Anyone else out there interested in this matter?  Prudy

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posted December 17, 1998

Tijuana, Mexico: Enrique Hernandez Felix, General Secretary of the  6th of
October Union of Workers in Industry & Commerce (the union representing the
Han Young workers) and Jose Angel Penaflor, the lawyer for the union, were
arrested this morning. This is part of an ongoing pattern of repression and
violations of human rights and Mexican labor law by officials of the Mexican
government. We hope to be able to post more information - as well as an
action request - soon, when we can consult further with the Support
Committee for Maquiladora Workers.

Meanwhile, local activists are urged to continue their leafleting activities
at Hyundai Motors dealerships. (Han Young produces chassis for another
division of Hyundai, which assembles tractor trailers.)

Background Information

Located in Tijuana, Mexico, the Han Young factory welds chassis for nearby
Hyundai operations, where the chassis are assembled into tractor trailers
("semi's"). Since June of 1997, workers at Han Young have been struggling to
win representation for an independent union and to get management to bargain
a new contract. Core issues are substandard wages (many skilled welders
receive the equivalent of only $4 US / $5.70 a day Canadian for a 10- to
11-hour shift) and life-threatening health and safety issues (totally
inadequate safety equipment, lack of ventilation for toxic gases, having to
stand in puddles of water while using high voltage equipment with frayed
cables, decrepit cranes which drop their loads without warning or swing
wildly out of control).

A clear majority of the workers has voted three times to be represented by
an independent union. The workers have stood firm in the face of armed
thugs, bribes, firings, disinformation campaigns and a host of illegal
actions by management and government officials in Mexico. The workers won
certification of their union in January after a 26-day hunger strike, but
management has refused to negotiate a contract with the independent October
6 union. Since May 22 of this year, when the previous contract expired,
virtually the entire regular workforce at Han Young has been on strike.

Throughout this struggle, international pressure has remained strong. The
two essential elements of international solidarity are: political pressure
on the Mexican federal government to enforce its own labor law and economic
pressure on Hyundai to use its considerable leverage with Han Young, which
produces only for Hyundai.

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