This book is the 1963 Edition of Britannica...Book of the Year....the
Illustrated Factual Record of Great Events of an Important Year....

Published by Encyclopedia Brittannica.....also included two book length
articles "The Craft of Intelligence"by Allen W. Dulles, former director
of Central Intelligency Agency (his middle name was Welsh ....our family
name - they sure get around)  at least one of our family names, so

John F. Kennedy was still alive when this book published.

Now is early in am so forgive errors and I in part will get some of this


During 1962 two significant seps were taken by the US to provide more
permanent facilities in Antarcica.  On February 13, 1962 a new major
scientif station replacing the old Byrd sation built in 1957 and later
crushed beyond repair under many tons of drifted snow ws placed in
commission and occupied by scientists and logistics support statioan consisted of 600 ft. steel arch tunnel with
seven access tunnels so arranged that almost nothing proruded above the
surface of the snow.

On March 4, 1962 a 1500 kw nuclear power plant was activated at McMrdo
sound.  Plant was designed to generate electricty for entire station and
provide steam to melt snow for water compliance with the 12
nation Antarcic treaty with prohibits nuclear explosions in Anarctica
and the disposal there of rdio active waste material, waste from nuclear
power plant would be removed in approved containers to US for disposal."

My words here:  Now get this, remember when NASA said there was life on
Mars and the press got hyper?   It was a joke....

So I go on here:

A meterote weighing 70 lbs was found by US ascientist working in the
eastern Horlick mountains about 350 miles from south pole.....was
especially interesting because it was of a relatively ucommon tpe,
siderolite part iron and part stone, conaining large portions of both
nickel iron and silicate.....

Me again:  A picture of a huge tunnel being cleared by snow plow:  "City
Under Snow:  a 19 ton tractor cutting pataha between two tunnels 20 feet
under snow at the new Byrd Station, Antarctica, commissioned in
Februaray 1962.....U.S> navy Seaabees were beginning work on the
foundation of a city under the snow where scientists would and could
conduct their experiments....The old Byrd station was abandoned beuse of
five years accumulation of snow.

So, Ms. Nabisco........this must be your city of Antarctica.....strange
I would  have this out today and you made this request.....there is more
but nothing in this part I can type on further.....if you want more data
tomorrow will go in other parts of book because there is more picture huge hole in clouds where the USAF made
hole.....deep thick clouds......and talk of OZONE at North Pole,

So.......nuclear plant by the way at both poles......for the Russians
and into these two underground streams, where the seals and turtles and
the seals travel like the jet streams.....Plato wrote of these two
streams which they now talk about....the La Nica and El Nino.....this is
how they melt portion of polar cap and why the dolphins and fish and I
think this is where the lemmings disappar in a whirlpool into this
secret passage to the poles....even the huge sea turtles die.

Good night....too tired to write more...hope this helps you and sorry
for delay.


Thank you for your concern. What book are you referring to? Your attachment didn't 
reach me. Deedee mentioned something called shipper igloos, but nothing about caves.

On Sat, 22 Jan 2000 01:44:15   Colleen Jones wrote:
>Well, the Nabisco Kid?
>Just today had this older book out dated 1961; has lots of information,
>I was looking up all I could find on weather, etc.
>Know there are two nuclear plants at poles, one north and one south as
>of that date in 1961.....and if you look at the attachment you can
>contact the people direct.
>Look under South Pole......have all kinds of pictures, etc., befroe this
>stuf was classified re the weather; but they do melt down portions of
>polar cap now to warm up Russia and oceans two inches deeper.
>So your friend, has a lot of courage to go there....but, it could be fun
>too so long as the heat olds up.
>Contact them direct.....could find nothing on that city, because it
>probably is not incorporated as yet?   Just a bunch of people living in
>ice caves, almost like Xanadu?
>Let me know if you find your friend; just want to know as this is

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