So right on schedule or what is going on in Spain?


Legionnaire's disease outbreak confirmed in Spain

(July 8, 2001 08:50 p.m. EDT ) - Health officials said Sunday
they have confirmed 10 cases of Legionnaire's disease in a
city in southeastern Spain and suspect many more people may be

Authorities said an additional 80 people have been
hospitalized with pneumonia-like symptoms in the city of
Murcia, about 250 miles southeast of Madrid.

Legionnaires' disease is a form of pneumonia spread through
inhalation of mist from contaminated water. Symptoms include
shortness of breath, fever, body aches and coughing. It was
identified at a 1976 American Legion convention in

The victims, all adults, are mainly residents of two central
neighborhoods of Murcia.

Marques said city health officials were carrying out chemical
tests at several local water towers to try to determine the
source of the infection. He said results would be known in the
next three days.
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