Prominent 'Black Budget' Contractor E-Systems/Raytheon
Bilked Gov't for BILLIONS, Says Author David Hoffman

Can anybody out there say *W*O*W*??

Our recipient and acquaintance David Hoffman, author of "The Oklahoma
City Bombing and the Politics of Terror", has been hard at work
digging into some SEVERE, hardcore "white-collar" gangsterism on the
part of the notorious "E-Systems" (now part of Raytheon).

E-Systems figures *B*I*G* in the entire netherworld of secretly/
illegally/illegitimately-funded, "black budget" covert projects
conducted by shadowy intelligence and military agency factions of the
(covert) federal government. The vast majority of the activities
conducted by these groups E-Systems contracts their services to are
extremely malevolent, highly damaging to our "inalienable" human rights
and highly supportive of a massive panoply of pro-globalist, pro-New
World Order agendas.

Of particular note to us is the fact that E-Systems has been DIRECTLY
involved to a tremendous extent in the development and production of
exceptionally sophisticated electromagnetic and electronic mind
control/manipulation/modification technologies and equipment for use by
these clandestine, proto-fascistic secret government groups.  

And guess what? E-Systems/Raytheon has been RIPPING OFF the feds
BIGTIME, to the tune of several BILLION dollars a year.

Nice work if you can get it.

People connected to the company who tried to "blow the whistle" about
this massive criminal activity by E-Systems have had to deal with things
like being killed. Others have experienced exploding cars and the like:
since Hoffman began investigating E-Systems, he's had his computer
hacked into and disabled, his car tires slashes, and Hoffman's attorney
has had his office broken into twice now. On top of this, the Amazon
webpage with Hoffman's book on it completely disappeared after the page
was was hacked into!

NewsHawk® Inc.
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

(You may post this.

This is just a synopsis of the story; there's a lot more to it, and I'm
working on it. [Note the last six paragraphs.])

My attorney, Mike Johnston and I recently began talking to an E-Systems
whistleblower-Winifred Richardson. E-Systems (now Raytheon Systems) is a
major CIA/NSA/DOD contractor allegedly involved in some very dirty

E-Systems has collaborated with the US intelligence community, including
the military and the CIA, since 1947. As their press release states:
"E-Systems continued to be a leader in reconnaissance, surveillance, and
intelligence systems, supporting programs that remain critical to
maintaining the peace."

Richardson, a former E-Systems employee, writes: "I have government
documents showing government investigators found approximately one hundred
million dollars in rip-offs at E-Systems and estimated the total rip-offs
at 25 to 30% of all contracts which is approximately THREE BILLION DOLLARS

"I also have court testimony where the Northeast Texas Drug Interdiction
Task Force admitted knowing about the drug smuggling through E-Systems.
Government aircraft on contracts let by AFSOC (Air Force Special Operations
Command) was allegedly involved."

Richardson has suffered several attempts on his life, as well as numerous
death threats and break-ins. As Richardson writes: "There was an attempt to
blow me up back in 87 when I first went to the government.... The [Air
Force] Colonel gave our names to the company as well as the information
after promising to keep it in confidence.... He also stated to me in his
most menacing voice that 'I was messing with hundreds of millions of
dollars and was in more danger than I had ever been in my life'(!) this was
Col Manning Crump at the time Commander of Det2 at E-Systems! He later
admitted under oath going to work for E-Systems before he retired and was
still based at E-Systems...."

This is highly significant, since President Reagan's Executive Order 12333,
which "privatized" covert intelligence operations, placed them out of the
scrutiny of Congress and nosy FOIA requesters. Not surprisingly, Ted
Shackley, Bill Casey, and George Bush reportedly attended the December 5,
1980 meeting to draft E.O. 12333, which states:

"Agencies within the Intelligence Community are authorized to enter into
contracts or arrangements for the provision of goods or services with
private companies or institutions in the United States and need not reveal
the sponsorship of such contracts or arrangements for authorized
intelligence purposes.S"

Richardson alleges that Oliver "Buck" Revell was transferred to the Dallas
FBI office to keep a lid on the case when Richardson broke the E-Systems

There were five other whistleblowers at E-Systems. E-Systems employee
Michele Cooper had gone to Danny James - Revell's subordinate - of the
National Security Section of the FBI who threatened to file charges on her
in retaliation. Cooper subsequently had her son killed, then she was

Leo Salis at E-systems had a bomb put in his car that malfunctioned. He was
eventually killed. He had records on drug flights and the redistribution of
the  PROMIS software stolen by the Department of "Justice." Richardson has
told me about numerous other deaths connected to the case.

Soon after we began talking to Richardson, my attorney had his office
broken into - twice. The first time, they broke into his file storage
locker, took off his lock, and replaced it with a very high-tech looking
lock. The building manager had no idea where it came from.

The second time, they left him a tape recording of a conversation between
two unidentified men with with his voice dubbed onto it. The implication
being that he had illegally recorded a phone conversation, and if he
doesn't back off, they'll take him down for violation of wire statutes.

The same day I started talking to Richardson, my computer went down - hard
- so hard I had to take it into a shop.

Yesterday morning I walked out to find all my tires slashed! Richardson
told me that two people connected with his case also had their tires

He also told me that one of "Buck" Revell's relatives works at
E-Systems. A
call to E-Systems confirmed that they have an employee named Michael A.

Since Revell now has me in federal court on a libel charge, this should get
very interesting!


Several days ago, my book, on the Amazon bookstore website, mysteriously
vanished! It had been on Amazon for over two years - a big page with lots
of reader reviews.

Just before the page vanished, I had asked them to remove a "reader
comment" that I think came from Buck Revell. It said:

"Very little reality here. David's lengthy arrest record bares out his
lies. Think it though folks."

Of course, it was sent in anonymously. (Revell is suing me over my book. I
responded that a journalist arrested on a couple of bogus charges no more
"bares out his lies" than an FBI agent guilty of a whole litany of crimes,
but who's never been arrested.)

At my request Amazon took it off. Then the whole page disappeared. Amazon
seemed to be as surprised as I was. As Amazon writes:

"Dear Mr. Hoffman,

As my colleague indicated, we are presently working to resolve this
problem.  Your title has dropped off of our site, but we hope to have
the listing restored shortly.  I apologize for any inconvenience this

When I tried to send my "Murdergate!" book proposal to a publisher, they
experienced some very bizarre problems trying to receive the message - a
format I've sent hundreds of times successfully. As they state:

"We received your most recent message concerning your manuscript.  We
clicked on attachment Proposal One, got a "warning message" re opening
material from sources on the net, did we want to trust, etc..  We pressed
cancel, thinking to send the message to another address and open it from
another computer.  However, at that point, it caused our e-mail browser
(Eudora) to "go double" ie. two versions of it/its menus appeared on the
screen, and both were totally locked.  We then pressed end task, everything
closed, and when we reopened, your message was gone(!)  Needless to say, it
was startling and somewhat unnerving."

Remember the movie, "Enemy of the State"?

David Hoffman, Publisher
Haight Ashbury Free Press
Americans for Responsible Media
4668 West Gaylord, Unit C
Oklahoma City, OK 73162
(405) 748-6467 phone/fax
(405) 821-7172 Cell Phone

Author of "The Oklahoma City Bombing and
the Politics of Terror"... Available in most
major book stores, including Barnes & Noble:
<http://www.barnesandnoble.com> or from author.

The full text of "The Oklahoma City Bombing and
the  Politics of Terror" can be read on-line at:

For my photography, satire, poetry, and bio go to:

Did you know that "The Oklahoma City Bombing and the Politics
of Terror" received 23 good reviews, and that the Haight Ashbury
Free Press was featured in Editor & Publisher magazine as their
very first "Cool Site of the Month"? <www.webcom.com/haight>


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