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-Caveat Lector-

                Gary North's REALITY CHECK

Issue 301                                 December 16, 2003


     I want to discuss something that you rarely read
about.  Given what has happened in Iraq since last April,
and what will happen between now and May 30, when the U.S.
will turn over power to the new Iraqi government, there
should be a lot of discussion about the cell group.  There
won't be.  It is a topic of very limited interest, except
for specialists in revolutionary organizations and old-time
anti-Communists who devoted time decades ago to a study of
Communist subversion.

     Western Revolutionary groups adopted the cell group no
later than the years immediately preceding the French
Revolution.  It existed in the Middle East centuries
earlier.  The masters of the cell group have been
revolutionary Muslims.  Their use of the structure goes
back to the 12th century: the Assassins.  This group was
Shi'ite in its theology.  They were a well-organized, secret
society that was devoted to killing Sunni leaders.  Bernard
Lewis, America's most respected historian of Islam, writes
in his book, "The Assassins" (1968): "In one respect the
Assassins are without precedent -- in the planned,
systematic long-term use of terror as a political weapon"
(p. 129).  Their founder and mythical leader was called the
Old Man of the Mountain.  I am convinced that Osama bin
Laden has self-consciously cultivated this tradition for
his purposes, which are not anti-Sunni but anti-Western.

     The cell group has secrecy as its supreme priority.
The archetypal cell group is a triad: a leader under the
authority of a superior cell group member, plus two
followers, each of whom seeks to create one or more cells.
Sometimes the members do not know each others names.  In
the Communist cells in Washington in the 1930s, this was
often the case.  Whittaker Chambers did not know Alger Hiss
as Hiss.

     The organizational features of a cell are these: (1)
screening of unauthorized outsiders; (2) absolute loyalty
to the senior member; (3) secrecy regarding one's
subordinates in spin-off cells; (4) secrecy regarding one's
partners in a superior cell.  Thus, if one cell is
infiltrated by the authorities, the information available
to the infiltrator is limited mainly to that cell.
Screening usually involves some form of initiation process:
oath, deviant act, ritual.

     There are two main ways to understand the operations
of secret societies, which include cell groups: (1) follow
the money and (2) follow the oath.


     The old rule in finding out what some nice-sounding
liberal activist group was up to was this: find out who the
treasurer was.  If he was a known Communist, that's who set
policy. "Follow the money" was not a slogan invented by Deep
Throat to assist Woodward and Bernstein in investigating

     When Saddam Hussein was captured, he had $750,000 in
cash.  There were two men with him, we are told.  This was
a typical triad.  If the American interrogators cannot
locate cell hierarchies under those two men, this indicates
that Hussein was out of the loop.  He maintained secrecy by
shrinking the number of men close to him.  The age-old
problem of the cell group is maintaining secrecy.  The
larger the cell, the more difficult it is to maintain
secrecy.  Someone probably tipped off the Americans as to
where he was hiding.  The best way to break a cell is not
to infiltrate it.  It's cheaper to pay an existing member
to become an informant.

     At the end, Hussein was acting almost alone.  He
produced audiotapes, but there seems to have been no chain
of command from him to armed subordinates.  This was to be
expected.  His former rule was based on public control of
money and a system of discipline.  A man who had ruled with
state power for 35 years was unlikely to have created a
rival system of hierarchical control designed to operate in
resistance mode.  That would have created another level of
risk for him: a second chain of command that could produce
potential rivals.  That system would also have been much
more ready to use assassination as a method.

     There is no doubt that the attacks on our troops are
being conducted by people with access to low-technology
weapons.  There is money coming into these groups.  The
sources are unknown.  The potential supply of weapons is
huge.  Unguarded weapons dumps are located all over Iraq.
A UPI story that ran in "The Washington Times" (Oct 15)

     The U.S. military now says Iraq's army had nearly
     a million tons of weapons and ammunition, which
     is half again as much as the 650,000 tons Gen.
     John P. Abizaid, the senior U.S. commander in the
     Persian Gulf region, estimated only two weeks

     Officials also say Saddam stockpiled at least
     5,000 shoulder-fired missiles, and fewer than a
     third have been recovered. They fear many have
     been smuggled out of the country and may have
     fallen into the hands of terrorists.

     "There are more sites than we can guard," an
     allied official said. "We are destroying them as
     fast as we can, but we are finding more and more
     every day."


     When Hussein was on the run, it would have been
possible for the military to blame the attacks on his
leadership, but hardly anyone did.  There was ready
acknowledgment that the acts were being committed by small
groups.  The field marshal, if any, is supposedly his
second in command, who is still at large.  But there is no
evidence offered to prove this connection.  The
Administration blames terrorists who have come to Iraq
secretly, along with Ba'athist Party die-hards.

     What is not discussed publicly is the possibility that
these resistance groups are made up of late-blooming anti-
Americans who regard our troops as occupation forces.  If
the attacks are coming mainly from these home-grown cells,
then the attacks will continue.

     The attacks are coming mainly in Sunni-dominated areas
of the country.  This doesn't point to the presence of a
Shi'ite secret society.  It points to more traditional
resistance groups: civilians who are using random attacks
to wear down the Americans' will to occupy.  It is the
local will to resist vs. foreign occupation forces.

     The Iraqis know that Western democracies, other than
the State of Israel, do not have the same degree of staying
power that the USSR had, and the USSR was beaten by the
Afghans.  Then it disintegrated.  The attacks are going to
continue, just as they continue inside the State of Israel.
The guerilla's war of the flea is the most cost-effective
way to drive out an invader.  It is also a way to get
revenge.  Do not downplay this motivation.

     The Administration has said that it will turn over
ruling authority to a new Iraqi government on May 30.  How
a democratic government will not lead to Shi'ite
domination, no one in the Administration has said.  How the
Kurds will be kept in the system is also a mystery.  The
transfer process has been speeded up in preparation for the
2004 election next November.

     The big questions now are these: (1) whose troops will
serve as peacemakers, the U.S. or NATO? (2) Whose money
will fund most of the rebuilding, U.S. taxpayers' or
Europe's taxpayers?  (3) Will NATO take charge if America
refuses to allow contractors in Germany, France, and Russia
to bid on these projects, estimated at almost $20 billion,
as the Administration declared a week ago?

     The Pentagon's bidding process has been delayed again
-- no explanation.  There is a lot of ducking and weaving
going on in Washington.


     This all has to do with the Federal deficit.  It looks
as though the deficit will remain above $400 billion in
fiscal 2004.  This means that the Federal government will
absorb the equivalent of 4% to 5% of the Gross Domestic
Product.  Money lent to the government is not lent to
private businesses.  This will unquestionably retard the
economic recovery process.  It is capital, not Federal
Reserve credit, that creates wealth.


     The other guideline for tracing the history of secret
societies is to follow the oath.  Some binding confession
operates as a screening device in every revolutionary
secret society.  The oath may be theological.  It may be
racial or national.  But it exists.  Without it, the
organization cannot maintain discipline, which begins with
the self-discipline of the oath.

     Because nothing factual has been published regarding
the organization or membership of the groups that are
attacking our troops, we don't know if the oath is Islamic,
implying al-Qaeda's presence, or Sunni, or Iraqi
nationalist.  If it is the last, then the attacks may
cease when there is a complete transfer of power.  But such
a transfer is highly unlikely.  There is too much oil to be
protected in the ground and shipped by pipelines that even
today are being blown up, although Western media give
little coverage to this fact.  Paul Bremer has said that
these attacks are costing Iraq $7 billion a year in lost
revenues.  The pipeline bombings are steady.

Nov. 24

Oct. 16

Sept 8

Aug 18

     There is very little possibility that control over oil
will be surrendered to any Iraqi government in the next few
years.  If control is surrendered and foreign troops leave,
then the war was not mainly about oil.  Watch what the
government does, not what it says.

     To infiltrate an oath-bound Islamic secret society
that is dedicated to the removal of Westerners from Iraq
will prove extremely difficult.  There will be a few
informants, but in the case of a $25 million reward, it
took eight months to capture Hussein.  There will be no
similar incentive for informing on clandestine groups.
There are always informants, but the fact that no assassin
has been put on trial yet, let alone convicted, for any
of the hundreds of deaths of coalition troops, let alone
Iraqi police and civilians, indicates that the cell system
is alive and well in Iraq.

     An Islamic oath makes it difficult for an informer to
reveal a cell's secrets without betraying Islam.  The only
oath with anywhere near the same degree of commitment is an
oath to Iraq as a nation.  Again, Western intelligence
organizations will find it almost impossible to get
informants to violate this oath.  There is no equal
commitment in Iraq to the ideals of democracy or economic
growth to justify such a betrayal.

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     The tradition of the Assassins runs deep in Islamic
history.  That there will be continual attacks on coalition
troops and Iraqis who cooperate with them is obvious.  What
is equally obvious to Islamic radicals is that Westerners
don't stick around very long.  They eventually depart.
Administrations change.  When it costs Americans $100
billion a year to run Iraq, and when it costs the lives of
American troops, American voters will eventually send a
message to Washington: get out of Iraq.

     I think NATO troops will go in, with the United
Nations close behind.  American troops will participate,
but as part of a multinational force.  The assassinations
will continue.

     The capture of Hussein makes it that much more
difficult politically to keep our troops there.  There were
no weapons of mass destruction.  There was no al-Qaeda
connection.  There was only Hussein.  Now he has been
captured.  There is no way that President Bush can get
Americans to foot the bill alone much longer.  The symbol
of evil is in custody.  Americans are practical people.
They will not be persuaded to pay the price of occupying
Iraq much longer.

     When we pull out, this will send a message to Islamic
terrorists all over the world: America will not be back.
They will see the departure as a retreat.  They will see
that the cell structure is a low-cost way to drive out the
Great Satan.  They will also see that to become a client of
the U.S., as Saddam Hussein was, is suicidal.  So will the
client rulers in the region.

     If I am correct, then the Middle East will become more
of a tinder box than it was before last March.  Client
regimes will lose confidence in the support they can expect
from America.  Congress is not going to authorize any more
adventures in the Middle East without the presence of a
provable direct military threat.  Meanwhile, the cells,
like cancer, will multiply.  Recruiting will become easier.

     The guerilla wages the war of the flea.  The West has
not found a way to defeat this strategy.  The suicide
bomber, the assassin, and the saboteur work together, yet
independently in cells, to wage a war of terror against
civilians, opposition parties, and foreign armies.

     The President has said that our presence in Iraq has
lured the terrorists to attack us there, keeping America's
homeland safe.  I ask the obvious question: What will
happen after our troops pull out?


     We are told by television pundits that now that Saddam
Hussein is in captivity, Iraqis will not be afraid to
become informants on other Iraqis.  Iraqi civilians will
now cooperate with American intelligence operations.  This
argument ignores both the history of Islam and the history
of the cell group.

     Within hours of Hussein's capture, a suicide bomber
killed eight Iraqi policemen.  Ten others were injured.
Seven police officers had been wounded a few hours earlier
when a car bomb exploded.

     Our invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq have ignited the
fuse.  The explosives were already in place.  It is a
matter of time before Islamic cell groups metastasize in
the West.  I think it would be naive to imagine that the
process is not already well underway.

     You had better allocate your investments accordingly.


                        Appendix 66

     Abraham Case Study #300 comes from a senior vice
president of an advertising agency.  The agency generates
$30 million a year, so it's a mid-size agency.  He runs the
Chicago branch -- one of 12.  What I find amazing is that
the company has been in business for years.  These are
professionals in a highly specialized field related to
marketing, yet the man did not have a strategy before he
read Abraham's materials.  This indicates just how
revolutionary these simple techniques are.  What you are
learning in these appendixes can put you ahead of the
competition, no matter what your business is.  I hope you
are internalizing Abraham's principles, so that they are
becoming instinctive.  If not, you are walking away from

     The testimonial begins with a brief discussion of what
the company used to do.

     Traditionally, the company's marketing focus was
     somewhat "scattergun".  We would develop products
     and services and then try to go out and sell them
     to our clients. There was no clear message as to
     whether we were a consulting firm or a vendor of

     What's wrong so far?  This: the company had not
created a unique selling proposition (USP), either in the
minds of the employees or the clients.

     From the opening of our Chicago office in 1991,
     we had already begun to take a very different
     marketing approach in the Midwest -- much more
     customer focused, heavy cold calling programs,
     developing services to meet clients' needs, etc.
     In 1994, we purchased the first of many of your
     books and seminar materials and began to apply
     your marketing principles to our own homespun
     efforts. Some of the ways we have done this
     successfully are as follows:

          1. Establishing a clear USP: "This firm
          is the only worldwide firm providing
          both consulting assistance and data
          services to support multinational
          companies' international assignment

     This USP is narrow.  Anyone not interested in
obtaining these services will not call.  The goal is to
narrow the targeted audience so that those who hear about
the company think, "This is exactly what I need."  The
hotter the hot button, the more likely someone will press
it.  The narrower the assertion, the hotter the button.

     Then the company had to retrain its employees.  The
goal was to accentuate the consulting aspect of the

          2. Moving to a consultative selling
          approach. We train all our consultants
          in this way: "Always start meetings
          with prospects by asking them to tell
          you about their company, programs, key
          issues, and objectives. Don't fall in
          the trap of describing your services
          until you find out whether they're even

     Here we have a basic sales principle: find out what
someone wants, and then sell it to him."

          3. Educating our clients and prospects
          through regular informational regional
          seminars and breakfast meetings, which
          we carry out in conjunction with other
          complementary and non-competitive
          service providers, such as tax,
          relocation, and law firms. This allows
          us to share expenses, client, and
          prospect lists. We have strict rules
          that absolutely no selling is allowed
          during the sessions, which creates a
          very comfortable environment for our

     Here is their positioning: become an information
source.  Then create a sense of trust in the minds of the
clients.  Trust can be converted into money later in the

          4. Conducting surveys on specific
          international assignment issues among
          our clients and prospects that we are
          targeting. This provides valuable
          information and market data both to us
          and the participants, and has proved a
          very successful way for us to develop
          relationships and arrange meetings with
          companies that we had no prior
          relationship with.

          5. Developing complementary "add on"
          products and services to meet our
          clients' needs. Our range of data
          services had previously been narrowly
          focused on traditional expatriate
          assignments. As our clients
          increasingly have employees on a wide
          range of different assignments, we have
          developed and introduced data services
          to support a much broader range of
          their needs.

     This is smart marketing.  Find out what someone wants
to buy, and sell it to him.

          6. Focusing on building long term
          relationships rather than trying to
          make quick sales. This clearly gives us
          a competitive advantage. For example,
          the President of one company I visited
          in Germany commented: "You're the first
          consultant who visited me and didn't
          try to sell me something." We want to
          be perceived as true partners with our
          clients, interested in finding out
          their needs and issues, and creating
          solutions for them, rather than a

     The author has concluded that of the growth in
revenues from the consulting side of the branch's business
-- from $300,000/year in 1994 to $1,000,000/year in 2001 --
half was the result of revised positioning.


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