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Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

a dark conspiracy
by Robert Sterling ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - December 04, 2000

Were African-American Precincts Victims of Widespread Fraud?
A special report by Konformist editor Robert Sterling.

In Palm Beach County, as reported, 28,036 votes in the Presidential
race have been tossed, a number nearly twice as much as the previous
election. The focus has been on the effects due to the butterfly
ballot, which appears to have caused confusion and led to votes for
Pat Buchanan. What has only been rarely mentioned is that nearly half
of those votes tossed out are in African-American precincts.

The percentage of disqualified votes county-wide was seven percent,
an admittedly high number. However, in two precincts of Riviera Beach
with African-American populates at 94 and 96 percent, the figure of
disqualifications was 20%.

There are reports of African-Americans who have complained they were
given ballots that were already marked for rival candidates. While
some may have caught the alleged problem, it is likely that many
people would not notice the problem while voting.

Further, according to a Salon.com article (November 13th, 2000), half
of all disqualified votes in Republican-dominated Duval County also
are from the four African-American city districts of the county out
of the 14 total, or 12,000 out of 27,000 total. Unlike Palm Beach,
Duval County has no butterfly ballot. This is evidence that the
disqualification of African-American voters is widespread. The Miami
Herald reported (November 15th, 2000) that the same phenomenon
happened in Miami-Dade County. Three different counties, the same
results, and two with no "butterfly" ballot.

The implications are tremendous: a major attempt to swindle votes
from African-Americans was a deciding factor in the 2000 election. We
are no longer talking about "honest" fuck-ups, but a sinister

What we have before us is an election scandal that makes Watergate
and The October Surprise look like patty cake.

The Konformist will not state for sure who the culprit is, but some
questions must be asked: who would benefit from suppressing African-
American votes in the Presidential race? How could these votes have
been tampered with and who could have done it? And, perhaps most
important, why was Katherine Harris, Florida's GOP Secretary of
State, so eager to end the investigation of the vote totals in Palm
Beach? (She has claimed, falsely, that Tuesday at 5PM [November 21st,
2000] is the drop-dead date for submitting voter totals.)

To be fair (something that Harris and Bush have failed to be through
the entire post-election fiasco) there should be a presumption of
innocence, followed by a thorough and honest investigation. So long
as Harris leads a rush to judgement and G.W. prematurely ejaculates
boasts of victory, they, the GOP, and the entire election mess will
have a dark cloud of sinister fraud hanging over it.

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