-Caveat Lector-

>Date: Sat, 16 Sep 2000 01:30:06 -0500 (CDT)
>Subject: My Apology to the Media by Robert Lederman
>My Apology to the Media
>by Robert Lederman
>Boy, do I feel stupid. I've been blaming hard-working reporters
>for biased coverage of the West Nile Virus issue, their silence on
>the Manhattan Institute's Nazi-CIA-Eugenics link and for
>refusing to report on the Bush family's close connection to
>Hitler. In my naivete I was implying that the CIA was somehow
>influencing their coverage.
>How ignorant can one person get?
>Now I know better. After following a series of leads starting from
>an obscure article found on the internet the whole issue is much
>clearer and I can announce my findings.
>The media is not influenced by the CIA-the media is the CIA.
>Not that I can claim any credit for this insight. There are
>hundreds of carefully researched articles and even entire books
>about this subject-not to mention a Congressional report
>specifically about it.
>What began the process of pulling the blinders from my eyes was
>one sentence in a press release announcing Ronald Reagan's
>nomination of William Casey-the founder of the Manhattan
>Institute-to be his Director of the CIA.
>The release mentioned that among Mr. Casey's many
>accomplishments was that he ran the Reagan campaign,
>conducted secret intelligence operations during WWII [with Nazi
>ally and board member of I.G. Farben, Allen Dulles] was the
>chair of Operation Rescue [a CIA front which helped thousands
>of former Nazis emigrate to the U.S.], and manipulated the stock
>market as chair of the Securities and Exchange Commission. It
>went on to note that Casey was also the lead counsel [and as I
>later found out-top stockholder] in Capital Cities, the
>communications company that owned ABC until it was bought
>by Disney in 1996. He held that textbook example of a conflict
>of interest position while serving as CIA director.
>Following that lead I found that many of Capital Cities founders
>were also formerly involved in intelligence, many of them having
>worked with Casey under Allen Dulles-the first CIA director.
>In other words, ABC was owned by the CIA during the Gulf War
>and throughout the Reagan, Bush and much of the Clinton
>administrations. It was bought in 1996 by Disney, a company
>with many allegations of its own to having a CIA-mind control
>connection, whose creator had long been considered an FBI
>informer. Perhaps that explains why Manhattan Institute poster
>boy for a police state Rudy Giuliani's staged radio show is on
>Okay, you say, so ABC was owned by the CIA-that still leaves
>two other major networks  and thousands of newspapers and
>radio stations that aren't, right? CBS and NBC are owned by
>Westinghouse and General Electric, the nation's two top
>suppliers of military hardware, satellites, nuclear reactors and
>spy equipment. One might be excused for imagining a
>government connection there as well.
>According to an article by investigative reporter Carl
>Bernstein-"The CIA and the Media", Rolling Stone,
>10/20/77-prominent US media owners and journalists who have
>knowingly worked for the CIA include William Paley (CBS),
>Arthur Sulzberger (NY Times), Henry Luce (Time/Life), William
>Buckley (National Review), Ben Bradlee (Washington Post), and
>hundreds of others.
>  "By the early 1950s," writes former Village Voice  reporter
>Deborah Davis in Katharine the Great, "Frank Wisner [head of
>Allen Dulles' CIA clandestine operation to bring thousands of
>top Nazis to America] 'owned'  respected members of the New
>York Times, Newsweek, CBS and other communications
>vehicles, plus at least four to six hundred reporters, according to
>a former CIA analyst." This CIA network of top U.S. media
>contacts was called Operation Mockingbird and was directly
>overseen by CIA director Allen Dulles, the Nazis' number one
>coordinator between American corporations and the Third Reich.
>"You could get a journalist cheaper than a good call girl, for a
>couple hundred dollars a month." CIA operative discussing with
>Philip Graham, editor Washington Post, on the availability and
>prices of journalists willing to peddle CIA propaganda and cover
>stories. From: "Katherine The Great," by Deborah Davis, New
>York: Sheridan Square Press, 1991.
>  In a 1988 speech at CIA headquarters, Washington Post
>publisher Katherine Graham said, "We live in a dirty and
>dangerous world. There are some things the general public does
>not need to know and shouldn't. I believe democracy flourishes
>when the government can take legitimate steps to keep its secrets,
>and when the press can decide whether to print what it knows."
>-Quoted in Journalism and the CIA: The Mighty Wurlitzer by
>Daniel Brandt
>While we watch these absurdly hypocritical Congressional
>hearings on violence in the media, let's keep this CIA-media
>connection in mind. If the media is peddling violence, sex, drugs
>and depravity to our kids, we have to wonder what is in it for the
>Perhaps the Nazi-influenced CIA is conditioning America's
>youth for the fascist police state they have been working to
>install here since the end of WWII. Perhaps the content of the
>media is not just a quest for profits but something far worse.
>Perhaps these hyper-violent video games; blood, sex and rape
>filled movies; Eugenics-inspired 'eliminate the competition'
>shows like Survivor and steroid-fueled stereotypes of maleness
>like Fox's and UPN's wrestling operas-with personalities
>seemingly modeled on the guards at a Nazi death camp-are
>training the stone-cold Storm Troopers of the future.
>I no longer have any problem understanding why, despite the
>media being given Mayor Giuliani's Chem-bio Handbook
>showing Malathion to be a deadly nerve gas, it was never once
>mentioned in any article; why West Nile Virus keeps being
>described as, "never before seen in the Western Hemisphere"
>despite the fact that at least three U.S. government and
>Rockefeller-connected labs in the NY area have been
>experimenting with it for decades; why we are told every day via
>television, radio and newspapers that toxic insecticides being
>indiscrimenently sprayed on our city are, "safe" and "non-toxic"
>despite thousands of scientific reports to the contrary; why
>despite an uncountable number of articles on the candidacy of
>G.W. Bush his family's extensive ties to the Nazis are never
>mentioned; why every article on the Manhattan Institute that
>mentions William Casey as its founder leaves out his role in
>bringing Nazis to America; why no names of West Nile Virus
>"victims" are ever released; why I've observed the entire media
>standing with their cameras and tape recorders turned off at
>certain press conferences and rallies and why so many people
>have told me they stopped watching television, reading
>newspapers and voting after doing a few years of research on
>who really runs the government.
>Again, I apologize to any reporters I might have offended by my
>critical comments over the years. I didn't realize who you actually
>worked for.
>NY Post 9/15/2000
>"George W. Bush, who has decried the "pervasiveness of
>violence" in Hollywood, served on the board of a movie company
>that financed more than two dozen R-rated films, including a
>gory 1986 slasher flick."
>For a few of thousands of links to CIA-media material see:
>For mainstream references to the CIA-media connection see:
>John M. Crewdson and Joseph B. Treaster, "The CIA's 3-Decade
>Effort to Mold the World's Views," New York Times, 25
>December 1977, pp. 1, 12; Terrence Smith, "CIA Contacts With
>Reporters," New York Times, p. 13; Crewdson and Treaster,
>"Worldwide Propaganda Network Built by the CIA," New York
>Times, 26 December 1977, pp. 1, 37; Crewdson and Treaster,
>"CIA Established Many Links to Journalists in U.S. and
>Abroad," New York Times, 27 December 1977, pp. 1, 40-41.
>Also see: Networks of Power, by Dennis Mazzocco.
>The CIA and the Media published by the U.S. House of
>Representatives in 1978.
>Robert Lederman, President of A.R.T.I.S.T.
>(Artists' Response To Illegal State Tactics)
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]  (718) 743-3722
>For the real West Nile Virus story see:
>For the street artist issue see:
>Feel Free to Forward

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