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Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

The Michael Aquino Files

The Konformist wishes to thank Curio Jones in assistance for presenting the
Since February 1997, Michael Aquino has been waging a legal campaign against
Curio Jones for putting up on the internet evidence that Mr. Aquino and his
wife are guilty of child molestation. Mr. Aquino vehemenly denies the charge,
and to stop Mrs. Jones' campagin, he has engaged in lawsuits against her
internet providers to force them to take her information down (since the
costs of defending the lawsuits is more than the amount they receive from Ms.

For those unaware of the story, Michael Aquino has developed a persona
comparable to Darth Maul over the years for his reputation as a biggie in
mind kontrol experiments. (In fact, he wrote a novel titled The Dark Side,
exploring the philosopy of the Sith Lords.) What is undeniable is this: Dr.
Aquino is a psychological warfare expert and a retired Lieutenant Colonel in
US Army Intelligence Intelligence. He is also the founder of The Temple of
Set, which he formed in 1975 after leaving Anton LaVey's Church of Satan. He
was also accused of being involved in child molestation at The Presidio in
San Francisco during the late 80's.

Because of this, to many, he is the smoking gun, the proof firmly connecting
the Pentagon and the CIA mind-kontrol experiments to Satanic Ritual Abuse,
using cults as a cover. Whether he is or not can certainly be debated:
certainly, the prevailing wisdom presented in The Konformist is that he is.
But rather than telling you what the reality is, The Konformist has decided
to present the information and let you decide for yourself. Included in the
following is many of the files provided by Curio Jones on the net. Not all
are about Michael Aquino himself, but all are included to give the viewer the
background information on the charges, and that SRA is no mere hysteria, as
groups such as the False Memory Syndrome Foundation would insist. Also
included are a letter from Dr. Aquino, and an article he wrote for Paranoia
Magazine. I encourage him to send more information, and I certainly will post
it. What I will not bend to is any attempt by him or others to suppress the
information provided by Curio Jones through lawsuits. Whether her opinions
are correct or not (opinions she does try to back up with information), she
certainly deserves to be heard. On the issue of Freedom of Speech alone, the
following must be presented, read and debated.

Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

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