A Catastrophics Newsletter

                           VOL III, No. 13
                            Oct 15, 1999

EDITOR:  Amy Acheson
PUBLISHER:  Michael Armstrong
LIST MANAGER:  Brian Stewart

QUOTE OF THE DAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . by Trevor Palmer
GRAVITY VS. PLASMA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . by Mel Acheson
STAR WORDS . . . . . . . . . . . . Ted Bond, Roger Wescott,
    Ev Cochrane, Dave Talbott
STATE OF THE UNIVERSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . by Amy Acheson
ACTION AT A DISTANCE . . .   . . by Simon Tressman, Wal Thornhill
SULFURIC ACID ON EUROPA . .NASA report, comments by Wal Thornhill


Whilst scientists will agree about certain key principles, they
will, inevitably, have honest disagreements amongst themselves
about matters of detail.  In consequence, clever lawyers  . . .
can easily make it appear that 'the scientists' are in disarray.
Yet, to those who care to think about it, that is one of
science's greatest strengths.  Only those who are not trying to
learn from the evidence but to use it indiscriminately in support
of a preconceived position can avoid such disagreements.

Trevor Palmer, C&C Review, 1997:1

By Mel Acheson

Kuhn's 1962 essay (The Structure of Scientific Revolutions)
exploring the nature of changes in scientific theories, and a
plethora of commentaries since, have made it out to be a Big Deal
and to be also somewhat mysterious:  "revolution",
"incommensurability of paradigms", "new world", etc.

It seems to me the essence of it is simply different viewpoints.
Just as the landscape looks different when viewed from different
locations, the facts and theories of the sciences appear
different when understood from different conceptual locations in
the intellectual landscape.

Ptolemy drew a picture of what the universe looked like from the
Earth.  Copernicus described how it looked from the Sun.  Newton
depicted the view from gravity.  Notice that the terms "Earth",
"Sun", and "gravity" are not "something out there" but are
concepts that make sense of or create meaning from a selection of
observations.  Gravity, for example, made sense of falling apples
and revolving planets.  The other viewpoints "saw" no connection
between apples and planets. Definitions changed:  The
observations once considered important in the term "planet" were
replaced with other observations.  New mathematical techniques
were developed which would have seemed nonsensical to people
occupying the old viewpoints.  The resulting view of the "gravity
universe" was that of isolated "billiard balls" occasionally
perturbing each other.  This replaced the old views of a system
of nested spheres or an assembly of epicycles.

Now the "Electric Universe" is a different viewpoint.  Notice,
for example, that its definition of "plasma" is not the
conventional one of "ionized gas".  That latter definition jumps
to the conclusion that you can understand something about plasma
by falling back on what you know about ideal gasses and thermal
ionization.  The ideal gas law is an important insight in the
conventional view, but it becomes a blindfold in the electric
view, preventing you from seeing what's before your eyes.
Rather, "plasma" is an emergent (i.e., higher-level or
statistical-level) orderliness of complex electrical forces:
such properties as filamentation, long-range attraction and
short-range repulsion, braiding, characteristic velocities,
formation and decay of plasmoids, and identity of properties at
different scales.

The mathematical shorthand that was developed for articulating
the gravity view and for using the technologies based on it
doesn't work for the plasma view.  A new mathematics-and new
technologies-will need to be invented.

The view of the universe from a plasma vantage point is one of
persistently interacting aggregates with wide-spread resonance
effects:  a "driven" universe rather than one rolling to a stop.

So the definitions are different, the facts are different, the
math is different, the theories are different:  The universe
looks different because the plasma physicist is standing in a
different conceptual location from the gravity physicist.  And
although the content of each paradigm can't be compared with the
other, the respective viewpoints can be compared.

B. J. F. Lonergan's 1957 work (Insight) on the nature of
understanding provides one ground upon which different viewpoints
can be compared.  Theories come and go, but the underlying
function, purpose, and construction of theories arise from the
nature of cognition.  As one of the ways in which people relate
to the universe, cognition fashions intellectual tools-theories-
to accomplish particular goals.  Hence, from a selection of
theories, one can be preferred on the basis of its utility value-
the one which seems most likely to achieve the goal with the
greatest efficiency and least effort.

One criterion for the efficient achievement of the goal of
understanding the universe is comprehensiveness.  Again comparing
the intellectual landscape with the physical, the higher the
viewpoint the greater the purview.  In this sense, Kuhn's process
of periods of cumulation of knowledge within a paradigm separated
by episodes of paradigm shifts can be understood as the
progressive achievement of higher viewpoints affording greater
purviews.  Notice that from this understanding the often-used
(and abused when applied outside a paradigm) judgements of
"right/wrong", "correct/incorrect", even "true/false", are

Upon this ground for comparing viewpoints, the case can be made
that the plasma paradigm is "higher" than the gravity one in that
it encompasses a larger domain of evidence.  Not only does it
explain more phenomena, it explains those phenomena with a
comprehensive and unitary theory.  It "sees" more landscape, more
features of that landscape, and more relationships among those

Gravity, in contrast, "sees" fewer features and "sees" them as
disparate events, each requiring a separate ad hoc explanation.
For example, every feature on every planet has its own theory:
impact craters, volcanoes, tidal cracks, floods of disappearing
water, lava that runs uphill, runaway greenhouses, etc.  The
generality of gravity is obscured with ad hoc inventions, and
those inventions fail to account for details intrinsic in the
plasma view.  Gravity fails to account for entire new
observations, extrapolating itself beyond reality and into
denial:  Super-massive stars spinning super-fast, exploding stars
whose shock-waves create intricate structures, cannibalistic
galaxies, dark matter that overwhelms observed matter, photos
cropped between galaxies and connected quasars, silence in the
face of the quantization of redshifts, etc.  More and more
evidence is being ignored.

Newton was unaware of plasma.  Today his disciples spend years in
training learning when and how to shut their eyes to it.  It's
not just the Big Bang, General Relativity, and Quantum Mechanics
that are in trouble but the foundation of them all:  Gravity is
an exhausted and bankrupt concept.  A higher, more comprehensive
foundation is needed.  The technologies of gravity have lifted us
to a viewpoint that's bigger than gravity, and we need new ideas
and new tools to make sense of the new vistas.

Mel Acheson

A Kronia discussion

TED BOND says:
I have just discovered that throughout the whole range of the
Indo-European language group, the words for star are cognate,
starting (!) with the Sanskrit 'star' (yes!).  It is clear that
these words are also cognate with many of the names (Ishtar,
Astarte, Asherah, Ashteroth) of the goddess identified with the
planet Venus.  The radiant Venus may have been at one time the
only star-shaped light visible in the sky, and the star-words may
be derived from the proper name rather than vice versa.

A most extraordinary thing however, is that the word 'disaster'
said to derive, via French from the _Italian_ disastro derived in
turn from the Latin 'astrum', a star OR planet. But 'dis-' is a
_Latin_ prefix signifying deviation.  Is there no attestation for
a Latin 'disastrum' (deviating star or planet)?  (The suggestion
here should be obvious.)

The Shorter Oxford Dictionary (based on the O.E.D.) does not
mention an Italian origin for the French, but goes directly from
the French to Latin 'astrum' and Greek 'astron'.  In fact,
according to this dictionary, until 1669, 'disaster' had the
sense 'an obnoxious planet'!

Ted Bond rightly perceives a connection between Indo-European
nouns cognate with English "star" and Semitic names like Akkadian
Ishtar.  Most historical linguists, adhering to conventional
chronology, either descry lexical coincidence here or derive the
I.E. from the Sem. forms. I am inclined, rather, to regard the
Sem. forms as borrowings from I.E., for 4 reasons: (1) these
forms are wide-spread in I.E. but not in Sem.; (2)revised
chronology no longer requires us to regard written Akkadian as
older than Hittite; (3) I.E., unlike Sem., permits an internal
etymology for "star", relating it to English "stare" and other
verbs expressing strength and persistence; and (4) Afrasian
language families related to Sem., such as Cushitic  and Ancient
Egyptian, fail to exhibit forms with this shape and meaning (as
they should if the form were primarily Afrasian).

As a matter of fact, I was just researching this particular issue
this past month.  According to Wilhelm Eilers' book on planet-
names, there is no connection between the IE word "star" and the
Semitic words Ishtar/Astarte/etc.  As is well-known, such a
derivation has been proposed on several occasions in this century
but has long since been abandoned.  So far as I'm aware, there is
no agreed upon root for Ishtar/Astarte.  According to Eilers and
the other authorities I've consulted, the English word "star" is
derived from the same root as "strewn", although I don't have the
root in front of me at the moment.  Thus I would be most
interested to learn how Dr. Wescott relates "star" to the word
"stare" (which root?) and which Semitic root he would offer as a
source for Ishtar/Astarte.

ROGER clarifies:
All etymologies are probabilistic at best. Besides "strew", the
English forms most likely to be cognate with "star" are "strong"
and "steady", to either or both of which "stare" may be related.

EV says:
It goes without saying, of course (but I'll go ahead and say it
just the same), that the Saturn theory would expect a relation
between early words for "star" and Venus, since Venus presented
the appearance of a giant star against the backdrop of Saturn.
In this sense, Venus was the original prototype for "star" and
could serve as the "star" par excellence in ancient nomenclature.
As I have documented elsewhere, in various languages--such as
Mayan and Polynesian-- the word for "star" also means "Venus."
Thus I would love to see Dr. Wescott (or anyone else) prove that
the IE word "star" is cognate with Ishtar/Astarte.

Here is a personal opinion concerning S-T-R roots in the Indo-
European languages.  Virtually ALL are related, but in many cases
the relationships will not be evident to the experts because
these experts remain unaware of the archetype around which entire
complexes of meanings arose.  The source of the archetype was in
the sky, but it is not there now, and the experts have not even
suspected that a celestial reference might have existed--once-
which could unify the picture completely.

So they search about "down here," wrestling with concepts that
cannot (on their own, in the absence of the celestial reference)
be reconciled.  They do not believe that "cataSTRophe" has
anything to do with "STaR" because it is known that the former
derives from the Greek _STRrophe_, meaning a turning or twisting
motion with specific references to the turning motions of dancers
in Greek choral odes.  They cannot imagine any linkage between
this meaning and the root concept "STRength," to which the word
STaR does appear to be clearly related. Nor does the "turning"
motion of dancers suggest any connection to the concept "to
STaRe," with which the word STaR is also connected.

The Saturn theory, on the other hand, reconstructs an archetype
which can account for the full range of STR-meanings.  The
subject is Venus and Mars in conjunction, together constituting
the Great Star, the prototypical star depicted in the center of
the archaic "sun" god (Saturn). The radiant STReams or STRahlen
[German "rays"] of this StaR are the life and "STRength" of the
sun. This star can be said to "STaRe" only because it is the sun
god's central eye.

When considering the origins of the word "catastrophe" and the
meaning of the Greek _strophe_, it is inappropriate for the
experts to ignore the connection of sacred dances to celestial
phenomena, since all such ritual performances repeated critical
junctures in the lives of GODS.  The turning, twisting motion
(_strophe_) of the prototypical star is legendary and is the
basis of the global connection of this star, Venus, to the simple
curl, spiral, and whorl.

And speaking of the turning motion of Venus, if cataSTRophe is in
fact connected to the same root as STaR, then so must the word
apoSTRophe, since it expresses the same Greek root. The expected
connection is definitely there.  Aphrodite (Venus) was CALLED
Apostrophia.  A loose counterpart would be the Latin Venus as
Verticordia--the turning or whirling heart.

Our apostrophe is a mark or STRoke made with a STRophe or turning
motion. Its form is virtually identical to the more elementary
forms of the ancient Sumerian Venus-sign.  And of course it has
the same form as our COMMA which is surely linked to the
"cometary" COMA of the Great Star. The archetypal Great Star is
strictly synonymous with the archetypal Great Comet,  But what is
unified at the level of archetypes is too easily fragmented with
the specialization and fragmentation of language in the ABSENCE
of the original celestial references.

To sort through the maze of modern words expressing the S-T-R
root I would STaRt :) with these most fundamental associations of
the Great Star:

1,  It is the life, power, glory, strength, and majesty of the
archaic sun god: the god's central, radiant eye, heart, and soul.
In rites and symbols of kingship it will be represented as the
feminine _anima_ of kings, the very force which Jung himself
identified with the goddess Venus.  The radiant streamers of the
central star, the "Queen of heaven", ANIMATE the sun god.  In the
waxing and waning of these streamers in the daily cycle, the
ancient symbolists saw the nuances of "life"--of being and non-
being. I cannot see how the Latin _exsiSTeRe_ from which our word
"existence" is derived, could have its root in any concept other
than the "appearance" or "coming out" of the STaR that was the
life of the sun god. It also seems abundantly clear that our word
"is", Latin _est_, Greek _esti_, Sanskrit _asti_ related to the
life-giving "presence" of the central star.

2. The definitive motion of Venus is represented pictographically
by the curl, spiral, and whorl.  That is the motion to which to
the Greek STRophe must be referred.  Hence, the STRophe cannot be
legitimately separated from the language of the Great Star.

3. The dominant activity of the Great Star includes scattering
and clearing. The explosion of radiating material is a STRewing
of luminous ejecta into surrounding space, but in the subsequent
clearing of the sky, the Great Star is the "broom" (comet)
sweeping away the clouds of chaos. The broom is a clump of STRaw,
German STRoh, an acknowledged hieroglyph for the COMET.  (The
hieroglyphic twisted STRoh or STRaw of the "comet" will be the
STRahlen, or STReaming radiance.)

4. The coming into existence (Latin _exsiSTeRe_) of the Great
Star is the first "activity" in the history of the gods.  The
first form of "divinity" in Mesopotamia is the Sumerian sign of
An.  It is the 8-pointed star, signifying the "life" and
"radiance" in the center of An. The "tears" shed by the central,
solitary "Eye" of Atum in the opening event of the Egyptian
creation legend will denote the same celestial form.  The event
means (in the words of the Egyptians themselves) "the beginning
of coming into existence".) In calling this central star the
"GREAT star" we refer specifically to its role as the "first",
the primeval model, the prototype.  Invariably, cosmic history
will STaRt with this effusion of radiant STReamers or STRahlen.
Most fundamentally, our word "STaRt" means the beginning of
motion or activity, and that is a core concept in the Great Star

by Amy Acheson

THE BIG BANG is dead. It's a theory based on a theory based on an
assumption made nearly 75 years ago, that THE ONLY CAUSE OF
REDSHIFT IS RECESSIONAL VELOCITY. And that assumption was wrong.
Observations in 1911 of intrinsic redshift in young stars
crippled the recessional redshift of galaxies before it was
imagined.  Halton Arp's identification of physical connections
between high-redshift quasars and low-redshift active galaxies in
the late 60's dealt the mortal blow.  The discovery of
quantization of redshifts signed the death certificate.

Still the Big Bang rises, vampire-like, to haunt the night,
sapping the vitality and the integrity of astronomy.  Photos are
cropped between active galaxies and their ejected quasars.  Dark
matter spawns dark energy.  Unquestioned superstitions and ritual
mathematics adorn a conceptual graveyard into which are interred
billions of dollars of public funds.

The time has come to look at the universe from an entirely
different paradigm.  An intrinsic interpretation of the redshift
will imply a much different universe.  For example, in the middle
of the constellation of Virgo, the brightest galaxies, the
brightest quasars and brightest clusters of galaxies are
connected by the strongest radio and x-ray fields in the sky.
The expanding universe assumption -- that redshift equals
velocity equals distance -- separates these objects by billions
of light-years, and assumes their side-by-side position is a
coincidental.  But it's not coincidence.  These objects belong
together.  They make up an evolving galactic family whose
genealogy can be traced through four generations.

We'll never "see" this universe as long as we remain captive in
the coffin of the Big Bang viewpoint.  The assumption that
redshift can only be caused by recessional velocity predetermines
a distorted understanding of the shape, age, size, and physical
characteristics of most of the extragalactic universe.  A
different - intrinsic - interpretation of the redshift will imply
a much different universe.  Even the meaning of the terms we use
to describe that universe will have to change.

Take, for example, the term, "galactic cluster."  That term is
currently defined by the yardstick of Big Bang expansion:  at
least 30 galaxies (in addition to the brightest two) within a
range of 2 magnitudes and approximately the same redshift.
According to this definition, there are 4,073 clusters (listed in
the revised northern and southern Abell Catalogue.)

Now let's look at a galactic cluster in the non-Big Bang
universe.  Let's assume (as Halton Arp's observations seem to
suggest) that a galactic cluster is a family of galaxies and
quasars and gaseous clouds of varying redshifts.  At the center,
we find a dominant galaxy - it's usually the largest galaxy, and
the galaxy with the lowest redshift of the cluster.  This
dominant galaxy is surrounded by low-to-medium redshift galaxies,
and toward the edges of the cluster we find the highest redshift
galaxies, HII regions, BL Lac objects and quasars.

If we try to force this configuration into a redshift-equals-
velocity-equals-distance relationship, as Big Bang cosmologists
do, the cluster will be distorted.  What was once a sphere
becomes an elongated bubble.  The central dominant galaxy drops
to the front of the bubble, followed by a spike of low-to-medium
redshift galaxies stretching away from the earth (see
illustrations).  Every cluster in the sky does this, like
starfish arms pointed away from the earth in every direction.
Because we used redshift distance as the criteria for determining
which galaxies belong in the cluster, we then draw an arbitrary
line where the redshift gets higher than a predetermined level
and, voile, everything beyond that line becomes BO: background
objects.  The Big Bang vampire has amputated the majority of
galaxies from our original  cluster.

Now compare this to an actual plot of Virgo Cluster members set
at their assumed velocity-redshift distance.  There's a spike of
galaxies (in fact, there are two of them, associated with two
generations of the galactic family), pointing directly at the
earth.  You can see the front end of the bubble spreading out.
Even as long ago as Copernicus we knew the Earth wasn't the
center of anything.  But this diagram, based on Big Bang
assumptions, says it's the center of the universe!

What you don't see in the Virgo Cluster plot, because of the
arbitrary assumption that higher redshift objects are too far
away to belong to the cluster, are the sides and the back of the
bubble, where young groups of galaxies are artificially clumped
into background clusters on the basis of their redshifts.  The
highest-redshift objects, the quasars, are also stretched out of
this picture.  Yet, when observed through our earth-based
telescopes, they are "coincidentally" embedded in nearby hydrogen
clouds, at the exact centers of x-ray fields and lined up in
pairs across the spin axes of active foreground galaxies.

The Big Bang universe will be restructured by intrinsic redshift
into an entirely different form.  Instead of a finite 12 billion
light-year radius sphere centered on the earth, the limits of the
intrinsic redshift universe are undefined, possibly infinite.
But the extent of what we have observed is smaller, probably
organized into two superclusters a few hundred megaparsecs
across.  Beyond that lie unknown amounts of extragalactica

In this new paradigm, the collapsing concepts of the Big Bang
fall into entirely different places.  Here's a sample glossary
from the Intrinsic Redshift Universe:

1) When speaking of extragalactic objects, the term "high
redshift" means "young". It does not imply "far away", "high
velocity" or "expanding universe."

2) Background objects probably aren't.

3)  Our local cluster of galaxies has more members than presently
believed.  Before Arp, only objects with redshifts below 300
km/sec were admitted to the local cluster.  From Arp's
observations, higher-redshift dwarf galaxies and galaxies
interacting with local-group nebulosity are also part of the
local group.  Even quasar-like 3C 120, with its superluminal
(faster-than-light) ejections, becomes a local group member.

     Corollary of 3)  The superluminal expansion of 3C 120 no
     longer needs an ad hoc explanation.  If it is a member of
     the local cluster, then it is nearby, not at the edge of
     the universe, and its ejections become normal sub-
     lightspeed ejections.

4)  The oft-invoked concept "colliding galaxies" (or "merging
galaxies") is a fake. It's especially misleading when called upon
to explain a priori assumptions, for example "quasar activity is
induced in host galaxies by galactic collisions."   In most
cases, it is accurate to replace the randomly occurring
"colliding galaxy" with the evolutionary process "ejecting

5)  The concept of black holes, mass so tightly packed that
everything falls in, is a poor explanation for an active galactic
nucleus, where observations show that everything appears to be
falling out.

6)  Cannibalistic black holes ambushing passing galaxies are Big
Bang fantasies. When we see galaxies tangled together in a high-
energy mass, we're witnessing the birth of a new generation of
quasars, galactic groups and companion galaxies.

7)  The unobservable and undetectable "missing mass" that Big
Bang theory claims makes up 90% of the universe isn't "missing".
It simply isn't there.

8)  The age of the universe can no longer be counted by
retrocalculating an expanding universe back to a singularity.

9) Distances, masses and luminosities of high-redshift quasars,
galaxies and clusters need to be recomputed  as a function of
something other than their redshift.

Corollaries of 9) Quasars are not the "brightest objects in
the universe" - their magnitude is brighter than stars, but
not as bright as most galaxies. Gamma Ray Bursters don't
"release more energy than the Big Bang".  When placed at
their proper close-by distance, their energy output becomes
more reasonable.

10) So-called "gravitational lensing" of background quasars and
galaxies becomes ejection phenomena. This is especially true in
the most notorious case of gravitational lensing, the "Einstein
cross": Supposedly, four images of the same quasar wrap around the
nucleus of a low-redshift galaxy.  However, a bridge of high
redshift hydrogen connects two of the "quasar images" and crosses
in front of a lobe of the low-redshift galaxy. This proves
conclusively that  these images are not the same quasar, nor are
they background objects.

THE STATE OF THE UNIVERSE -- 1999: The universe as we understand
it is badly in need of repair and re-evaluation.  Observations do
not support the theoretical constructs and mathematical ad
hocery of expanding universe/Big Bang cosmology.  The time has
come to take off our doppler-colored glasses and reexamine the
pin-points of light beyond the Milky Way.

Simon Tressman, Wal Thornhill

I'm not sure if they're still looking for it but the Higgs
particle was supposed to explain action at a distance in the
quantum world. At least it was after reading 'The God Particle'
by Leon Lederman. This involves a very small particle shooting
off from a a destination and back again to somehow
cause attraction between a-toms. Yuk! (I think!..not that its yuk
but that's how it works)

Tom Van Flandern's Meta Universe model has very small particle
whizzing around and hitting everything else (except
themselves...very often) causing 'attraction' by the shielding of
one body by another from the particles. A neater idea. (I like
the concept of infinite scale in the model).

I read some of the reciprocity theory that Jan talks about and
that makes a little sense. No action at a distance. (I can't
describe it as I can't remember it but it made sense)

What is the mechanism in the 'Electric Universe'?

The model used in the Electric Universe is that proposed by Ralph
Sansbury. The reason for that is that it offers a simple
classical model of the atom with only two additions:

1. The electron has structure. (There is experimental evidence
for this now).
2. The electrostatic force operating between the sub-particles
(quarks?) that make up nucleons and electrons acts near

This simple model offers an explanation for magnetism,
electromagnetism, gravity, quantum theory, etc., and provides a
mechanism for the stabilisation of the solar system after an
episode of chaos. ( Very important given the wealth of evidence
for recent electrical scarring of planetary bodies). It also
offers a simple mechanism to explain Halton Arp's epochal
discovery of quantised red shifts of quasars.

Of course that doesn't explain how action at a distance, mediated
by something we call the electrostatic force, actually occurs. It
is a postulate that fits the observations - including the
"spooky" instantaneous connection between fundamental particles
discovered in recent years.

It has not been found necessary in Sansbury's model to make any
further complicating assumptions about action at a distance to
save the model. That is not to say that it may not be found
necessary in future.

He is currently organising a repeat of his pulsed laser
experiment (as shown on my CD) but this time including the
inverse of the experiment where the shutter is open during the
instantaneous excitation but closed when the pulse of light is
expected to arrive at the shutter.

Wal Thornhill

NASA report, comments by Wal Thornhill

The following NASA Science news report lends considerable support
to my suggestion, published in November 1997 as workshop notes
for my slide presentation of The Electric Universe, that:
"Interplanetary discharges are energetic enough to cause
transmutation of elements. A common possibility is the production
of sulphur from two atoms of oxygen. It seems a distinct
possibility that the red colouration of the ice is due to the
formation of elemental sulphur from oxygen in the ice."

Jupiter's innermost moon Io is covered in sulphur by the same
mechanism and it is still happening, unrecognised, under the gaze
of the Galileo cameras.

Wal Thornhill

     Sulfuric acid -- a corrosive chemical found on Earth in car
batteries -- exists on the frozen surface of Jupiter's icy moon

     "This demonstrates once again that Europa is a really
bizarre place," said Dr. Robert Carlson of NASA's Jet Propulsion
Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, CA.  "Sulfuric acid occurs in
nature, but it isn't plentiful.  You're not likely to find
sulfuric acid on Earth's beaches, but on Europa, it covers large
portions of the surface."

     The new findings from NASA's Galileo spacecraft are reported
in the Oct. 1 issue of the journal Science. Carlson, the
principal investigator for the near-infrared mapping spectrometer
aboard Galileo, is the lead author of the paper.

     Although there is no evidence of life on Europa, pictures
and other scientific information gathered by the Galileo
spacecraft indicate a liquid ocean may lie beneath Europa's icy
crust.  Water is one key ingredient essential for life.

      At first, Carlson thought the spectrometer's findings of
sulfuric acid on Europa would quash any talk that life might
exist there.  "After all, even though we know there are acid-
loving bacteria on Earth, sulfuric acid is a nasty chemical," he
said. Those thoughts were quickly negated by a colleague, Dr.
Kenneth Nealson, head of JPL's astrobiology unit, who was excited
by the findings.

     "Although sulfur may seem like a harsh chemical, its
presence on Europa doesn't in any way rule out the possibility of
life," Nealson said.  "In fact, to make energy, which is
essential to life, you need fuel and something with which to burn
it.  Sulfur and sulfuric acid are known oxidants, or energy
sources, for living things on Earth.  These new findings
encourage us to hunt for any possible links between the sulfur
oxidants on Europa's surface, and natural fuels produced from
Europa's hot interior."

     "These findings have helped solve a puzzle that has been
nagging at me for a long time," Carlson said.  "Data gathered by
the spectrometer during observations of Europa had shown a
chemical that we couldn't identify.  I kept wondering, 'What the
heck is this stuff?'  Lab measurements now tell us that it is
sulfuric acid, and we can start investigating where it comes from
and what other materials might be there."  For example, some
reddish-brown areas on Europa might be caused by sulfur that co-
exists with the sulfuric acid.

     One theory proposed by Carlson is that the sulfur atoms
originate with the volcanoes on Jupiter's fiery moon Io, with the
material being ejected into the magnetic environment around
Jupiter and eventually whirled toward Europa.  Another idea is
that the sulfuric acid comes from Europa's interior, beneath the
moon's icy crust, ejected by sulfuric acid geysers or oozing up
through cracks in the ice.

     Another theory comes from Carlson's co-author, Professor
Robert Johnson of the University of Virginia in Charlottesville,
who noted that sodium and magnesium sulfates may have leached
onto Europa's surface from underground oceans and then were
altered by the intense radiation field.  This would produce the
frozen sulfuric acid and other sulfur compounds.  The new finding
is also consistent with earlier Galileo spectrometer data
analyses reported by Thomas McCord of the University of Hawaii
and other members of the instrument team, who suggested that
sulfate salts of this type were present on Europa.

     Carlson, Johnson and co-author Mark Anderson, a chemist in
JPL's Analytical Chemistry Laboratory, plan to study Jupiter's
largest moon, Ganymede, to see if it also contains sulfuric acid.

     The near-infrared mapping spectrometer works like a prism to
break up infrared light not visible to the naked eye.  Scientists
can study the resulting light patterns to determine what
chemicals are present, since different chemicals absorb infrared
light differently.

     Galileo has been orbiting Jupiter and its moons for nearly
four years.  More information on the Galileo mission is available
on the World Wide Web at:


     An image depicting sulfuric acid on Europa is available on
the World Wide Web at:


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The THOTH electronic newsletter is an outgrowth of scientific and
scholarly discussions in the emerging field of astral
catastrophics.  Our focus is on a reconstruction of ancient
astral myths and symbols in relation to a new theory of planetary
history.  Serious readers must allow some time for these
radically different ideas to be fleshed out and for the relevant
background to be developed.  The general tenor of the ideas and
information presented in THOTH is supported by the editor and
publisher, but there will always be plenty of room for
differences of interpretation.

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