In a message dated 9/6/99 1:04:17 PM Central Daylight Time, AOL News writes:

<< Subj:    IMF Probes Russia's Use of Loans
 Date:  9/6/99 1:04:17 PM Central Daylight Time
 From:  AOL News
 BCC:   Ahab42

 IMF Probes Russia's Use of Loans

 .c The Associated Press


 MOSCOW (AP) - The International Monetary Fund began a new probe Monday into
whether the Russian central bank misused IMF loans, officials said.

 The probe comes amid allegations that IMF loan money may have been illegally
diverted through the Bank of New York. American investigators reportedly
believe that up to $10 billion may have been funneled by Russians through the
bank, and some suggested that IMF aid may have been among those funds.

 However, IMF officials have insisted that the new investigation is unrelated
to the allegations involving the Bank of New York.

 The central bank probe is being conducted by the IMF and accounting firm
PriceWaterhouseCoopers, and looks into whether the bank misused IMF loans by
means of foreign affiliates, a source close to the investigation told Dow
Jones Newswires.

 The Russian central bank has misled the IMF about the state of its finances
before, and the Russian government had to agree to independent reviews of its
books as a condition for a $4.5 billion loan from the IMF approved in July.

 Russia has received the first $640 million installment of the loan. The
second installment, expected next month, depends on the IMF's assessment of
Russia's compliance with the loan terms.

 ``We are not going to make excuses for ourselves, we are ready to provide
the necessary information,'' Russian Deputy Finance Minister Oleg Vyugin was
quoted as saying Monday by ORT television.

 After the allegations of money laundering through the Bank of New York were
made public, the United States - the IMF's biggest member - delayed deciding
whether it should support new IMF loans to Russia until a full accounting is
made of IMF money already lent.

 An earlier investigation by PriceWaterhouseCoopers found that the central
bank in 1996 secretly moved $1.2 billion of its reserves to an offshore
company, FIMACO, based on the Channel Island of Jersey.

 IMF Deputy Managing Director Stanley Fischer said the fund would have
suspended Russia's loan program in place at the time if the truth were known.

 Money laundering and capital flight have been major problems for Russia
throughout this decade, with tens of billions of dollars pouring out of the

 The IMF investigation and the Bank of New York case are among several
financial scandals that allegedly link prominent Russian political or
business figures to corruption and money laundering.

 Switzerland is helping Russia investigate allegations that Swiss
construction company Mabetex bribed top Kremlin officials, including
President Boris Yeltsin, to win lucrative renovation contracts.

 Last month, the Italian newspaper Corriere della Serra said Mabetex
deposited more than $1 million in a Swiss bank account and a top Kremlin aide
made the money available to Yeltsin and his daughters.

 Yeltsin has not commented publicly on the scandal. And he doesn't intend to,
presidential spokesman Dmitry Yakushkin said Monday.

 ``One doesn't need to go out into the town square and state publicly that he
is not guilty,'' Yakushkin was quoted as saying by the Interfax news agency.
``The methods of the Inquisition should not be restored at the end of the
20th century.

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IMF Probes Russia's Use of Loans

.c The Associated Press


MOSCOW (AP) - The International Monetary Fund began a new probe Monday into whether 
the Russian central bank misused IMF loans, officials said.

The probe comes amid allegations that IMF loan money may have been illegally diverted 
through the Bank of New York. American investigators reportedly believe that up to $10 
billion may have been funneled by Russians through the bank, and some suggested that 
IMF aid may have been among those funds.

However, IMF officials have insisted that the new investigation is unrelated to the 
allegations involving the Bank of New York.

The central bank probe is being conducted by the IMF and accounting firm 
PriceWaterhouseCoopers, and looks into whether the bank misused IMF loans by means of 
foreign affiliates, a source close to the investigation told Dow Jones Newswires.

The Russian central bank has misled the IMF about the state of its finances before, 
and the Russian government had to agree to independent reviews of its books as a 
condition for a $4.5 billion loan from the IMF approved in July.

Russia has received the first $640 million installment of the loan. The second 
installment, expected next month, depends on the IMF's assessment of Russia's 
compliance with the loan terms.

``We are not going to make excuses for ourselves, we are ready to provide the 
necessary information,'' Russian Deputy Finance Minister Oleg Vyugin was quoted as 
saying Monday by ORT television.

After the allegations of money laundering through the Bank of New York were made 
public, the United States - the IMF's biggest member - delayed deciding whether it 
should support new IMF loans to Russia until a full accounting is made of IMF money 
already lent.

An earlier investigation by PriceWaterhouseCoopers found that the central bank in 1996 
secretly moved $1.2 billion of its reserves to an offshore company, FIMACO, based on 
the Channel Island of Jersey.

IMF Deputy Managing Director Stanley Fischer said the fund would have suspended 
Russia's loan program in place at the time if the truth were known.

Money laundering and capital flight have been major problems for Russia throughout 
this decade, with tens of billions of dollars pouring out of the country.

The IMF investigation and the Bank of New York case are among several financial 
scandals that allegedly link prominent Russian political or business figures to 
corruption and money laundering.

Switzerland is helping Russia investigate allegations that Swiss construction company 
Mabetex bribed top Kremlin officials, including President Boris Yeltsin, to win 
lucrative renovation contracts.

Last month, the Italian newspaper Corriere della Serra said Mabetex deposited more 
than $1 million in a Swiss bank account and a top Kremlin aide made the money 
available to Yeltsin and his daughters.

Yeltsin has not commented publicly on the scandal. And he doesn't intend to, 
presidential spokesman Dmitry Yakushkin said Monday.

``One doesn't need to go out into the town square and state publicly that he is not 
guilty,'' Yakushkin was quoted as saying by the Interfax news agency. ``The methods of 
the Inquisition should not be restored at the end of the 20th century.

(PROFILE (CO:Bank of New York; TS:BK; IG:BNK;)

AP-NY-09-06-99 1404EDT

 Copyright 1999 The Associated Press.  The information  contained in the AP news 
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