In "Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin?", Barry Chamish briefly mentions an
intriguing twist on the Rabin assassination theory: that Rabin wasn't killed,
but merely faked his death.  This caught my eye, since I am slowly collecting
stories for a book, "The Feast of the Undead".  There's some interesting
evidence for the theory, such as reputed sighting of Rabin after his supposed
death, the extra-long time it took for his limo to reach the hospital (long
enough to drop off his body), and the fact that his very close friend Henry
Kissinger didn't bother to attend the funeral.

I was telling my pal Greg Bishop about this theory last night, and he asked
me why they would fake his death.  I suspected it would have something to do
with international drug laundering: I remember Chip Tatum included Rabin on
his Boss Hogg list of alleged drug-compromised politicians.

Lo and behold, what comes in the mail today?  Another fine piece of
investigation from Robert Parry and The Consortium.

Enjoy.  This should eventually be a chapter of my book, if I ever get around
to writing it.

Robert Sterling -

The investigations into the Bank of New York's role in laundering vast
sums of Russian money have ignored well-documented connections between a
bank principal, the CIA and the Israeli Labor Party.

The tie-in comes through one of the bank's owners, Bruce Rappaport, a
Swiss financier who was linked to a variety of secret operations during
the Reagan-Bush era. Those operations included a strange Iraqi pipeline
deal, the Iran-contra affair, sensitive U.S. Customs stings, the BCCI
scandal, the October Surprise case and a mysterious shipment of Israeli
weapons to Colombian drug kingpins.

Rappaport was known as one of CIA director William Casey's favorite golf
partners. Yet, when the New York Times profiled Rappaport and his hand in
the Bank of New York's Russian financial deals, the U.S. intelligence
connections were left out. Rappaport's fuller history can be read at, an online investigative magazine.

It's located at

This is a free site, but we urge those who wish to support our
investigative journalism to buy a copy of Robert Parry's important new
book, Lost History: Contras, Cocaine, the Press $ 'Project Truth' for just
$19.95. Or subscribe to iF Magazine, a print publication, for one year
(six issues), $25. Or do both at a special rate of $35.

Orders can be placed with Visa/Mastercard by calling 1-800-738-1812 or
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