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It would seem it was made to appear the Afghanistanis were celebrating
the death - the ritual death - of Danny Pearl?

These are crazed programmed killers and it takes real pros to turn out
murderers such as this.

But then I remember Johnny Rosselli - cut down to size to fit in an oil
drum for he was about to testify at a hearing with regard to
assassinations....systematially all witnesses are killed if they have
testimony that could be used in court.

So Danny Pearl knew who led him into the trap but all has been timed,
hasn't it to this "joyous" celebration......like an allegory, abstract -
but this is so obvious that the death of Danny Pearl and the video tapes
- this has all been timed for a date certain.

Hope they keep a good watch on the Liberty Bell - Kuwait War - Proclaim
Liberty Throughout the Land.   (Feb. 26 - 28)

Also This Is the Queen's Jubilee - and in 1888 When Jack the Ripper, the
Slaughterman roamed the streets, it was also a Jubilee Year - the ripper
too used this very strange bible calendar.

Leviticus, chapter 25

"10": And ye shall hallow the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty
throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof: it shall be a
jubile unto you; and ye shall return every man unto his possession, and
ye shall return every man unto his family.

The "Proclaim Liberty Throughout All the Land" is Liberty Bell

And ye shall return everyman unto his family........and ye shall return
every man unto his possession.....


Joyous celebrations in Afghanistan  Fireworks, nail polish, even egg
fighting return for big holiday   Afghan Muslims are commemorating
Abraham's attempted sacrifice of his son, Ismail. Here children swing in
a makeshift ferris wheel Friday during Eid al-Adha celebrations in
KANDAHAR, Afghanistan, Feb. 22 —  In the rubble and mud of Kandahar,
in the weary heart of a battered land, a laughing 10-year-old held up
her hands Friday to show what the Eid al-Adha holiday means in the new
Afghanistan: "Nail polish!"
(And Today the Video Tape Was sent of Danny Pearl being murdered in
ritual slaughter - slaughter of the Lamb - saba note) 

 • Afghanistan's tumultuous history

       TO THE WHISTLE and pop of fireworks, to the beat of a
once-outlawed band, the people of this most traditional of Afghan
cities, old bastion of the stern Taliban, could again celebrate a joyous
Muslim holiday in the most joyous ways they could. Even "egg fighting"
was back in the streets.
       In a way, the children were first to see the change from
the Taliban days. "This Eid is better than last year," said a boy named
Essa Jan. "Today we're celebrating freedom. We can watch TV and VCR. We
can listen to CDs."
       The 12-year-old, shod in shiny new metal-studded sandals
for the holiday, talked to an American visitor on the fringe of a
congregation gathered for morning prayers beneath the soaring sky-blue
dome of the city's Eid Mosque.
       Kandahar Gov. Gul Agha told the mosque crowd of several
thousand that on this Eid he was praying for "a stable, independent,
free country, a strong Afghanistan."  An Afghan land mine victim prays
in a mosque in Kabul Friday.
       Agha is the representative of the two-month-old Afghan
government that emerged from the lightning U.S.-led war against the
Taliban, protectors of the al-Qaida network blamed for the Sept. 11
terror attacks on the United States. The Taliban's defeat ended a
five-year rule in which the Islamic fundamentalists outlawed music,
movies, girls' education and women's few opportunities outside the home,
among other activities deemed un-Islamic.
       The war, particularly the American bombing campaign, also
contributed to the accumulation of pulverized mud brick and stone rubble
in this ancient crossroads city of several hundred thousand people that
was the base of the Taliban and the home of their leader, Mullah
Mohammed Omar.

       "Under the Taliban, our major entertainment was playing
cards quietly, secretly in the house," said Mirwais Fazly, 26, a
shopkeeper who with his brothers' families and parents invited three
American visitors to their home for a midday holiday meal of mutton.
       The lunch began with the ritual slaughter of a sheep in
the family courtyard, and the burning away of its coat with a propane
blowtorch. "It's easier that way," it was explained.
       Steaming chunks of mutton eventually took center stage on
a tablecloth laden with rice, fruit, yogurt and pickled vegetables. The
scene would be repeated in hundreds of thousands of Afghan homes over
the three-day holiday, which commemorates Abraham's willingness to
sacrifice his son at God's command.
       In Kandahar's streets, meanwhile, holiday scenes unfolded
that would have brought the Taliban's religious police swooping down in
years past.

Extras to help you understand this complex story:• In-depth
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       Up a muddy lane from the ruins of the police's old
headquarters, demolished by American bombs, children lofted makeshift
kites into the air, a frivolous pastime deemed offensive by the old
regime. Firecrackers popped in the evening air, another taboo a year
ago. And clumps of men and boys on sidewalks across town sparred in the
gentle sport of "egg fighting," in which they tapped their hard-boiled
eggs, some gaily painted, against each other. The one that cracked first
was handed over to the victor. Illicit gambling, the Taliban had
       Music, perhaps, was missed most of all under the Taliban.
On Friday around Kandahar, crowds of eager young men pushed against the
entrances to concert sites as Eid al-Adha was put to music for the first
time in years. At one open-air concert, the six-piece band "Anil Bux and
Party," which spent the Taliban years in Pakistani exile, pounded out
throbbing Afghan love songs to a mesmerized male audience.
       "Music is not allowed in Islam," 19-year-old Ahmed Zia
conceded. "But it's a necessity. It's good for the heart."
       Half the adult population still couldn't partake in these
public pleasures.

THE WAR  • Missing reporter dead, U.S. officials confirm  • 10
U.S. soldiers feared dead in Philippines  • U.S. tries to avert new
Afghan fighting  • Complete coverage  THE HOME FRONT  • Last WTC
burn victim goes home  • Florida anthrax survivor back at work
• Complete coverage
       Afghanistan — and Kandahar in particular — remains
deeply conservative, and women remain traditionally sheltered in the
home, or hidden beneath the blue head-to-foot burqa when they must
venture outside. But Kandahar's younger girls — like 10-year-olds
Majeeba and Naieda — made the most of their newfound holiday freedom
Friday, with sequined long dresses, flashy jewelry, painted nails. Toes,
       "During the Taliban time, we couldn't come out to play on
Eid," Naieda said. But now, said her friend, "it's the happiest day."
 MSNBC TV today
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       © 2002 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This
material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
 Pakistan vows to catch Pearl's killers 10 U.S. soldiers feared dead
in chopper crash Perils of special forces tactics Italy convicts 4
al-Qaida members U.S. trying to avert Afghan fighting War detainee
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 Pakistan vows to catch Pearl's killers Cease-fire pact signed in
Sri Lanka Nepal rebels kill dozens of police America Strikes Back:
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