In a message dated 12/16/1999 3:59:44 PM Eastern Standard Time,

<< Santa's "Toy Factory"
         In a lengthy report on the group Saturday, The North pole Tribune-
 Herald said that the cult was known to have a large arsenal of
 "high-powered" weapons, probably produced in a workshop disguised as a
 "toy factory."
     This toy factory is also believed to be the sight of a
 methamphetamine laboratory, according to sources inside the ATF.

      The article quoted investigators as saying the crazed cult leader,
 who uses several aliases, "Santa Clause, Saint Nick, Sinterclaas, and
 Saint Nicholas," age unknown, has abused children and claims to have at
 least 15 wives.
     Santa Claus denies these accusations of abuse and said he has had
 only one wife, Mrs. Santa Claus.  >>

Please send as far and wide as possible.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

Don Ecker ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 1-888-UFO-6242

A truly horrible conspiracy on the wings. Check this out ASAP!!
North Pole Standoff*



Source: Newsgroup Alt. Conspiracy

    North Pole - A fierce battled ended in a stand-off today as a 
multi-jurisdictional task force of federal law enforcement agents tried 
to arrest the leader of a militant doomsday cult, who call themselves 
"Elves," living in a heavily fortified compound at the North pole. 

The "Compound"
        According to witnesses, federal agents hid in livestock trailers as 
they drove up to the compound. The approach was difficult in the snow 
using wheeled vehicles. Several agents were reportedly thrown from the 
trailer when it hit a snow bank.  
The agents were unable to use dog teams and sleds because the ATF agents 
shot all the dogs during training at a nearby recreational facility 
where agents had practiced for weeks on a mock-up of the compound in 
preparation for the raid. 
As three national Guard helicopters approached, over 100 law officers 
stormed the main compound, a heavily fortified gingerbread structure, 
throwing concussion grenades and screaming "come out!" Cult members and 
law officers negotiated a cease-fire about 45 minutes after the incident 

The Assault
    For the next several hours, ambulances and helicopters swarmed the 
    The area was cordoned off and ATF agents with machine guns were 
posted in the roadways to keep reporters at least two miles from the 
main battle area.

Santa's "Toy Factory"
        In a lengthy report on the group Saturday, The North pole Tribune- 
Herald said that the cult was known to have a large arsenal of 
"high-powered" weapons, probably produced in a workshop disguised as a 
"toy factory." 
    This toy factory is also believed to be the sight of a 
methamphetamine laboratory, according to sources inside the ATF. 

     The article quoted investigators as saying the crazed cult leader, 
who uses several aliases, "Santa Clause, Saint Nick, Sinterclaas, and 
Saint Nicholas," age unknown, has abused children and claims to have at 
least 15 wives. 
    Santa Claus denies these accusations of abuse and said he has had 
only one wife, Mrs. Santa Claus. 

    Santa Claus, Alleged Cult Leader


Strange Texas News© was able to obtain a copy of the warrant through the 
F.O.I.A. (Freedom of information act)

    Authorities had a warrant to search the North pole compound for guns 
and explosive devices and an arrest warrant for its leader, Santa Claus, 
said Mess Stanford of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and firearms in 
Washington, D. C.. Mr. Stanford added it would be useless to attempt to 
get a copy of this warrant, however, because it had been sealed, "for 
national security reasons." 
    The assault came one day after the North pole Tribune-Herald began 
publishing a series on the cult, quoting former members as saying the 
deranged cult leader, Santa Claus, abused children and had at least 15 
wives. ATF spokesman Jack Killchildren in Washington said the assault 
had been planned for several weeks, although he added, "I think the 
newspaper's investigation set up heightened tension." 
The cult's fortress, called "The Toy Factory," is dominated by a tower 
with lookout windows facing in all directions. Guards reportedly patrol 
the 77-acre grounds at night. 

    Armed Guard (surveillance footage)

The "list"

    Attorney General Janet Reno ordered the raid after cult members refused 
to surrender documents relating to national security. A source inside 
the Justice Department said that the documents were lists of cabinet 
members and highly placed government officials who were naughty or 
nice. Despite preliminary, secret negotiations to obtain the list, the 
Elves refused to surrender the document to the Justice Department. 
    The raid was scheduled early, because December 25th is believed to 
be a traditional cult holiday and all the militant elves would be 
engaged in cult rituals in preparation for the event. 
At a press conference this afternoon, Attorney General Reno said, "these 
militants abuse children in the most vile manner, by teaching them to 
expect charity. They have even distributed free, working replicas of 
'assault weapons and 'handguns.' It is a matter of dire importance to 
our future and the future of all our children, that this peril be ended 
by every means at our disposal." 

    Attorney General Janet Reno

    She went on to say that "I do not want to surround the compound and 
shoot everyone and then burn it to the ground in order to prevent this 
child abuse from occurring again, but that appears to be our only 
alternative." According to Reno, the "Toy Factory" itself is a sweatshop 
and conditions inside were horrendous.  

Alleged Abuse Victim

        The department of Justice is also looking into allegations of animal 
cruelty. Former members of the cult have claimed that Santa Claus 
frequently uses leather restraints on at least eight reindeer, housed in 
sordid conditions on the compound. Witnesses reported seeing a reindeer 
with a protruding red nose, which Janet Reno said was further indication 
of the abusive conditions inside the compound. 
    Several of the elves were reported by the ATF to have been carrying 
automatic weapons. However, independent sources dispute this, claiming 
that the "automatic weapons" were nothing more than large candy canes. 

    Armed "Elf"

Ted Oyster     

"they were waiting"
    ATF leader Ted Oyster, shaken after the ordeal, spoke to reporters as 
hundreds of agents, many of them in tears, were taken away from the 
North pole in military airlifts, ambulances, and private vehicles. "We 
had our plan down, we had our diversion down, and they were 
waiting..." Oyster said resignedly, shaking his head. 
    A hospital spokesman said that most of the wounded ATF agents 
appeared to be suffering from shrapnel wounds from broken candy canes, 
as well as frostbite, apparently suffered from wearing forest-green 
camouflage in wintry terrain. Attorney General Reno offered no comment 
on these reports.

    Evidence Photo
    Mack "the knife" McWarty was seen strolling across the White House 
lawn, chuckling to himself as he read what inside sources say was a copy 
of the naughty/nice list.  
    One highly placed government official was found dead in Marcy 
Park. His name and the cause of death are unknown at this time, however, 
the White House immediately issued a statement claiming the official had 
committed suicide after learning his name was not on the nice list. 

The "List"

        Patsy Thomahawk refused to comment on the advice of her attorney on 
whether she had any part in removing copies of the naughty/nice list 
from a safe in the White House. A spokesman from the BATF said that it 
was indeed a tragedy that Santa Claus had caused this confrontation, but 
this should be a lesson to anyone who tries to give to everyone without 
permission from the welfare department, and that gathering sensitive 
data without a permit from official sources will be stopped by any 

    FBI spokesman Bob Price, relayed that "we are dealing with a 
madman. We have cut off all electricity, water, and communications to 
the compound." 

"Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night." 

        Santa Claus has demanded that we relay a message to the world. It 
reads, 'Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.' FBI 
psychological experts are presently analyzing the message, however, 
preliminary reports indicate this is an encrypted threat to invade the 
neighboring towns near the North pole. It may also be a doomsday message 
that the cult intends to commit suicide, like Jonestown." 
    Shortly after the raid, a smiling Reno was seen strolling through 
the pile of rubbish looking for anatomically correct Barbie dolls. She 
claimed that she was going to confiscate any that she found as 
"evidence" and that they were for a personal investigation that she was 

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