Robalini's Note: My understanding is the cover story article was for Time.  My
understanding is that Time also was attempting to rewrite the story to
implicate Simpson, a tactic that Bosco refused.

                      Why Kardashian got free ride
                      Attorney cooperating with feds
                      in major investigation

                      By David M. Bresnahan
                      © 1999

                      The attorney who allegedly hired a "hitman" to kill
                      Brown Simpson has been given federal immunity as part of
                      another investigation, according to an author-researcher
                      who uncovered the murder plot.

                      Attorney Robert Kardashian, friend and business partner
                      O.J. Simpson, has been under investigation by the Los
                      Angeles Police Department and Los Angeles District
                      Attorney's Office for conspiracy to commit murder for 18
                      months. That investigation was conducted unofficially.

                      Shortly after the murder of Nicole, the press attempted
                      failed to pursue claims by gangster Bill Wasz that he
                      paid by Kardashian to kill Nicole. WorldNetDaily has
                      detailed the Wasz story in a series of articles.

                      "We heard about him, but within 48 hours it was over. We
                      were led to believe that Wasz created the notebook while
                      was in jail," explained crime writer Joseph Bosco in an
                      exclusive interview with WorldNetDaily.

                      Bosco was one of only a handful of reporters granted
                      permission to remain in the courtroom at all times
                      the Simpson murder trial. His book gives some
                      insights and a perspective not found elsewhere. Bosco
                      maintains that Kardashian did solicit Wasz to kill

                      Did O.J. kill Nicole?

                      In his book, "A Problem of Evidence: How the Prosecution
                      Freed O.J. Simpson," Bosco claims the prosecution
                      the case.

                      "The evidence tells me he isn't the knife man," Bosco
                      explained. His book provides a detailed look at what
                      believes was a combination of botched work by the
                      prosecution, separate people with different motivations
                      alter evidence, and distortion of the truth for

                      It was long after the trial of the century had ended
that Bosco
                      rediscovered the involvement of Wasz. In February 1997,
                      spoke with an deputy district attorney and some LAPD
                      detectives. It was agreed that they would all work
together in
                      an informal investigation.

                      For the next 18 months a mountain of evidence was
                      gathered which showed that Wasz had been telling the
                      truth. Bosco worked night and day in an attempt to prove
                      that Kardashian and O.J. had conspired to kill Nicole.

                      It was a unique partnership that was working far too
                      Enough evidence was found to move toward getting an

                      "Unindicted or indicted co-conspirators can give direct
                      testimony against the co-conspirator, and it's not
                      explained Bosco. "So what you would have is you would
                      have the prosecuting of all the circumstantial evidence
                      support it, then it comes down to Kardashian on the
                      telling his story, and Bill Wasz telling his story.

                      "Even with his years of many crimes, I guarantee you any
                      average Americans are going to believe his story over
                      Kardashian's. That's what it comes down to. I think it
can be
                      won with the jury. But I also know how tough it would
                      said Bosco.

                      WorldNetDaily first learned of the Kardashian murder
                      conspiracy in April 1998 when documents were leaked. The
                      initial stories resulted in public pressure for the
                      attorney to interview Wasz in prison.

                      LAPD detectives conducted two interviews with Wasz last
                      summer. Larry Longo, attorney for Wasz, and Bosco were
                      present at both meetings. They witnessed the
                      of a lie-detector test on the second visit.

                      Bosco confirms the claim made by Wasz that he passed the
                      lie-detector test with flying colors, or at least it
appeared that
                      he passed. The detectives involved later claimed that
                      flunked the test.

                      "They put us in check," Bosco said. "We will now forever
                      in the category of the JFK sort of thing, because they
                      always say, 'Yeah, but we have this polygraph he's
                      No matter how many good ones we have, they will make
                      that claim.

                      "Wasz is telling the truth," he adds, "but the problem
                      getting the public outcry. The cops involved were not
part of
                      the cover-up."

                      Wasz and Bosco have made known the names of the officers
                      and prosecutors they have been working with, and that
                      information has been verified. The case is not
                      closed, and the sensitive nature of the investigation
                      protecting their names so they can continue their

                      Bosco had a contract with a major national news magazine
                      to write the details of the Wasz story. It was scheduled
to be
                      the cover story when suddenly it was cut. Bosco was
                      but frantic phone calls and heated arguments could not
                      the story.

                      The magazine's legal staff were frightened by the
                      for legal action by Kardashian. Bosco explained to them
                      Kardashian would never do that.

                      "Once he sues anybody on this issue, we get discovery.
                      can depose everybody," Bosco told the worried attorneys.

                      "You're right, on a strategic, tactical basis. But, my
                      hires me to give them pure legal advice. I can't say to
them 'I
                      don't think he'll never sue you.' I've got to tell them
                      their liability is if he does sue," explained the
                      legal eagle.

                      "We came within 15 minutes of being the cover story on a
                      major national magazine. A whole bunch of people were
                      screaming and hollering at each other. We're down to the
                      last second and all of a sudden it's pulled," lamented

                      Bosco does not drop an investigation he put his life
into for
                      so long. The investigators he was working with were not
                      happy, but they knew there was nothing they could do.

                      A source within the U.S. attorney's office explained the
                      of life to Bosco. It would be very tough to get a guilty
                      against Kardashian on a conspiracy to commit murder
                      charge, and it turned out that the feds needed help to
                      an organized crime sports betting ring.

                      Bosco was told about a secret federal grand jury that is
                      relying heavily on help from Kardashian to get
                      against organized crime and sports figures. Many heads
                      expected to roll, including O.J.'s.

                      Indictments are on the way, how soon no one seems to
                      know. The key point is that Kardashian will have

                      Now Bosco understood why everything he did met with
                      resistance, and he knew that he was fighting a battle he
                      not win. Wasz would remain tucked away where no one
                      could easily interview him, and the official line would
                      always be that he had failed a lie-detector test.

                      But Bosco learned something else from the federal
                      Now he knew the motivations of Kardashian and O.J. to
                      plan the murder of Nicole. He was also convinced that
                      was being set up in a double cross which failed.

                      IN THIS SERIES:

                             The O.J. Cover-Up

                      David M. Bresnahan, a contributing editor for
            , is the author of "Cover Up: The Art
                      and Science of Political Deception," and offers a
                      newsletter "Talk USA Investigative Reports." He may be
                      reached through email and also maintains a website.

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