>  Original Article: http://www.egroups.com/list/epigraphy/?start=579
>  Cover Story 10/12/98   U.S. News and World Report
>            Rediscovering America
>        The New World may be 20,000 years older than experts thought
>         Late in the afternoon last May 17, a tired archaeological team
>  the end of a 14-hour day winching muck to the deck of a Canadian Coast
>  vessel.  It was in water 170 feet deep in Juan Perez Sound, half a mile
>  offshore among British Columbia's Queen Charlotte Islands.  For four days,
>  team members had fruitlessly sieved undersea mud and gravel.  Then, in the
>  slanting light of sunset, a deckhand drew from the goop a triangular blade
>  of dark basalt.  Its sharp edge and flaked surface said this was no
>  rock.  Someone long ago sculpted it into a knife or other cutting tool.
>         When Daryl Fedje, an archaeologist for Canada's national parks
>  system, saw the 4-inch artifact, his jaw dropped in amazement:  "I
>  immediately recognized it as made by humans."  For years Fedje has led
>  efforts to find prehistoric evidence of human occupation in the misty,
>  fiord-laced archipelago.  This stone meant that people lived at a spot
>  directly under the ship well before the end of the Ice Age, at a time when
>  the sea level was far lower than today.
>       The bit of basalt is just one stone.  But from Alaska to near the tip
>  of South America, bits of just such intriguing evidence are emerging that
>  suggest the standard textbook story--that humans first settled the Americas
>  by pouring down from Alaska about 12,000 years ago--is wrong, perhaps very
>  wrong.  People may have gotten here thousands to tens of thousands of years
>  sooner, over a longer period of time, by a wider variety of routes, and
>  a more diverse ancestry.  If this proves true, it will force a rethinking
>  the whole concept of America: a land whose human history may be three times
>  longer than imagined, and one where Columbus would have been just one of
>  last of many waves of
>  "discoverers."
>       "The bottom line is that people could have reached here a long, long
>  time ago," says Dennis Stanford, chairman of the anthropology department at
>  the Smithsonian Institution.  Stanford is among a growing number of
>  scientists advancing the still heretical belief that the first North
>  Americans did not walk over in one main migration but came much earlier,
>  by boat.  Under fire is the time-honored "Clovis-first" theory, named after
>  a site in New Mexico where big, stone spear points were found in the 1930s.
>  The artifacts were left by a mammoth-hunting culture that appeared in North
>  America a little more than 11,000 years ago.  The Clovis people were real,
>  but the standard textbook lessons about them may well be wrong. It now
>  appears that they were not the first in the New World.  "I think we're in a
>  whole new ballgame of discovery about who the first Americans were and when
>  they got here," Stanford says.
>        That would spell the end of the heroic saga generations of
>  schoolchildren have learned--of a great invasion of big-game hunters
>  up on a virgin landscape.  The peopling of the Americas is beginning to
>  more like a continuation of another, even grander, saga: the human
>  occupation of the Old World that started perhaps 100,000 years ago.  The
>  peopling of Europe and Asia was an expansion featuring multiple migrations
>  and an ebb and flow of cultures that, it now appears, may have washed into
>  the Americas in a series of waves starting well before Clovis times,
>  as early as 30,000 years ago.
>        Despite the primacy of the Clovis-first tale, some scientists never
>  could quite embrace it.  Over the years, hundreds of sites have been touted
>  as older than the 11,200-year-old early Clovis sites, including Calico in
>  San Bernardino County, Calif., endorsed in the 1960s by famed African
>  anthropologist Louis Leakey as possibly more than 200,000 years old.  But
>  each time, at Calico and elsewhere, parades of outside experts said the
>  "tools" were natural stones, or the dates were wrong, or supposedly human
>  bones weren't human, or the charcoal was from a naturally caused wildfire,
>  not a man-made hearth, or all that and more.  The sites "have gotten their
>  15 minutes of fame, then disappeared into obscurity," said James Adovasio,
>  professor of archaeology at Mercyhurst College in Erie, Pa.
>       Adovasio has his own tale of scholarly rejection.   Since 1973 he has
>  led excavation of the Meadowcroft Rockshelter, a 43-foot-high jutting cliff
>  that provides protection from rain along its base.  It looks out on Cross
>  Creek, in rugged country 30 miles southwest of Pittsburgh.  The landowner,
>  Albert Miller, whose family has had the property since 1795 and operates a
>  colonial-era museum there, called archaeologists in the early 1970s to
>  investigate his hunch about Indian traces under the overhang.  Miller's
>  instincts were right. "Everybody and his brother stopped here," marvels
>  Adovasio.  Using razor blades to peel layers away, his crews have uncovered
>  a rich trove of relics--20,000 stone tools, woven goods, nearly a million
>  animal bones, and 300 fireplaces loaded with charcoal, making it easy for
>  scientists to calculate dates.  (Scientists estimate the age of charcoal
>  other organic material by measuring how much radioactive carbon-14 it
>  contains.  Living things absorb this isotope from the atmosphere; when they
>  die, the radiocarbon begins to decay away.  Although new studies suggest
>  that solar variations throw the scale off slightly--11,000 radiocarbon
>  may be closer to 13,000 actual years, for instance--radiocarbon dating is
>  still the gold standard for archaeological dating.)  The cave was on a
>  highway for traders, hunters, and migrants moving to and from the Ohio
>  Valley to the West.  "If you were out camping and saw this place, this is
>  where you'd stop, too," Adovasio says.  Every accepted cultural period in
>  Indian history and prehistory is represented: the contemporary Iroquoian
>  Seneca; earlier and closely related "woodland" societies that reach back
>  1,000 years; the so-called archaic groups to around 8,500 years ago; and
>  Paleo-Indians, including the Clovis big-game hunters, to about 11,000 years
> ago.
>       Trouble came when Adovasio began saying in the late 1970s that
>  from human-made fire pits deep in the excavated floor of the shelter
>  dates going back more than 14,000 years, with some indications approaching
>  17,000 years.  He ran into what he calls the "Clovis curtain" of
>  Critics told him the charcoal that he presumed came from wood may actually
>  have been contaminated by ancient coal or carbon in the local sediments,
>  which would carbon-date much earlier.   Adovasio retorts that what he calls
>  the "Clovis mafia" peculiarly rejects only dates at his site that are older
>  than Clovis but not younger material.  Contamination would skew ages for
>  everything, he points out, not just for the finds that run counter to
>  standard theory.
>        But after years of being almost alone as a challenger of Clovis,
>  Adovasio suddenly has company.  Similar deposits are being reported by
>  archaeologists at sites throughout the Americas, including one called
>  Hill, in coastal Virginia.  That project's leader, Joseph McAvoy of the
>  privately supported Nottaway River Survey in Sandston, Va., can't discuss
>  his newest findings because he's under a gag order from the National
>  Geographic Society, which is helping pay for the excavation.  But in a 1996
>  report, McAvoy described his discovery of possible pre-Clovis tools that
>  Adovasio says look a lot like his at Meadowcroft.
>       Evidence also has shown up in Wisconsin.  For 10 years, David
>  Overstreet, director of the Great Lakes Archaeological Research Center in
>  Milwaukee, has excavated two mammoth butchery sites that he says are at
>  least 12,500 years old, and where stone tools lie among giant bones and
>  long, curved ivory tusks. Nearby are bones of two more of the extinct
>  elephants, 1,000 years older, bearing what appear to be the distinctive cut
>  marks made by people chopping out meat for food.  The roughly shaped tools
>  look nothing like the precisely grooved Clovis points.  Overstreet figures
>  that by the time any corridor through the glaciers opened, somebody had
>  already been living for a few millenniums along the ice front, hunting the
>  megafauna of the plains south of it.
>       But the big break that persuaded many to rethink the conventional
>  theory has come thousands of miles from Clovis in Monte Verde, Chile.
>  There, archaeologist Tom Dillehay of the University of Kentucky has, for 20
>  years, been excavating wood, bone, and stone tools from rolling pasture
>  land.   Last year he was joined by a blue-ribbon group of archaeologists,
>  including many who were skeptical of Dillehay's long-controversial
>  assertions that the artifacts probably are at least 12,500 years old.  The
>  expert panel viewed the site and wound up agreeing with Dillehay:  The
>  bore no resemblance to those of the vanished Clovis culture.  Dillehay and
>  his Chilean colleagues now are planning more excavation to explore hints
>  that people were at the site as many as 30,000 years ago.
>      Some scientists say one needs only to study modern Indians to conclude
>  that their ancestors got here before Clovis time.  One hint is in genetic
>  material passed down only from mothers to offspring, called mitochondrial
>  DNA.  Such genes carry a molecular clock--if a single population splits
>  isolated groups, the buildup of random, but distinct, mutations allows
>  geneticists to estimate how long the original groupings have been
>  "For the last five years, the genetic evidence has been saying early, early
>  entry" into the Americas, says Theodore Schurr, a geneticist at Emory
>  University in Atlanta.  When Schurr counts the mutations accumulated among
>  American Indians, the molecular data are consistent with departures from
>  Asia between 15,000 and 30,000 years ago.  The analysis revealed three
>  distinct families of mutations common among American Indians and found
>  elsewhere only in Siberia or Mongolia.  Strangely, about 3 percent of
>  Americans also have a genetic trait that occurs elsewhere only in a few
>  places in Europe.  This could mean either that some Asian populations
>  migrated both west, into Europe, and east to the Americas, or that Ice Age
>  Europeans may have trickled into the New World many thousands of  years
>  perhaps by skirting the Arctic ice pack over the North Atlantic.
>      Linguists offer a remarkably parallel analysis.  Johanna Nichols, a
>  professor in the Slavic languages department of the University of
>  California--Berkeley, counts 143 Native American language stocks from
>  to the tip of South America that are completely unintelligible to one
>  another, as different as Gaelic, Chinese, or Persian are from one another.
>  The richest diversity of languages is along North America's Pacific coast,
>  not along the Clovis group's supposed inland immigration route. California
>  alone has dozens of dissimilar languages.
>        It takes about 6,000 years for two languages to split from a common
>  ancestral tongue and lose all resemblance to each other, Nichols says.
>  Allowing for how fast peoples tend to subdivide and migrate, she calculates
>  that 60,000 years are needed for 140 languages to emerge from a single
>  founding group.  Even assuming multiple migrations of people using
>  languages, she figures that people first showed up in the Americas at least
>  35,000 years ago.  If archaeologists haven't found proof of such ancient
>  events, well, "as a linguist, that's not my problem," Nichols shrugs.
>  Clovis-first, she says, is "not remotely possible."
>         Even some geologists are taking a punch at Clovis primacy.  "Recent
>  work shows that the corridor [through the glaciers] was not open until
>  11,500 years ago," says Carole Mandryk, a geologist at Harvard University.
>  "That is a pretty major problem for ideas that it was a highway for
>  colonization within a few centuries."  Mandryk's studies indicate the
>  corridor would have been nearly impassable for a century or more, with
>  little game or edible vegetation, and vast, boggy wetlands.  "The corridor
>  is 2,000 miles long," Mandryk says.  "Let's say you are two young guys, and
>  you carry as much food as you can, and you walk as fast as you can.  It
>  still takes you six months to get through. And then you run around and kill
>  a lot of animals.  Then you have to go back and tell everybody else to get
>  their families and come on down."  She blames the persistence of the
>  Clovis-first theory on these "macho gringo guys" who "just want to believe
>  the first Americans were these big, tough, fur-covered, mammoth-hunting
>  people, not some fishermen over on the coast."
>       Just this summer, one longtime Clovis-firster abandoned the idea.  For
>  years, Albert Goodyear, associate director for research at the South
>  Carolina Institute of Archaeology, has calmly supported Clovis.  Monte
>  shook him just a bit.  So in July, along the Savannah River at a site
>  Topper, he decided, just to be responsible, to keep digging below sediments
>  dated to the Clovis era.  All of a sudden, "we found a tool, and then
>  another."  For a solid yard down, scores of blades, flakes, and other
>  human-crafted artifacts turned up.  Goodyear told students and volunteers,
>  yes, those sure look older than Clovis.  "I had a paradigm crash right
>  in the woods.  I felt like Woody Allen, like I had to turn and say to the
>  audience, 'Why am I saying these things I'm not supposed to believe?'
>  five years ago, nothing new was possible in American prehistory, because of
>  dogma.  Now everything is possible; the veil has been lifted."
>        Finds such as Goodyear's are cause for celebration among
>  long-suffering Clovis doubters.  "The Clovis-first model is dead,"
>  proclaims, with some overstatement, Robson Bonnichsen, director of the
>  Center for the Study of the First Americans at Oregon State University.  He
>  has made the center a clearinghouse for information about alternatives to
>  Clovis-first.  "I've felt there were people here more than 12,000 years ago
>  from the start," he says.   "We're finally getting the evidence to back
>  up."
>       But not all Clovis-firsters are throwing in the towel.  "I find Monte
>  Verde quite unconvincing," says Frederick Hadleigh West, director of
>  archaeology at the Peabody Essex Museum in Salem, Mass., and editor of a
>  recent 576-page compendium on the archaeology of Alaska and eastern
>  "There is really no credible, undisputable evidence of anything prior to
>  Clovis.  But with Clovis you have an undeniable outburst of people,
>  appearing on an empty continent, spreading like mad.  There is absolutely
>  [incontrovertible] evidence of people coming into the New World before
>  12,000 [years ago], or 15,000 if you keep them in Alaska."  For Monte Verde
>  to unseat Clovis-first, he said, "would be like Sudan conquering the United
>  States."
>          Another longtime Clovis-first adherent, geoarchaeologist Vance
>  Haynes of the University of Arizona, was among the experts who last year
>  endorsed the 12,500-year-old Monte Verde finds as legitimate.  But he
>  there isn't enough evidence to support the Meadowcroft and Cactus Hill
>  material.  And even if he can't rule out Monte Verde, Haynes says it should
>  take more than one site--scientific fallibility being what it is--to refute
>  the primacy of Clovis.  "It has just six artifacts [stone tools].  If it is
>  as old as it looks, and the dates do look solid, then there should be
>  like it. Until we find those, there are still questions."
>        Those questions are profound.  The Clovis people were real, but where
>  did they come from?  No tools in Alaska or Asia seem to foreshadow their
>  distinctive fluted spear points.  And how and when did people get to South
>  America?  Many authorities believe it would have taken people 7,000 years
>  have reached southern Chile from Alaska.  Others say it could have been
>  faster by boat.  But the fact remains that while Clovis traces are
>  evidence of older cultures is terribly hard to find.  "Where are they?"
>  David Meltzer, an archeologist at Southern Methodist University in Dallas,
>  who thinks the Monte Verde dates are accurate but remains puzzled.  "I
>  know.  That is the exciting part about all this."
>         No single, simple theory has yet emerged to replace Clovis-first.
>  But some of the stories that are emerging in attempts to answer those
>  questions are as arresting as the original Bering land bridge and inland
>  invasion saga.  For one, there's the mystery of the people who chipped that
>  basalt point Daryl Fedje's team found this spring off Canada's Pacific
>       The recovery of the tool was no random plunk with a bucket into the
>  floor.  Fedje and marine geologist Heiner Josenhans of the Geological
>  of Canada spent four years mapping the sea floor around the Queen Charlotte
>  Islands.  An array of sonar receivers revealed it as though it were viewed
>  from a low-flying plane without any distortion from water; computer
>  let the researchers soar and loop low at will, as in a video game, among
>  now-submerged valleys and hills.  Fedje knew that if people were here more
>  than about 10,000 years ago, they lived on that farther shore, near salmon,
>  seals, shellfish, and other key food sources.  Tribal lore of the
>  present-day Haida nation includes tales of times when the islands were far
>  larger and surrounded by grassy plains, and of subsequent, fast-rising
>  oceans when a supernatural "flood tide woman" forced the Haida to move
>  villages to higher ground.  Geologists agree with the traditional Haida
>  of their past:  The islands were twice as large 11,000 years ago, and the
>  Pacific rose more than an inch per year for a millennium after that, as the
>  glaciers melted.  The Haida have been on the islands, which they call Haida
>  Gwaii, a very long time.  Whether it was their ancestors who left the stone
>  point is unknown.  Fedje and Josenhans are now poring over the maps of the
>  vanished landscape, hoping to return in the next year or so, if they get
>  funding, with remotely controlled submarines to prowl the places some of
>  earliest Americans may have called home.
>       But the origins of these coastal people remain a mystery.  It seems
>  unlikely that Clovis hunters could have scampered west along the ice
>  southern edge, transformed themselves into a seagoing, salmon-catching,
>  seal-spearing culture, and occupied Haida Gwaii within a few centuries of
>  arrival.  Hence the favorite hypothesis, first proposed more than 20 years
>  ago but now supported by the Smithsonian's Stanford, Harvard's Mandryk,
>  Fedje, and many others, is that many people migrated to the New World along
>  the coast instead of overland.   Travel may have been in small boats,
>  perhaps covered in skin like traditional Eskimo and Aleut kayaks.  If, as
>  seems likely, people migrated during the height of the last Ice Age,
>  about 25,000 and 12,000 years ago, they would have avoided glaciers calving
>  into the sea.  "There was boat use in Japan 20,000 years ago," says Jon
>  Erlandson, a University of Oregon anthropologist.  The Kurile Islands
>  of Japan] are like steppingstones to Beringia," the then continuous land
>  bridging the Bering Strait.  Migrants, he said, could have then skirted the
>  tidewater glaciers in Canada right on down the coast.
>        Evidence of other maritime cultures along the West Coast is coming in
>  fast.  Erlandson has uncovered remains of seagoing peoples who lived more
>  than 10,000 years ago in the Channel Islands off Southern California.  And
>  last month, other scientists reported that two sites in Peru reveal people
>  were living along its coast, subsisting almost entirely on seafood, nearly
>  11,000 years ago, too long ago for the Clovis migration to have gotten
>  and spawned a maritime way of life.
>      The Americas are big continents.  Perhaps the earliest people just
>  weren't very numerous and left little mark of their passing.  Or, maybe
>  of them lived out on the then exposed continental shelf, retreating inland
>  only when the end of the Ice Age raised the sea.  Perhaps these people,
>  driven inland, gave rise to the Clovis hunters.  Well below the waves and
>  under millenniums' worth of cold sediment, may lie the footprints, remains
>  of meals, and discarded tools and campfire pits of a lost world.  It is,
>  indeed, a whole new ballgame in the search for the first Americans.
>  Vincent J. Mooney Jr.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Begin forwarded message:

Original Article: http://www.egroups.com/list/epigraphy/?start=579
Cover Story 10/12/98   U.S. News and World Report

          Rediscovering America

      The New World may be 20,000 years older than experts thought


       Late in the afternoon last May 17, a tired archaeological team neared
the end of a 14-hour day winching muck to the deck of a Canadian Coast Guard
vessel.  It was in water 170 feet deep in Juan Perez Sound, half a mile
offshore among British Columbia's Queen Charlotte Islands.  For four days,
team members had fruitlessly sieved undersea mud and gravel.  Then, in the
slanting light of sunset, a deckhand drew from the goop a triangular blade
of dark basalt.  Its sharp edge and flaked surface said this was no ordinary
rock.  Someone long ago sculpted it into a knife or other cutting tool.

       When Daryl Fedje, an archaeologist for Canada's national parks
system, saw the 4-inch artifact, his jaw dropped in amazement:  "I
immediately recognized it as made by humans."  For years Fedje has led
efforts to find prehistoric evidence of human occupation in the misty,
fiord-laced archipelago.  This stone meant that people lived at a spot
directly under the ship well before the end of the Ice Age, at a time when
the sea level was far lower than today.

     The bit of basalt is just one stone.  But from Alaska to near the tip
of South America, bits of just such intriguing evidence are emerging that
suggest the standard textbook story--that humans first settled the Americas
by pouring down from Alaska about 12,000 years ago--is wrong, perhaps very
wrong.  People may have gotten here thousands to tens of thousands of years
sooner, over a longer period of time, by a wider variety of routes, and with
a more diverse ancestry.  If this proves true, it will force a rethinking of
the whole concept of America: a land whose human history may be three times
longer than imagined, and one where Columbus would have been just one of the
last of many waves of

     "The bottom line is that people could have reached here a long, long
time ago," says Dennis Stanford, chairman of the anthropology department at
the Smithsonian Institution.  Stanford is among a growing number of
scientists advancing the still heretical belief that the first North
Americans did not walk over in one main migration but came much earlier, and
by boat.  Under fire is the time-honored "Clovis-first" theory, named after
a site in New Mexico where big, stone spear points were found in the 1930s.
The artifacts were left by a mammoth-hunting culture that appeared in North
America a little more than 11,000 years ago.  The Clovis people were real,
but the standard textbook lessons about them may well be wrong. It now
appears that they were not the first in the New World.  "I think we're in a
whole new ballgame of discovery about who the first Americans were and when
they got here," Stanford says.

      That would spell the end of the heroic saga generations of
schoolchildren have learned--of a great invasion of big-game hunters showing
up on a virgin landscape.  The peopling of the Americas is beginning to look
more like a continuation of another, even grander, saga: the human
occupation of the Old World that started perhaps 100,000 years ago.  The
peopling of Europe and Asia was an expansion featuring multiple migrations
and an ebb and flow of cultures that, it now appears, may have washed into
the Americas in a series of waves starting well before Clovis times, perhaps
as early as 30,000 years ago.

      Despite the primacy of the Clovis-first tale, some scientists never
could quite embrace it.  Over the years, hundreds of sites have been touted
as older than the 11,200-year-old early Clovis sites, including Calico in
San Bernardino County, Calif., endorsed in the 1960s by famed African
anthropologist Louis Leakey as possibly more than 200,000 years old.  But
each time, at Calico and elsewhere, parades of outside experts said the
"tools" were natural stones, or the dates were wrong, or supposedly human
bones weren't human, or the charcoal was from a naturally caused wildfire,
not a man-made hearth, or all that and more.  The sites "have gotten their
15 minutes of fame, then disappeared into obscurity," said James Adovasio,
professor of archaeology at Mercyhurst College in Erie, Pa.

     Adovasio has his own tale of scholarly rejection.   Since 1973 he has
led excavation of the Meadowcroft Rockshelter, a 43-foot-high jutting cliff
that provides protection from rain along its base.  It looks out on Cross
Creek, in rugged country 30 miles southwest of Pittsburgh.  The landowner,
Albert Miller, whose family has had the property since 1795 and operates a
colonial-era museum there, called archaeologists in the early 1970s to
investigate his hunch about Indian traces under the overhang.  Miller's
instincts were right. "Everybody and his brother stopped here," marvels
Adovasio.  Using razor blades to peel layers away, his crews have uncovered
a rich trove of relics--20,000 stone tools, woven goods, nearly a million
animal bones, and 300 fireplaces loaded with charcoal, making it easy for
scientists to calculate dates.  (Scientists estimate the age of charcoal and
other organic material by measuring how much radioactive carbon-14 it
contains.  Living things absorb this isotope from the atmosphere; when they
die, the radiocarbon begins to decay away.  Although new studies suggest
that solar variations throw the scale off slightly--11,000 radiocarbon years
may be closer to 13,000 actual years, for instance--radiocarbon dating is
still the gold standard for archaeological dating.)  The cave was on a
highway for traders, hunters, and migrants moving to and from the Ohio River
Valley to the West.  "If you were out camping and saw this place, this is
where you'd stop, too," Adovasio says.  Every accepted cultural period in
Indian history and prehistory is represented: the contemporary Iroquoian
Seneca; earlier and closely related "woodland" societies that reach back
1,000 years; the so-called archaic groups to around 8,500 years ago; and
Paleo-Indians, including the Clovis big-game hunters, to about 11,000 years

     Trouble came when Adovasio began saying in the late 1970s that charcoal
from human-made fire pits deep in the excavated floor of the shelter carried
dates going back more than 14,000 years, with some indications approaching
17,000 years.  He ran into what he calls the "Clovis curtain" of resistance.
Critics told him the charcoal that he presumed came from wood may actually
have been contaminated by ancient coal or carbon in the local sediments,
which would carbon-date much earlier.   Adovasio retorts that what he calls
the "Clovis mafia" peculiarly rejects only dates at his site that are older
than Clovis but not younger material.  Contamination would skew ages for
everything, he points out, not just for the finds that run counter to
standard theory.

      But after years of being almost alone as a challenger of Clovis,
Adovasio suddenly has company.  Similar deposits are being reported by
archaeologists at sites throughout the Americas, including one called Cactus
Hill, in coastal Virginia.  That project's leader, Joseph McAvoy of the
privately supported Nottaway River Survey in Sandston, Va., can't discuss
his newest findings because he's under a gag order from the National
Geographic Society, which is helping pay for the excavation.  But in a 1996
report, McAvoy described his discovery of possible pre-Clovis tools that
Adovasio says look a lot like his at Meadowcroft.

     Evidence also has shown up in Wisconsin.  For 10 years, David
Overstreet, director of the Great Lakes Archaeological Research Center in
Milwaukee, has excavated two mammoth butchery sites that he says are at
least 12,500 years old, and where stone tools lie among giant bones and
long, curved ivory tusks. Nearby are bones of two more of the extinct
elephants, 1,000 years older, bearing what appear to be the distinctive cut
marks made by people chopping out meat for food.  The roughly shaped tools
look nothing like the precisely grooved Clovis points.  Overstreet figures
that by the time any corridor through the glaciers opened, somebody had
already been living for a few millenniums along the ice front, hunting the
megafauna of the plains south of it.

     But the big break that persuaded many to rethink the conventional
theory has come thousands of miles from Clovis in Monte Verde, Chile.
There, archaeologist Tom Dillehay of the University of Kentucky has, for 20
years, been excavating wood, bone, and stone tools from rolling pasture
land.   Last year he was joined by a blue-ribbon group of archaeologists,
including many who were skeptical of Dillehay's long-controversial
assertions that the artifacts probably are at least 12,500 years old.  The
expert panel viewed the site and wound up agreeing with Dillehay:  The tools
bore no resemblance to those of the vanished Clovis culture.  Dillehay and
his Chilean colleagues now are planning more excavation to explore hints
that people were at the site as many as 30,000 years ago.

    Some scientists say one needs only to study modern Indians to conclude
that their ancestors got here before Clovis time.  One hint is in genetic
material passed down only from mothers to offspring, called mitochondrial
DNA.  Such genes carry a molecular clock--if a single population splits into
isolated groups, the buildup of random, but distinct, mutations allows
geneticists to estimate how long the original groupings have been separated.
"For the last five years, the genetic evidence has been saying early, early
entry" into the Americas, says Theodore Schurr, a geneticist at Emory
University in Atlanta.  When Schurr counts the mutations accumulated among
American Indians, the molecular data are consistent with departures from
Asia between 15,000 and 30,000 years ago.  The analysis revealed three
distinct families of mutations common among American Indians and found
elsewhere only in Siberia or Mongolia.  Strangely, about 3 percent of Native
Americans also have a genetic trait that occurs elsewhere only in a few
places in Europe.  This could mean either that some Asian populations
migrated both west, into Europe, and east to the Americas, or that Ice Age
Europeans may have trickled into the New World many thousands of  years ago,
perhaps by skirting the Arctic ice pack over the North Atlantic.

    Linguists offer a remarkably parallel analysis.  Johanna Nichols, a
professor in the Slavic languages department of the University of
California--Berkeley, counts 143 Native American language stocks from Alaska
to the tip of South America that are completely unintelligible to one
another, as different as Gaelic, Chinese, or Persian are from one another.
The richest diversity of languages is along North America's Pacific coast,
not along the Clovis group's supposed inland immigration route. California
alone has dozens of dissimilar languages.

      It takes about 6,000 years for two languages to split from a common
ancestral tongue and lose all resemblance to each other, Nichols says.
Allowing for how fast peoples tend to subdivide and migrate, she calculates
that 60,000 years are needed for 140 languages to emerge from a single
founding group.  Even assuming multiple migrations of people using different
languages, she figures that people first showed up in the Americas at least
35,000 years ago.  If archaeologists haven't found proof of such ancient
events, well, "as a linguist, that's not my problem," Nichols shrugs.
Clovis-first, she says, is "not remotely possible."

       Even some geologists are taking a punch at Clovis primacy.  "Recent
work shows that the corridor [through the glaciers] was not open until
11,500 years ago," says Carole Mandryk, a geologist at Harvard University.
"That is a pretty major problem for ideas that it was a highway for
colonization within a few centuries."  Mandryk's studies indicate the
corridor would have been nearly impassable for a century or more, with
little game or edible vegetation, and vast, boggy wetlands.  "The corridor
is 2,000 miles long," Mandryk says.  "Let's say you are two young guys, and
you carry as much food as you can, and you walk as fast as you can.  It
still takes you six months to get through. And then you run around and kill
a lot of animals.  Then you have to go back and tell everybody else to get
their families and come on down."  She blames the persistence of the
Clovis-first theory on these "macho gringo guys" who "just want to believe
the first Americans were these big, tough, fur-covered, mammoth-hunting
people, not some fishermen over on the coast."

     Just this summer, one longtime Clovis-firster abandoned the idea.  For
years, Albert Goodyear, associate director for research at the South
Carolina Institute of Archaeology, has calmly supported Clovis.  Monte Verde
shook him just a bit.  So in July, along the Savannah River at a site called
Topper, he decided, just to be responsible, to keep digging below sediments
dated to the Clovis era.  All of a sudden, "we found a tool, and then
another."  For a solid yard down, scores of blades, flakes, and other
human-crafted artifacts turned up.  Goodyear told students and volunteers,
yes, those sure look older than Clovis.  "I had a paradigm crash right there
in the woods.  I felt like Woody Allen, like I had to turn and say to the
audience, 'Why am I saying these things I'm not supposed to believe?'   Just
five years ago, nothing new was possible in American prehistory, because of
dogma.  Now everything is possible; the veil has been lifted."

      Finds such as Goodyear's are cause for celebration among
long-suffering Clovis doubters.  "The Clovis-first model is dead,"
proclaims, with some overstatement, Robson Bonnichsen, director of the
Center for the Study of the First Americans at Oregon State University.  He
has made the center a clearinghouse for information about alternatives to
Clovis-first.  "I've felt there were people here more than 12,000 years ago
from the start," he says.   "We're finally getting the evidence to back that

     But not all Clovis-firsters are throwing in the towel.  "I find Monte
Verde quite unconvincing," says Frederick Hadleigh West, director of
archaeology at the Peabody Essex Museum in Salem, Mass., and editor of a
recent 576-page compendium on the archaeology of Alaska and eastern Siberia.
"There is really no credible, undisputable evidence of anything prior to
Clovis.  But with Clovis you have an undeniable outburst of people,
appearing on an empty continent, spreading like mad.  There is absolutely no
[incontrovertible] evidence of people coming into the New World before
12,000 [years ago], or 15,000 if you keep them in Alaska."  For Monte Verde
to unseat Clovis-first, he said, "would be like Sudan conquering the United

        Another longtime Clovis-first adherent, geoarchaeologist Vance
Haynes of the University of Arizona, was among the experts who last year
endorsed the 12,500-year-old Monte Verde finds as legitimate.  But he argues
there isn't enough evidence to support the Meadowcroft and Cactus Hill
material.  And even if he can't rule out Monte Verde, Haynes says it should
take more than one site--scientific fallibility being what it is--to refute
the primacy of Clovis.  "It has just six artifacts [stone tools].  If it is
as old as it looks, and the dates do look solid, then there should be others
like it. Until we find those, there are still questions."

      Those questions are profound.  The Clovis people were real, but where
did they come from?  No tools in Alaska or Asia seem to foreshadow their
distinctive fluted spear points.  And how and when did people get to South
America?  Many authorities believe it would have taken people 7,000 years to
have reached southern Chile from Alaska.  Others say it could have been
faster by boat.  But the fact remains that while Clovis traces are abundant,
evidence of older cultures is terribly hard to find.  "Where are they?" asks
David Meltzer, an archeologist at Southern Methodist University in Dallas,
who thinks the Monte Verde dates are accurate but remains puzzled.  "I don't
know.  That is the exciting part about all this."

       No single, simple theory has yet emerged to replace Clovis-first.
But some of the stories that are emerging in attempts to answer those
questions are as arresting as the original Bering land bridge and inland
invasion saga.  For one, there's the mystery of the people who chipped that
basalt point Daryl Fedje's team found this spring off Canada's Pacific shore.

     The recovery of the tool was no random plunk with a bucket into the sea
floor.  Fedje and marine geologist Heiner Josenhans of the Geological Survey
of Canada spent four years mapping the sea floor around the Queen Charlotte
Islands.  An array of sonar receivers revealed it as though it were viewed
from a low-flying plane without any distortion from water; computer software
let the researchers soar and loop low at will, as in a video game, among
now-submerged valleys and hills.  Fedje knew that if people were here more
than about 10,000 years ago, they lived on that farther shore, near salmon,
seals, shellfish, and other key food sources.  Tribal lore of the
present-day Haida nation includes tales of times when the islands were far
larger and surrounded by grassy plains, and of subsequent, fast-rising
oceans when a supernatural "flood tide woman" forced the Haida to move their
villages to higher ground.  Geologists agree with the traditional Haida view
of their past:  The islands were twice as large 11,000 years ago, and the
Pacific rose more than an inch per year for a millennium after that, as the
glaciers melted.  The Haida have been on the islands, which they call Haida
Gwaii, a very long time.  Whether it was their ancestors who left the stone
point is unknown.  Fedje and Josenhans are now poring over the maps of the
vanished landscape, hoping to return in the next year or so, if they get the
funding, with remotely controlled submarines to prowl the places some of the
earliest Americans may have called home.

     But the origins of these coastal people remain a mystery.  It seems
unlikely that Clovis hunters could have scampered west along the ice sheet's
southern edge, transformed themselves into a seagoing, salmon-catching,
seal-spearing culture, and occupied Haida Gwaii within a few centuries of
arrival.  Hence the favorite hypothesis, first proposed more than 20 years
ago but now supported by the Smithsonian's Stanford, Harvard's Mandryk,
Fedje, and many others, is that many people migrated to the New World along
the coast instead of overland.   Travel may have been in small boats,
perhaps covered in skin like traditional Eskimo and Aleut kayaks.  If, as
seems likely, people migrated during the height of the last Ice Age, between
about 25,000 and 12,000 years ago, they would have avoided glaciers calving
into the sea.  "There was boat use in Japan 20,000 years ago," says Jon
Erlandson, a University of Oregon anthropologist.  The Kurile Islands [north
of Japan] are like steppingstones to Beringia," the then continuous land
bridging the Bering Strait.  Migrants, he said, could have then skirted the
tidewater glaciers in Canada right on down the coast.

      Evidence of other maritime cultures along the West Coast is coming in
fast.  Erlandson has uncovered remains of seagoing peoples who lived more
than 10,000 years ago in the Channel Islands off Southern California.  And
last month, other scientists reported that two sites in Peru reveal people
were living along its coast, subsisting almost entirely on seafood, nearly
11,000 years ago, too long ago for the Clovis migration to have gotten there
and spawned a maritime way of life.

    The Americas are big continents.  Perhaps the earliest people just
weren't very numerous and left little mark of their passing.  Or, maybe most
of them lived out on the then exposed continental shelf, retreating inland
only when the end of the Ice Age raised the sea.  Perhaps these people,
driven inland, gave rise to the Clovis hunters.  Well below the waves and
under millenniums' worth of cold sediment, may lie the footprints, remains
of meals, and discarded tools and campfire pits of a lost world.  It is,
indeed, a whole new ballgame in the search for the first Americans.

Vincent J. Mooney Jr.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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