Please send as far and wide as possible.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

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The Konformist
27 June 1999

Keithfest at Steamshovel

FeedBack: Tim Beckley on Jim Keith

Robert Parry's Lost History
Robert Parry ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Free Trade At Work

Five Marines Need Your Help

Norman Solomon ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

A Call for Action from Luna

Keithfest at Steamshovel
Date:   Saturday, June 26, 1999 12:40:35 AM

The Steamshovel web site has some more thoughts by Mr. Keith in its "Offline
Illumination" column. The "Latest Word" column for this week also contains a
response to Jim's "Casebook on Alternative 3" by Leslie Watkins, the author
of the original Alternative Three book. Previous "Latest Word" columns,
still clickable include a
back-and-forth on "Revising Reality" by Jim Keith and Excluded Middle editor
Greg Bishop.

This is a response to my latest article from prominent UFO/conspiracy 
publisher Tim Beckley in which he suggests that I deliberately put errors in 
my email list so that people can't reply to what I say.  There is only one 
error in that thinking: if I had, then I wouldn't have been able to mail to 
the list, either.  Anyway, I offered to mail Tim's comments to my list, and 
they follow.

Jim Keith

From: Tim Beckley ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

 While Keith may have some basic truth here in the "believability factor"
 of UFOs and Conspiracies he should be the last to cast the first stone.
 I recall in his Black Helicopters One book that he printed photo after
 photo of sign posts with flourescent markings on the back indicating
 that they were roadmaps for UN troops to follow when they take away our
 civil rights. First off how could UN troops  take control of
 anything...we see how totally ineffective
  they are in dealing with situations around the world. Any farmer with a
 pitchfork in Kansas could take on an entire battalion
 of UN forces and beat their ass. Furthermore if he had done any research
 he would realize by talking to any road crew that the markings and codes
 on the back of these signs are codes as to where the signs get posted on
 highways, etc. Are UN troops supposed to stop at every crossroad and get
 out of their tanks and read the signs...we can just point them in the
 wrong direction so that they end up outside Jim Keith's front door and
 David Icke's problems will be solved.
     Yes lets put our skull caps on and do some rational thinking but
 less of calling 
 the kettle black . . . has Keith nothing better to do than write e mail
 after e mail being critical of others; why doesnt he at least do what
 Peter G. from CAUS does and send out poetry once a week?  
     Besides we should all join forces because they want to make a law
 banning all unsolicited e mails like the ones Jim has been sending
 lately (only kidding I tell people there is always the discard button).
 Also Jim how can we forward this to your list as there seems to be a few
 deliberately misspelled e mails so the entire mailing is returned?
 Hasn't your list the right to hear responses or is this a one way
Subj:   Robert Parry's Lost History
Date:   Saturday, June 26, 1999 05:59:41 PM
From:   Ifmagazine

How did the vaunted Watergate press corps of the 1970s become the Monica 
Lewinsky press corps of the 1990s?

What's true and what's not about cocaine trafficking by Ronald Reagan's 
Nicaraguan contras?

What happened to honest reporters when they tried to tell the American people 
what was really going on?

Did the CIA oversee a secret plan in the 1980s to manipulate U.S. public 
opinion, so-called 'Project Truth'?

The answers are part of Robert Parry's just-published 300-page book, Lost 
History: Contras, Cocaine, the Press & 'Project Truth.' Parry is the former 
AP-Newsweek reporter who broke many of the stories now known as the 
Iran-contra affair. He currently edits iF Magazine and the online 

Packed with formerly secret documents, the book explains how the Reagan 
administration engaged in a domestic-propaganda scheme called "perception 
management." Not only was disinformation systematically fed to the American 
people on a variety of foreign policy topics, but retaliation was exacted 
against journalists, political leaders and citizen activists who wouldn't go 

The book reveals how White House aide Oliver North sicced the FBI on his 
political enemies, including Parry who North saw as a threat to his secret 
operations. Though North is now a media personality co-hosting an MSNBC talk 
show, in the 1980s, North tried to destroy the reputations and careers of 
reporters who got in his way.

Lost History compiles, too, the first full account of what the U.S. 
government admitted during the official contra-cocaine investigations in the 
late 1990s. It pulls together the damaging admissions from the internal 
reports by the Justice Department and the CIA -- confessions that the major 
media effectively ignored.

The book's last chapter looks at the unsavory connections of President George 
Bush both to intelligence abuses and to prominent drug-connected figures, 
including some who have vowed to destroy the United States. The family 
connections are relevant now because Bush's son is the front-runner to win 
the White House in 2000.

Lost History is available for $19.95 with Visa/Mastercard by calling 
1-800-738-1812 or 703-920-1802 or by check to The Media Consortium, Suite 
102-231, 2200 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, VA 22201. If you order now, shipping 
and handling are FREE.
Free Trade At Work

U.S. court overturns Massachusetts Burma law
Tuesday June 22, 6:15 pm Eastern Time

BOSTON, June 22 (Reuters) - A U.S. appeals court on Tuesday struck down a 
Massachusetts law that penalized firms doing business with Myanmar.

In a 3-0 ruling, the 1st U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Boston upheld a 
lower court ruling that struck down the law last November, and went further 
declaring the 1996 state measure infringed on the federal government's right 
to make foreign policy and regulate foreign commerce.

The ruling puts at risk scores of trade laws passed by other states such 
those involving the MacBride principles that govern business with Northern 
Ireland, as well as "Buy American" statutes, said Massachusetts Assistant 
Attorney General Thomas Barnico, who argued for the state law.

Cities from Los Angeles to New York and states from North Dakota to Texas 
supported Massachusetts in defending the so-called ``Burma law'' that was 
challenged by the Washington, D.C.-based National Foreign Trade Council. 
Myanmar was formerly known as Burma.

The Massachusetts law has been the subject of intense talks between 
Washington, Japan and the European Union. The EU has filed a complaint with 
the World Trade Organization, which was awaiting the decision by the U.S. 
Appeals Court.

"If these judges had been on the bench in the 70s and 80s, Nelson Mandela 
would still be in prison," said Rep. Byron Rushing, who authored the 
Massachusetts law that was modeled on earlier anti-apartheid measures.
From: spiker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Five Marines Need Your Help

To all American Patriots,
Now is the time for you to come to the aid of five young Marines who are being
persecuted because thety refused to be injected with the experimental Anthrax

Read about them in thse two CNN articles.
Marine gets 30 days in jail, bad conduct discharge for refusing anthrax

Five Marines who refused anthrax vaccine plead innocent

Read these articles from Captain Joyce Riley vonKleist's web site.

Anthrax Vaccine is it Safe and Effective?

Anthrax Vaccine Facts

Read about vaccines on this web site
Chris Gerner's Amerikan Exposé

The young Marines are Jason Austin, 22, of Fritch, Texas; Michael McIntyre,
of Mount Vernon, Washington; Jared Johnston, 19, of Henryetta, Oklahoma;
Michael Metzig, 20, of San Diego; and Jared Schwartz, 20, Henderson,

Please use the two toll-free numbers for the Congressional switchboard in
Washington, D.C. to call the offices for US Representatives of the five men
tell them in no uncertain terms that you expect them to intercede on their

Regular switchboard number: 202-244-3121

Here are the five men and their Congressional Representatives.
Jared Schwartz, 20, of Henderson, Kentucky
Call Rep. Ed Whitfield

Jared Johnston, 19, of Henryetta, Oklahoma
Call Rep. Tom Coburn

Michael Metzig, 20, of San Diego, California
Call Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham

Jason Austin, 22, of Fritch, Texas
Call Rep. Mac Thornberry

Michael McIntyre, 22, of Mount Vernon Washington
Call Rep. Jack Metcalf

Write postcards (only) of support to all five men at the following address.

Camp Pendleton
Building 24100 (Base Brig)
Box 555226
Camp Pendleton, CA 92055-5226

Phone the base brig at: 760-725-8144 and ask about the welfare of the five

Phone the brig commander Chief Warrant Officer Jesse Spradley at: 760-725-8144
and ask about the welfare of the five men.

Phone the NCO-in-charge Sgt. Wright at: 760-725-8555 and ask about the welfare
of the five men.

Phone Jared Schwartz's counselor, Sgt Dare at: 760-725-8560 and ask about the
welfare of Jared Schwartz.

Phone the main switchboard for Camp Pendleton at: 760-725-4111 and lodge a
complaint about the kangaroo court treatment of the five men.

If thousands of Patriots will call these numbers, there is a good chance that
justice will be served, plus it will tie up their phone lines so they can't do
their regular business.
Subj:   Candidates Bow to Media Power
Date:   Thursday, June 24, 1999 05:34:57 PM


By Norman Solomon   /   Creators Syndicate

        Every modern presidential contest generates a lot of discussion about 
the nation's most prominent journalists cover major candidates. But there's
not much analysis of how candidates get along with the media conglomerates
that employ those journalists.

        Politicians have long feared media power. And they've usually watched
their steps to avoid tangling with it.

        Franklin Roosevelt was hardly a media favorite during the 1930s. Many
newspapers bitterly denounced him. But President Roosevelt was careful not
to be too intrusive when the profit margins of media companies were at stake.

        By the time he moved into the White House, the owners of numerous 
papers had gained large holdings in profitable radio stations. Like other
politicians of the day, FDR depended on radio networks to carry his
speeches -- which helps to explain why he went along with passage of the
fateful Communications Act of 1934, a monumental giveaway of the public
airwaves to private firms.

        Sixty-two years later, the Telecommunications "Reform" Act of 1996 
set off
a huge new wave of mergers and buy-outs in the broadcasting industry. The
measure had enjoyed strong bipartisan support in Washington and avid
endorsements across the big-media board.

        Likewise, two pivotal economic treaties in this decade -- the North
American Free Trade Agreement and the GATT global pact that established the
World Trade Organization -- received overwhelming support from the nation's
editorial pages.

        In this context, any politician with an eye on the presidency faces a
stark choice: Go along to get along with basic corporate agendas, or face
widespread disparagement in news media.

        Mainstream journalists tend to accept the idea that would-be 
should already be tight with corporate interests. Blending in with the
prevalent media scenery, such biases are apt to seem natural -- indeed,

        In the terrain of America's mass media, the campaign trail to the 
House may be long, but it is exceedingly narrow. Although journalists often
decry the dominant role of money in politics, they still portray success on
the fund-raising circuit as proof that a candidacy is serious. No wonder
Democratic and Republican party leaders don't see any severe media
downsides to cozying up to fat cats with big checks.

        Illusions of choice are integral to the media game. So, this year, 
Sen. Bill Bradley is being touted as an alternative to Al Gore.

        Evidently, in a world where every Coke must contend with a Pepsi, 
Gore must contend with a Bradley.

        The current effort to market Bradley as some kind of 
figure is truly remarkable. By late spring, Bradley had raised more money
from Wall Street than either of the major parties' frontrunners -- and
that's saying something.

        Bradley, like Vice President Gore and Texas Gov. George W. Bush, 
poses no
threat to the power of America's corporate elites. The candidates have
close ties with leading media moguls and other deep-pocket donors. The
first quarter of this year brought in quite a haul: Gore raised $8.9
million, Bush pulled in $7.6 million, and Bradley came up with "only" $4.3

        A key event for Bradley during his recent 10-day tour of California 
was a
$1,000-a-plate dinner in Beverly Hills that collected more than $800,000
for his campaign. The gracious host was media magnate Barry Diller, who has
become extremely wealthy from such TV ventures as home shopping channels
and the "Jerry Springer Show."

        The June 17 fund-raiser wasn't the first time that Diller, head of USA
Networks, has helped out. Four months ago, Diller opened his home to a
reception for Bradley. The co-host was the top executive at Disney, Michael

        Chances are that Bradley will continue to get plenty of favorable 
coverage. And why not? The former New Jersey senator certainly passes
muster in boardrooms. "Not only is he duller than a cud-chewing cow,"
populist Jim Hightower observes, "but he's more corporate than Al."

        You got a problem with that? If so, you might wonder why no 
Democrat has stepped forward to give Al and Bill a run for their corporate
money in the 2000 race.

        More than ever, high-profile Democratic politicians are behaving like
sheep. And the big corporate media seem to be doing a good job of tending
the flock.
Norman Solomon's latest book is "The Habits of Highly Deceptive Media."
A Call for Action from Luna
Date:   Wednesday, June 23, 1999
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Circle of Life Foundation)

Dear LUNA & Headwaters Supporter's,

Please take a moment to read the following call for action. 
Then, if you
feel so inclined, please send in a letter of support and pass
this notice 
on to people you know who will want to help a full time
progressive television 
network get off the ground. FSTV has aired "Luna the Stafford
Giant Tree-sit" 
(about Julia Butterfly) and "Fire in the Eyes" (the Pepperspray
issue) all over 
the US in 98 and 99, and have made a commitment to air more
Action Video Collective programs/videos in the future.

As you are aware, television is the most powerful communication
tool of our
day, and is the sole monopoly of a handful of corporations.

A recent FCC ruling to make satellite channels available to
programmers presents a rare opportunity for independent media
activists and

For five years, Free Speech TV has delivered -- on a part time
basis --
hard hitting, independent and informative programming to seven
homes every week.  Thanks to this recent FCC ruling, we may
soon be able to
do this seven days a week, 24 hours a day.

But we need your help.

We feel it is important to demonstrate public support and an
demand in order to secure our chances of winning a full-time
channel. We are gearing up for a massive lobbying campaign to
get Free Speech 
TV a full time channel,and need your assistance. 
A quick message from the Headwaters Action Video Collective:

Thank you for taking the time to read this important call to
Free Speech TV, as you now know, has a chance to get a 24 hour
show. This non-commercial TV programming has aired the issues
that we feel
strongly about and it's our chance for a voice of freedom on
the TV air

Let's get this important step to freedom communication on the
road! We need
your support to keep issues like Julia Butterfly, Headwaters,
David Gypsy
Chain, pepperspray and the struggle to save the last of the
ecosystem on the air waves and in the public eye! You can help
by writing
a letter of support or by making a supportive call. If you
don't get cable or
haven't yet seen FSTV that's OK because if you could get it on
then you too would have a chance to view programs about these
issues. FSTV has supported Headwaters and environmental and
social struggle
for years, lets get Free-Speech TV on the Air waves now!!!

Thanks again for your support,

Penelope Andrews

Headwaters Action Video Collective
a c t i o n   r e q u e s t
Please join the "I Want My FSTV" campaign, and help Free Speech
TV get a
full time channel.  It's easy, it's free, and it only takes a
minute of
your time to make a big difference.

There are two ways to make your voice heard.  Write a letter,
or, call us
toll free to send a message to the powers that be:
1-888-550-FSTV (in the

To send a letter, see details below, or if it's easier for you,
go to:

Letters are a proven campaign tool, even more effective than
phone calls.
It takes time to write a clear and effective letter.  So when
and business leaders receive them in large numbers, they take

Your letter can be very brief. If you don't have time to write
yourself, simply respond to this message, and add your name
(and where
you're writing from) to the sample letter below.

Address your letter "To Whom It May Concern" and send it to
FSTV at P.O.
Box 6060, Boulder, CO 80306; by fax to 303-442-6472; or by
e-mail to
s a m p l e   l e t t e r
(date and year)

To Whom It May Concern:

I want access to a television network that offers truly
socially conscious and culturally diverse programming. For five
years, Free
Speech TV has delivered this kind of programming to seven
million homes
every week.

FSTV would be an ideal addition to your DBS services as a part
of the FCC
mandated 4% set aside of channel capacity for non-commercial,
and informational programming.  FSTV gives voice to people
absent from commercial television: working people; women;
people of color;
gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender communities; the poor
and homeless;
people with disabilities; indigenous populations; citizens from
the "third
world", youth and the important Environmental issues that we
are faceing
in the world today..

I urge you to include FSTV in your services.  Audiences will
salute you for
your efforts to bring more diversity to the public's airwaves.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


(your name)
(your address)
(your city and state)
t a l k i n g   p o i n t s
If you have time to write your own letter, feel free to use
these talking
points.  We need to convince Direct Broadcast Satellite
operators of four

  Need: television lacks a network dedicated to
    intelligent, socially conscious and
    culturally diverse programming

  Value: such programming serves an important
    educational end, and also helps to increase
    civic participation and reinvigorate
    our democracy

  Audience: there are indeed many people who
    desire such programming and who would
    watch it regularly

  FSTV's credibility: with the support of the
    independent media and progressive communities,
    FSTV has delivered such programming for the
    past five years and is well prepared to do
    so now on a full-time basis.

Thank you for your efforts and for your time.  

For more information about Free Speech TV and its efforts to
get a full
time channel:

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