As the carnage in Afghanistan continues, with millions facing starvation
and even UN workers not safe from being killed by "precision" bombing,
we've started to hear quite a bit about the "Northern Alliance" opposition
forces and their war against the Taliban government.

They are an alliance of various groups with various backers, and we
probably haven't heard that much about them until now because the main
players behind them have hitherto been Iran and Russia. They both have had
obvious cause to advance their interests in an area strategically
important for oil (like the US and others) and have thus been attempting
to wrest control of Afghanistan from Pakistan (and, indirectly, US)
control through support for the Alliance. It might, therefore, not be
surprising if the US, Britain etc. stay a bit luke-warm about such
"freedom fighters"...

But what are they like? Well, not a shit load better than the Taliban from
the point of view of the ordinary people of Aghanistan... Their atrocities
are quite well documented, and include mass executions, "ethnic
cleansing", shelling of civilians, rape, use of child soldiers,
large-scale opium production etc. etc. 

Yeah, much the same as the new Public Enemy No. 1, the Taliban (who
apparently weren't that evil that they didn't deserve massive injections
of CIA dollars until very recently!). As for US/British spiel about
"supporting the Afghan people" - yes - like a rope supports a hanged

So, whoever "wins" here (and Afghanistan will certainly not be allowed to
be governed "independently" of US and other Great Power direction) things
will continue in the same awful way for our Afghan sisters and brothers.
One bunch of bastards or another, to suit the interests of capital.

The ONLY solution to this cycle, here and elsewhere, is for working class
people to take direct control of their own lives - in opposition to
capitalism and all of its gangs of butchers.

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