-Caveat Lector-

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Date: September 18, 2007 1:25:26 AM PDT
Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Student Tasered by Florida Police While Asking John Kerry about Impeaching Bush

University of Florida Student Tasered During John Kerry Speech
Andrew Meyer, a UF student from Weston, is tasered and taken away by police while asking John Kerry a question during a speech.


(September 18, 2007 02:41 AM)
To Everyone reading/commenting on this event:

My name is Aaron. I am a Senior at UF, and I was at this event when this happened.

What the video doesn't show is that before This student started asking his question, time had been called. Senator Kerry was in the middle of answering the last question, when this man grabbed the audience mic and started screaming that he was trying to be arrested for wanting to ask a question. He was causing a ruckus BEFORE the video even comes on, and Kerry was nice enough to say that he would answer his question completely out of turn, if he would just wait until he was finished with the current question.

The video comes in after Kerry finishes his answer, and HALF WAY into this man's second rant.

Regardless of what anyone thinks about police brutality or fascist police states, this was not the case. This guy was out COMPLETELY out of line, and had MANY chances to shut up and leave. He chose to make a scene.

There is going to be a protest tomorrow against the supposed brutality he endured, and I for one will be out protesting the protesters. This kid got what he deserved, plain and simple.

(September 18, 2007 03:41 AM)
Whether the guy was seeking to be arrested or not, there was absolutely no justification for the tasering, and those of you who are enjoying watching somebody be tasered for the crime of seeking attention really need to take a long, hard look to see if you can find any conscience.

Ha ha ha, the police are beating somebody up!  Ha ha ha, that's funny!


Student Tasered at Kerry speech

The Gainesville Sun
http://www.starbanner.com/article/20070917/NEWS/70917006/1053/ BREAKING_NEWS

GAINESVILLE - U.S. Sen. John Kerry's speech at the University of Florida came to a dramatic close Monday, shortly after a vocal audience member was hauled off by police and shot with a Taser gun.

The audience member was preliminarily identified by UF officials as Andrew Meyer, a UF student in the College of Journalism and Communications.

Toward the conclusion of Kerry's UF forum, Meyer approached an open microphone at the University Auditorium and demanded Kerry answer his questions. The student claimed that University Police Department officers had already threatened to arrest him, and he proceeded to question Kerry about why he didn't contest the 2004 presidential election and why there had been no moves to impeach President Bush.

A minute or so into what became a combative diatribe, Meyer's microphone was turned off and officers began trying to physically remove him from the auditorium. Meyer flailed his arms, yelling as police tried to restrain him.

He was then pushed to the ground by six officers, at which point Meyer yelled, "What have I done? What I have I done? Get away from me. Get off of me! What did I do? ... Help me! Help."

Police threatened to user a Taser on Meyer if he did not "comply," but he continued to resist being handcuffed. He was then Tased, which prompted him to scream and writhe in pain on the floor of the auditorium.

After the incident, Capt. Jeff Holcomb of the UPD said Meyer had been charged with disrupting a public event and placed in the Alachua County Jail. Captain Holcomb said there would be an investigation into whether the officers used force appropriately, adding that employing a Taser gun would only be justified in a case where there was a threat of physical harm to officers.

As Meyer was escorted away, he was followed by several students, including Matthew Howland, 20. Howland, a UF senior who said he didn't know Meyer, said he was "appalled" by the way UPD officers handled the situation. Howland acknowledged that Meyer had acted inappropriately by "rushing" the microphone and forcing a question on Kerry.

"It's a perfect example of when officers take something to a level that is not necessary," he said. "The officers escalated that situation."

Throughout the incident, Kerry urged the audience to "cool down" and acknowledged that Meyer had raised an important question.

As officers escorted Meyer from the auditorium, Kerry went on to explain that he did not think there was sufficient evidence of voter suppression to justify contesting the 2004 election.

"We just couldn't do it in good conscience because we didn't have that evidence," he said.

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