State 
Dept. and the Journal serve: Those of George.  Not the magazine's.  And not 
George-the-Washington's.  Those of George-the-Shark's.  Who hails from a 
state called Soros.  Not a part of the United States.  It's an alien state 
(of mind).  To most Americans…

Merry Christmas, Ned!  For I suspect you keep looking out your window at 
the fading Miss Liberty - wistfully and misty-eyed?  For, her image is 
getting more blurred with each passing year of the New World Order 
era.  Blurred by its moral, not only physical, pollution.

Time to wipe off the mist from our eyes?  And feed the wist in our 
hearts?  By slaying the beast of the NWO?  What a Christmas gift that would 

Best regards,

Bob Djurdjevic,
Founder, Truth in Media
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