by Brett Daniel Wills

******************************************************* is a free online magazine covering trends and obstacles 
the establishment of a global government; international political analysis
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Sinking the Titanic U.N. Flagship
Unless the U.N. can utilize the winds of competition to navigate its course, 
it may end up unable to accurately calculate the costs necessary to reach its 
destination. As such, while the organization fondly pours over its aged maps 
of wishful thinking, impervious to the cruel pragmatism of current trends, it 
may be defenseless against the subtlety of bloodless coup attempts. Spoiled 
by a half-century of unchallenged longevity as the sole torchbearer of the 
cause for global integration, the UN is presently ill-equipped to counter 
these agile contenders.

As the UN old guard dreamily scans the horizon for that fabled utopian 
coastline awaiting its palm-shaded mooring, it may wake too late to realize 
it has been without a working compass for some time. Long convinced that its 
stale vision of governing a seamless, tropical world of boundless prosperity 
and peace was a pending reality, it may come to find that such a goal is 
merely a mirage. By then, it will have strayed too far from practicality to 
restore credibility to its mission. Abandoned by the tide of public opinion, 
it would then drift like flotsam until the media undercurrent relegated it to 
an island surrounded by a tribe of tabloid savages. And, with the UN 
disqualified and disgraced, the race would be on to fill the leadership 

To a lesser extent, a patchwork of forums, think tanks, NGO's and others 
provides a compelling undertow when the UN passes through political still 
waters where crises abate and the media's glare affords brief respite from 
scrutiny. And while these lesser persuasions are unlikely candidates for 
global governance, they are, nonetheless, gaining greater ability to steer 
the ship to their cumulative advantage; as such, they may eventually act as 
the enforcers of regulatory no-wake zones — an increasing necessity for 
circumvention from evermore turbulent waters. With seasonal storms of protest 
strengthening in breadth of participation and speed of assembly afforded by 
the Internet, the waves of dissent which threaten to overturn summits and 
meetings may soon reach heights capable of overturning even the titanic UN 
flagship itself.

Superstorms of Protest
Therefore, in consideration of these reactionary forces, the sudden burst of 
trial-phase competition among Establishment entities can best be understood 
as a countermeasure. As new entities prepare to enter the race, it is 
critical to take note of the skills and tactics of these current challengers 
as they ply the waters, to determine which is most capable of capturing the 
governing crown. Furthermore, to gauge which of these pretenders to the 
throne embodies the greatest resolve not only to win the crown, but retain 
it, it is essential to determine for which does the crown hold the most vital 
interest, greatest value and most extensive use. Thus "resolve" is the most 
pivotal characteristic, because to achieve an unshakable world order, its 
providers must ensure not merely survival of the pending hurricanes of revolt 
against the Order, but a miraculous ability to silence those very waters.

For what is steadily building not too far out at sea is the advance of a 
worldwide swell of defiance which has all the makings of a superstorm. Forged 
by the cold fronts of civilian protest colliding with the heat of religious 
zealotry, terrorist attacks and militia uprisings, a governmental dam will 
have to be raised to withstand and contain the inundation. Yet only the 
severity of a de facto police state will be able to provide such a buffer; 
only a constitutional dictatorship will be able to channel the floodtide away 
from cities prone to intransigence.

It is probable that by this stage of development, the political tier of 
integration will render rogue nations extinct. As dictators are tamed or 
overthrown by armed forces and/or economic sanctions, the vassal states will 
then be brought into conformity with international law and alignment along 
routes of interdependence.

It is, of course, possible that a synthesis of competing systems of universal 
government will determine the final phase, upon which it is theoretically 
assumed that this completion will, in ending the refinement processes which 
spur the transitions to new governing entities, endure indefinitely.

UN Theatrics Take Center Stage
However, the potential for continued changes in the shape of a global 
government — occurring either as countless displays of new shapes afforded by 
evolutionary processes in technology, nature, and the human form itself (see 
>From Global Democracy To Constitutional Dictatorship), or bound to a circular 
repetition of a limited few, but which would be continuously built upon until 
a unified world system was realized and cemented, the UN, awaiting a long-due 
overhaul — was watched with intense scrutiny as it glided out once again onto 
center stage after a half-century hiatus to perform. 

As the international community, itching for unification theatrics, gave the 
stagnant organization another chance to impress them with a sizable growth 
spurt, the organization stumbled before hecklers that would make the Apollo 
Theatre's audience of skeptics seem tame by comparison. As academic sharks 
exposed the organization's ineffectiveness, media dolphins leaped to its 
defense with splashes of praise for the UN's record of increasing, and mostly 
successful, peace operations, touting its potential while railing against the 
abstinence and paranoia of most nations to yield even a scrap of sovereignty 
to the anxious, loyal mastiff. With the Cold War flu apparently inoculated, 
many liberal papers gushed. The UN had well-crafted stage props and a 
stunning backdrop of opportunity before which it could flaunt its capacity to 
act; and, if given an unbiased audience with patience enough to perform 
another decade, it might well live up to expectations and elicit a standing 

Yet when the curtain was drawn, it gradually became evident that the U.N. had 
performed cunningly under pressure, evincing a cool restraint and almost 
elegant patience. As such, it muffled the embarrassment of pitiless critiques 
and untactful expectations. Remarkably, like a snake shedding its 
over-stretched and faded skin, the unappealing pattern of incompetence and 
credulity gave way to a glossy, flexible skin with a soft-toned image that 
blended well with it's present scenery.

Soon it would be apparent why the U.N. had envisaged such meekness in the 
face of overwhelming skepticism mingled with fanciful expectations. During 
the intermission of its half dozen peacekeeping acts, the supranational body 
had gambled a bold move to initiate the long-awaited transition from decades 
of preparation for empowerment, to actual practice. As Daniel New documents 
in his remarkable expose, Michael New: Mercenary… Or American Soldier?, for 
the first time in its history, the U.N took control of a segment of the U.S. 
armed forces, effectively rescinding American command of a portion of its own 
military during the deployment to Macedonia.

Crafting a Persuasive Performance
Thus in its first scenes, the UN retained attention in its Gulf War and 
former Yugoslavia missions, while curbing damnation for stumbling in missions 
such as Somalia. As the intermission of the mid 90s afforded time for 
liberals to reflect, sober up and reevaluate, the conservative isles mostly 
yawned and grumbled, while the front rows of the extreme right, rummaging 
through their bags of evidence to pitch spoiled fruits of accusation at the 
actors, a few international political distractions temporarily silenced their 
venting, leaving them the unsatisfying option of pelting a darkened, quiet 
stage, the timely curtain of world attention closing too quickly to stain 
more than a prop or two.

Th UN's much-practiced advances were thus well-calculated, and seen as 
evidence enough that it should not suffer permanent obscurity, or the dread 
of outright dismantling. Its emminent demise was now seen, not as a danger 
to, but rather the duty of, the national community to avert, if they could 
not rally behind its revamped goals and carry its banner of authority. No 
longer content with hollow endorsements of piecemeal support, the UN gambled 
boldly by demanding legislative actions commiserate with the compliments.

Convinced of a solid campaign strategy, the UN pressed adamantly for the 
upper and middle classes of the global community to not only purchase the 
Secretary General's resolutions — given free-of-charge to the lower class 
nations on the promise of full installation and continual usage by their 
governing authorities — but actively install them in their national 
congresses and parliaments, to legitimize the Charter's costly latest-edition 

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