November 10, 1999 
Editor: Sam Smith 
The Progressive Review 
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Issues aren't real.  Issues are just masses of opposing scenarios vying to 
become perceptions.  -- Mark Alan Stamaty


FAIR: FAIR's national radio show, CounterSpin, was interrupted in mid-show 
as it aired on WPFW-FM, the Pacifica-owned radio station located in 
Washington, D.C. The show, which airs on WPFW between 11:00 and 11:30am, was 
in progress when host Janine Jackson began to announce an item about the 
November 1 "reassignment" of Dan Coughlin, the Pacifica Network's news 
director. Just as Jackson began mentioning the reason for Coughlin's removal 
a musical interlude crudely interrupted the report and continued for 50 
seconds, until after the Coughlin item was finished.

This marks the fifth time in 1999 that CounterSpin's broadcast has been 
altered or withheld by Pacifica stations. In April, the Los Angeles-based 
KPFK pulled the entire CounterSpin show, which included an interview with 
then recently fired broadcaster Larry Bensky. On WPFW, the same show was 
interrupted by music which continued throughout the show's normal timeslot. 
In July, a CounterSpin broadcast on KPFK was interrupted following an 
interview with Pacifica critics J. Imani and Norman Solomon when KPFK 
general manager Mark Schubb came on the air and spent the duration of 
CounterSpin's time slot commenting on Pacifica issues and taking calls from 
listeners. On WPFW that same show was pulled entirely.


We referred to Rogers, AK, in our story yesterday about a boy killed by a 
gay man. AK is the symbol for Alaska. The incident occurred in Arkansas, 
whose symbol is AR. 


APB News has completed a 1400-campus study of crime and has compiled a list 
of the safest and most dangerous universities and colleges based on 
neighborhood (not on-campus) crime reports. Except for the Air Force and 
Army military academies, the safest colleges are all in rural areas. The 
most dangerous college neighborhood was that of Morris Brown College in 
Atlanta's University Center, a cluster of small historic campuses. Three 
other schools in University Center -- Spelman College, Clark Atlanta 
University and Morehouse College -- were also among the five highest 
neighborhood crime risk rankings. The most dangerous Ivy school was the 
University of Pennsylvania which ranked 41st nationally. Among Ivies, Penn 
was followed by Columbia, Yale, Brown, and Harvard.

APB NEWS http://www.apbnews.com


A recent survey finds that only 28% of American voters would support Bill 
Clinton if he ran for office again. Here's how respondents rated current 
candidates on the question of whether they said what they believed. 

44% Bradley
37% McCain
36% Gore
35% Bush

Asked with whom they wold rather spend an evening the results were: 

27% Bush
23% Gore
15% Bradley
11% McCain


WALL STREET JOURNAL: The FBI questioned [John] Huang extensively about 
whether Lippo fronted in the U.S. for Chinese-government interests because 
of business ties between the company and government-controlled China 
Resources Corp., long a subject of interest for investigators. In 1985, the 
FBI interrogation record says, China Resources allegedly paid for a 
Lippo-organized trip to Asia by then-Arkansas Gov. Clinton. In 1992 and 
1993, according to the FBI, China Resources bought a large number of shares 
in Lippo-controlled Hong Kong Chinese Bank, for about 80% of equity. And a 
China Resources purchase of shares in Lippo itself, Mr. Huang said, saved 
Lippo from bankruptcy during a real-estate downturn.

The FBI says Mr. Huang called that deal an explicit agreement for favors 
from Lippo, but "Huang did not know what the 'quid pro quo' was for having 
China Resources as a partner." The FBI says, though, that China Resources 
was controlled by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, 
the primary lobbying agent for most-favored-nation trade status for China.

TPR: To put this in perspective, here are some other things, not mentioned 
by the WSJ, that were going on in the 1980s around the time of Clinton trip 
to Asia. 

Mochtar Riady forms Lippo Finance & Investment in Little Rock. A 
non-citizen, Riady hires Carter's former SBA director, Vernon Weaver, to 
chair the firm. The launch is accomplished with the aid of a $2 million loan 
guaranteed by the SBA. Weaver uses Governor Clinton as a character reference 
to help get the loan guarantee. First loan goes to Little Rock Chinese 
restaurant owner Charlie Trie.
State regulators warn McDougal's Madison Guarantee S&L to stop making 
imprudent loans. Gov. Clinton is also warned of the problem but takes no 

Riady buys a stake in the Worthen holding company whose assets include the 
Stephens-controlled Worthen Bank. Price: $16 million. Other Worthen 
co-owners will eventually include BCCI investor Abdullah Taha Bakhish.

Arkansas state pension funds -- deposited in Worthen by Governor Bill 
Clinton -- suddenly lose 15% of their value because of the failure of high 
risk, short-term investments and the brokerage firm that bought them. The 
$52 million loss is covered by a Worthen check written by Jack Stephens in 
the middle of the night, an insurance policy, and the subsequent purchase 
over the next few months of 40% of the bank by Mochtar Riady. Clinton and 
Worthen escape a major scandal.
Mochtar's son James comes back to Arkansas to manage Worthen as president. 
He bonds with Clinton and Charlie Trie. Lippo executive and Chinese native 
John Huang becomes active in Lippo's operations in Arkansas. Mochtar and 
James Riady engineer the takeover of the First National Bank of Mena in a 
town of 5,000 with few major assets beyond a Contra supply base, drug 
running and money-laundering operations.

Further, last spring we reported:

The Clinton crowd, which almost caused a disaster in the Arkansas state 
pension fund in the mid-1980s by its risky investments, is at it again 
according to Investor's Business Daily and the American Spectator. The state 
teachers' fund has put large sums into four companies with strong links to 
Chinese intelligence and the People's Liberation Army, including the China 
Ocean Shipping Co., China North Industries, China Resources Enterprises and 
China Travel. Some of these firms are also linked to Indonesian Clinton 
crony Mochtar Riady. The system owns nearly $2 million worth of stock in a 
COSCO subsidiary. Says Charles Altmon of the highly rated Growth Stock 
Outlook newsletter, who manages portfolios worth $130 million, the pension 
fund investments are "downright foolish."

In November 1998, TPR reported:

Four of Panama's ports are controlled by a company partially owned by 
Hutchinson-Whampoa Ltd., which in turn is owned by Li Ka-Shing, a 
billionaire so close to the Chinese power structure that he was offered the 
governorship of Hong Kong. Another owner of the Panamanian ports is China 
Resources Enterprise, which has been called an "agent of espionage" by 
Senator Fred Thompson. CRE is also a partner of the Lippo Group, owned by 
the Riady family that has played a central if mysterious role in the rise of 
William Clinton. According to congressional testimony by ex-JCS chief 
Admiral Thomas Moorer, Hutchinson-Whampoa has the right to pilot all ships 
thought the Panama Canal, including US Naval vessels.


Judicial Watch chair Larry Klayman, who has pursued the Clinton machine 
where neither special prosecutors nor the media wanted to go, has now taken 
on the Jewish liberal intelligentsia. Writing for Worldnet Daily, Klayman, 
the grandson (on both sides) of Jewish immigrants (Poland and Ukraine) and 
eventually what he calls a Jew who believes in Christ, grew up among 
traditional stories of escape, struggle, and survival. He writes of his 
grandmother Yetta:

"When I was six, my grandmother Yetta, a Polish immigrant dress saleslady on 
Philadelphia's Chestnut Street, would sometimes take her grandchildren 
downtown for a movie and dinner. Over hamburger, baked beans and mashed 
potatoes at the Horn & Hardart automat, she explained to my four-year-old 
sister and me how much it meant to escape persecution, come to America, earn 
an honest day's living and raise an only daughter and grandkids .... She had 
lost her husband, my grandfather Louis (for whom I am named under Jewish 
custom) at 40 and was on her own, living as a guest in my mother and 
father's house. She never spent lavishly, and saved almost every penny she 
ever earned, fearing that she would not have enough to remain 
self-sufficient when she got older. When Yetta grew old she was abandoned by 
my mother, who at my stepfather's urging also misappropriated the life 
savings my grandmother had entrusted to her to invest for a rainy day." 

Klayman tells his stories to back up his point -- that since he took on 
Clinton he has been under heavy assault from a curious source: "In article 
after article by many in the liberal Jewish intelligentsia -- such as 
Anthony Lewis and Frank Rich of the New York Times, Daniel Klaidman of 
Newsweek, Stephen Glass formerly of the New Republic (he was dismissed for 
fabricating facts and stories, one of them about me), David Segal, Paul 
Blustein and Al Kamen of The Washington Post, Harvey Berkman of The National 
Law Journal, Jeffrey Rosen of the New Yorker, David Corn of The Nation and 
Salon, Jacob Weisberg of Slate, Jonathan Broder and Murray Waas of Salon 
(which even attacked Catholics who have been critical of Clinton), David 
Goldstein of Knight-Ridder, and Bruce T. Rubenstein of Corporate Legal Times 
-- I have been mocked and ridiculed for my efforts and my conservative 
beliefs. (Some liberal or libertarian Jewish writers and television hosts, 
like Christopher Hitchens of Vanity Fair, Nat Hentoff of The Village Voice, 
Alan Colmes of FOX News, and Charles Grodin of MSNBC, have praised me and my 
work, but this is rare.) Nary a non-Jewish journalist has written such 
invective, and most laud the success of my group." 

Writes Klayman: "In viciously attacking Judicial Watch and me, these liberal 
Jewish journalists have forgotten the roots of their religious past. Judaism 
and its progeny, Christianity, are based on a strict adherence to living 
according to certain basic principles -- the Ten Commandments. In personally 
attacking a fellow Hebrew whom they perceive as a political heretic, these 
liberal Jews continue to support an administration which, even by their own 
admission, has repeatedly violated fundamental moral and ethical principles. 
They have lost sight of their proud Judeo-Christian heritage."

Since your editor is neither Jewish nor conservative and would agree with 
Klayman on few issues beyond Clinton's corruption, why did this article 
strike me strongly? Simply because, albeit to a far lesser degree, I have 
also felt the isolation and derision that has come from being tagged an 
apostate. Further, the marked change in Jewish political thought has 
interested me, in no small part because I grew up in an intensely political 
family where some of my adult models were Jewish labor leaders and political 
activists. I'm currently reading for review the memoir of one of this ilk, 
Marvin Caplan, and find myself  struck once again at the rock-like, 
unpretentious commitment to social and political morality that such leaders 
exemplified. This helped produce, for much of the 20th century, a finer 
politics than anyone under the age of forty has had a chance to see. Here's 
how I tried to capture it for a book I am writing:

*** For the non-orthodox of whatever religion, the struggle for individual 
space within their religion is often hard-won. For some Jews it began with a 
rebellion against the centuries-old plenary power of the rabbis. 

A part of the story is told by Paul S. Green in his memoir, 'From the 
Streets of Brooklyn to the War in Europe,' as the former Stars and Stripes 
journalist sets the stage for his own saga. He notes that after gaining 
ground in places like Italy and Germany, by the dawn of the 20th century, 
"Jewish youth in Poland grew more and more impatient with the narrow focus 
of their lives. They were determined to take part in the opportunities 
opening up around them  exciting new developments in science, the arts, in 
social relationships. This brought them into conflict with their parents and 
grandparents. In seeking a different way of life, they began to do the 
unthinkable  to reject the strict age-old Orthodoxy of their ancestors."

Out of this grew several new movements, one of which, Zionism, looked to 
retrieving a Jewish nation in the land of their ancestors. Others were 
socialist, ranging from hard-core Bolshevik to the Bund, which Green 
describes as "an organization of free-thinking Jewish youth who 
whole-heartedly embraced Yiddish culture and a Yiddish life that completely 
rejected traditional religion. The Bundists believed that only a socialist 
government  evolutionary rather than revolutionary  could hope to bring 
together all peoples of whatever origin and outlaw racial and religious 
conflict, with all men becoming brothers, thereby bringing an end to 
anti-Semitism and pogroms."

And so we find, not too many years later, the New York City Jewish 
cigar-makers each contributing a small sum to hire a man to sit with them as 
they worked, reading aloud the classic works of Yiddish literature. As it 
turned out, the leader of the New York cigar-makers, Samuel Gompers, became 
the first president of the American Federation of Labor. Green’s own family 
joined the rebellion They became part of a Jewish tradition that profoundly 
shaped the politics, social conscience, and cultural course of 20th century 
America. It helped to create the organizations, causes, and values that 
built this country’s social democracy. While Protestants and Irish Catholics 
controlled the institutions of politics, the ideas of modern social 
democracy disproportionately came from native populists and immigrant 

It is certainly impossible to imagine liberalism, the civil rights movement, 
or the Vietnam protests without the Jewish left. There is, in fact, no 
greater parable of the potential power of a conscious, conscientious 
minority than the influence of secular Jews on modern American politics. 

Social and economic progress inevitably produced a dilution of passion for 
justice and change not just among Jews but among the entire liberal elite. 
Thus we would find a women's movement much louder in its defense of a 
conservative and corrupt Bill Clinton than about the plight of its sisters 
at the bottom of the economic pile. Conservative black economists would 
decry the moral debilitation of affirmative action but fail to defend those 
suffering because of the massive incarceration of young black males. 

Economic progress for some has calmed the sound of revolution and reform; in 
its stead we find the conservative Ben Stein speaking at a Jewish 
anti-abortion conference: "I'll tell you how I knew beyond a shadow of a 
doubt that the Jewish position in America had changed dramatically .... The 
wife of a very close friend of my father died a few weeks ago and they had 
the memorial service at the Chevy Chase Club. And there was a cantor with a 
yarmulke giving the service at the Chevy Chase Club. And I cannot describe 
to you how astonishing a turn of events this was."

The great 20th century social movements have been successful enough to 
create their own old boy and girl networks, powerful enough to enter the 
Chevy Chase Club, and indifferent enough to ignore those left behind. 
Minority elites have joined the Yankee and the Southern aristocrat and the 
rest of God's frozen people to form the largest, most prosperous, and most 
narcissistic intelligentsia in our history. But as the best and brightest 
drive around town in their Range Rovers, who speaks for those who, in Bill 
Mauldin's phrase, remain fugitives from the law of averages? *** 


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* * * * * * * * * * 
1312 18th St NW (5th Floor)
Washington DC 20036
202-835-0770 Fax: 202-835-0779
Editor: Sam Smith

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