The price is right:
                © 2000
                Much has been said and written about the theft of United
                States nuclear technology at Los Alamos. However, as
                detailed in a recently obtained document produced in a
                Judicial Watch case by the Defense Threat Reduction
                Agency of the Department of Defense, an equally key
                aspect of the Chinagate scandal involves the sale of U.S.
                high technology to the Chinese in exchange for campaign
                contributions. A memorandum written on July 7, 1998 by
                Defense Department official Michael Maloof reveals how
                U.S. national security has been compromised, and how
                American companies knew or should have known they
                were participating in Chinese intelligence operations.
                In 1996, Judicial Watch sparked the Chinagate scandal
                with its continuing case against the Clinton Commerce
                Department, uncovering John Huang and exposing
                revelations about the compromise of U.S. national
                security information. It was the Clinton Commerce
                Department, then run by Ron Brown, later by Mickey
                Kantor, and now by the tainted Secretary Bill Daley (see
                Judicial Watch Press Release of Jan. 14, 2000, at
      , that lowered barriers to export of high
                technology -- thanks in large part to campaign
                contributions from American high-tech companies
                wishing to cash in on the huge Chinese market. Most of
                these companies participated in and continue to profit
                from Clinton Commerce Department overseas trade
                missions, where they paid large campaign contributions to
                make the initial contact with foreign officials.
                The memorandum of Mr. Maloof details the severe
                damage done to the United States brought about by the
                corrupt practices of the Clinton administration. Judicial
                Watch is working hard to make sure that dishonest
                government officials and their American high tech
                corporate co-conspirators are held legally accountable.
                Congress has not and will not take any real enforcement
                action against them, because these companies are in large
                part currently funding the 2000 elections for both political
                Below is the text of the Maloof memorandum in its
                entirety. It speaks for itself and details this treasonous
                national disgrace brought about by the criminal conduct
                of the Clinton administration, and abetted by a
                "do-nothing" Republican Congress.
                The Maloof Memorandum:
                After considerable research, you need to know that
                cumulative exports of selected sophisticated U.S.
                technology to China since 1994 have provided the
                Chinese military with a nationwide integrated command,
                control, communications, computers, and intelligence
                (C4I) encrypted network that will serve it well into the
                next century.
                This sophisticated communications infrastructure stems
                from the integrated combination of satellite sales, high
                performance computers and Asynchronous Transfer
                Mode (ATM) and Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH)
                telecommunications switching technology.
                Together, they provide the PLA with a communications
                infrastructure that it could not have developed on its own.
                In addition to aiding China in switching technology for
                fiber optic telecommunications nationwide, HPC's are
                also capable of being used to develop or perform
                encryption for secure messages.
                China also has obtained production equipment to
                manufacture fiber optic cable and associated technologies
                as well as sophisticated microelectronics manufacturing
                without U.S. licenses. These technologies are integral to
                the implementation of a complete C4I nationwide system.
                This network is expansive enough not only to insure the
                military a command, control, and communications
                capability to quell domestic instability. It also will allow
                for power projection throughout the region.
                In addition to the military, evidence of the use of this C4I
                network by Chinese border security forces could raise
                serious compliance issues regarding its possible use
                contrary to munitions license prohibitions.
                In addition to military use, the PLA also will be able to
                use this telecommunications infrastructure to its economic
                advantage. With PLA controlling access to U.S. origin
                satellites it has purchased (Asiasat and various Apstars),
                for example, it also will be able to intercept business
                transactions to bolster its own. This development could
                put the PLA at a competitive advantage to entities
                throughout Asia whose telephones use those satellites
                under China's ownership to conduct business.
                Based on available data, the array of exports of HPCs,
                ATMs, and SDH technologies, satellites and fiber optic
                and microelectronic manufacturing technologies provided
                that infrastructure on which the Chinese military relies
                today. The systematic liberalization of U.S. export
                controls since 1993 and the subsequent lack of licensing
                data suggest the cumulative strategic impact of these
                exports may be greater than first thought.
                In addition, the intelligence community has not been privy
                to a good portion of the available licensing data in order
                to make any detailed threat assessment.
                High Performance Computers (HPCs)
                Prior to a change in U.S. law earlier this year, no record
                was kept on HPC exports between 2000MTOPs and
                7000 MTOPs to so-called benign end-users in such third
                tier countries as China.
                With the recent change in law, however, export license
                applications were mandated by Congress for HPCs from
                2000 MTOPs to 7000MTOPs to China and other third
                tier countries.
                Prior to the change in Law, congressional testimony
                revealed that at least 47 and possibly more HPCs were
                exported to China. A review by Commerce, however,
                only covered certain U.S. HPC manufacturers known to
                have exported directly to PRC.
                It did not include U.S. companies to which those known
                U.S. manufacturers first sold HPC but then may have
                exported to China. Estimates by at least one Office of
                Export Enforcement agent at the Department of
                Commerce estimates that the number of HPCs exported
                to China without a license could number more than 100.
                Nevertheless, in looking at the reported 47, many went
                to Chinese Post, Telephone and Telegraph (PTT)
                The type of HPCs exported to China is capable of
                adding on some 32 processors to each HPC.
                The reason given for exporting HPCs to Chinese PTTs
                was for billing of telephone services. While this end-use
                on its face seems reasonable in the larger cities,
                information available to us reveals that PTTs are part of
                the Ministry of Post and Telegraph, which works closely
                with COSTIND.
                While our databases reveal no information about
                individual PTTs -- derogatory or otherwise -- they do
                acknowledge the COSTIND-MPT relationship.
                Nevertheless, the PTTs for which we have received
                notification of an HPC are all located in Chinese military
                districts. Some of these PTTs may be some of those
                which received HPCs prior to the change in law last year.
                This would suggest that the Chinese are seeking upgrades
                in some cases.
                Preliminary research conducted by TSO also reveals that
                there is considerable military research and development
                in the vicinity of these PTTs. This puts PTTs in the
                position of being convenient gateways for a number of
                military users to plug into the HPCs at the PTTs.
                Because of a lack of U.S. Government information on
                Chinese PTTs and certain other entities in China, I have
                requested that we obtain license applications on them in
                an effort to begin keeping a record.
                As you are aware, DIA has been attempting since
                enactment of the law to obtain what information it could
                from Commerce on what HPCs already had been
                exported and on the end users. At this writing, that
                information has not been forthcoming.
                Because we lack a record of these exports, I suggested
                that we seek a license application on those HPCs
                exported to entities, including PTTs on which we have no
                To date, that request has been turned down. The
                argument I have received is to the effect that because
                license requests need to be signed off by the Under
                Secretary for Policy, he doesn't want to look at a request
                unless there is a "smoking gun" on the ultimate consignee.
                As you also are aware, China has refused numerous
                requests for either pre-license or post-delivery shipment
                checks to Chinese entities. Consequently, our ability to
                acquire any information on an end-user in China without
                separate data can only be done through an export license
                ATM and SDH Switching Technology
                Acting as gateways for Chinese military communications
                and R&D, the PTTs also serve as the location for ATM
                and SDH switching and transmission equipment. HPCs
                are needed to operate the ATM and SDH switching
                In 1994, ATM and SDH switching technology was
                declared GLX. This means that an exporter does not
                have to obtain a license application to export this
                state-of-the-art switching equipment software and test
                equipment to Chinese "civil end-users." Under GLX, an
                exporter only has to keep a record of ultimate
                consignees, subject to call from Commerce. The Defense
                Department has no review role, since a license
                application is never sought. Nor does DoD have the legal
                basis to seek that information from the U.S. company.
                The 1994 decision to allow SDH and ATM switching
                technology in 1994 occurred over the objections of DoD
                technical experts. Despite initial NSA concerns, it was
                silent when the decision finally occurred.
                To date, there is no way to know how much ATM or
                SDH equipment China has acquired. From recent
                published reports, however, it appears that sufficient
                technology for ATM and SDH switching has been
                exported to allow the Chinese to begin production
                Given the increasing number of HPCs being sought by
                Chinese PTTs, however, it would seem reasonable to
                expect that China has acquired a considerable number of
                the ATM switches and SDH transmission terminals for its
                fiber optic land lines and microwave links. In many cases,
                they parallel Chinese military command, control and
                communications links. Separate research is underway to
                look into this.
                Use of U.S. Satellites for Encrypted Communications
                With the demise of their satellites in 1996, the Chinese
                were desperate to find a substitute for military
                communications. They had no choice but to resort to the
                use of previously purchased U.S. satellites for their
                encrypted communications. They were the Asiasat and
                Apstar 1, Apstar 1A and Apstar 2r, all made by Hughes.
                This decision was just a step in the continuing process to
                integrate Hughes equipment for its military -- a decision
                which goes back to at least 1992. Various munitions
                license applications during 1995 and 1996 reveal an
                export pattern of Hughes satellite-related equipment
                through PLA front companies. They include SCL,
                CESEC, and Huaying.
                Ironically, many of these exports did not identify these
                front companies as being associated with the PLA. From
                what we now know, Hughes employees in China were
                knowledgeable that they were PLA-associated entities.
                None of those license applications was referred either to
                TSO or DIA for proper end use checks.
                The VSAT ground station terminal equipment for use
                with the Apstar and Asiasat satellites was supplied and
                wittingly installed by Hughes for Chinese ground and
                rocket forces and the PLAAF. This equipment also was
                available to the Ministry of State Security which, among
                other things, oversees VIP protection, border security
                and the rounding up of political opponents. The VSAT
                terminals are supplied with an additional port for
                encryption equipment which the Chinese can produce. A
                great boost for the Chinese to develop encryption also
                has come from the U.S. high performance computers it
                has received and the training in software development.
                TSO also had objected to Hughes' Asia-Pacific Mobile
                Telecommunications satellite export applications because
                of an anonymous tip it received in late May 1998 that the
                son of the deputy director of COSTIND was project
                manager of APMT at Hughes' U.S. facility (A 02 Jul 98
                news story reveals that State has suspended that license
                in view of previous published reports and Pentagon
                information which we supplied to State). The son's name
                is Shen Jun. His father, the deputy director of
                COSTIND, is Shen Rongjun. The APMT satellite would
                service some 20 countries in Asia as well as provide
                mobile telecommunications throughout China. It would
                supplement where fiber optic lines are few, if
                non-existent. And because it is COSTIND, which
                controls APMT/China, the APMT satellite would give
                the Chinese military access to telephone intercepts in
                those 20 Asian countries.
                Here, Hughes knowingly provided only partial
                information in seeking approval in 1996 for Shen Jun to
                work at Hughes, even though he had been at the Hughes
                facility since 1994. The application stated that he would
                only be a translator, although as it turned out he was an
                APMT project director. In addition, Hughes reportedly
                was knowledgeable of who the son's father was prior to
                seeking approval of the license. In fact, the father, in his
                capacity as COSTIND deputy director, internally had
                been pressing for approval of APMT over competitive
                systems. And there is every reason to believe that father
                and son corroborated on the APMT project.
                In seeking approval of APMT, Hughes provided only the
                Singapore address of the APMT joint venture between
                China and Singapore. This had the deceptive effect of
                attempting to disassociate the APMT project from the
                Chinese military and make it look benign, even though the
                Chinese sought configurations on the APMT satellite that
                would allow for eavesdropping. However, in April 1998,
                it was Feng Ruming, a major general at COSTIND, who
                publicly announced the APMT project.
                In case after case, Hughes has not fully disclosed
                information which would have had a bearing on the
                outcome of a number of its license applications. Judging
                from this pattern of behavior, it is my opinion that Hughes
                purposely has sought to mislead Defense Department
                licensing officials.
                In addition, it had come to TSO's attention that those
                Chinese who receive training at the Hughes satellite
                facility are members of PLA. Separately, we have found
                no visas for their coming and going to Hughes. One
                disturbing aspect of this is that DIA hasn't seen visa
                applications for Chinese visiting U.S. businesses since
                March 1998. The reason is unclear, although I am in the
                process of checking it out.
                And there have been further indications of Chinese
                military involvement in high technology exports,
                particularly with U.S. aerospace entities, including
                Liu Chouying, a Lieutenant Colonel in the PLA, had
                visited the United States in July 1996 ostensibly to attend
                a fundraiser for President Clinton in California. It
                reportedly was a $10,000-a-person function where she
                also had her picture taken with President Clinton. Her
                father, Liu Huaqing, until last year was the vice chairman
                of the Chinese Central Military Commission, which
                oversees such Chinese military entities as CLTC (China
                Launch and Tracking Control), CASIL (China
                Aerospace International Holdings, Ltd), CPMIEC
                (China Machine Import Export Company), and Great
                Wall. All these entities come under COSTIND, the
                Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for
                National Defense, of which Shen Rongjun is deputy
                Liu Chaoying is vice president of CASIL, which is
                subordinate to COSTIND. CASIL is involved in
                launching satellites. It is Johnny Chung, under
                investigation for laundering Chinese money to the Clinton
                presidential campaign in 1996, who sponsored her July
                1996 visit. Her visit came one month after President
                Clinton granted a waiver for the Asia-Pacific Mobile
                Telecommunications (APMT) project. This approval
                followed considerable pressure from Hughes to the
                White House to grant it.
                Liu Chaoying's July 1996 U.S. visit also followed
                technical data assistance. Hughes-Loral had provided to
                Great Wall on behalf of the APT Satellite Company
                earlier that year on identifying the China Long
                March-3B's failed attempt to launch a Loral satellite. Her
                visit then gave me pause, for it told me that there in fact
                may be other things that the Chinese military was
                targeting now that their rocket problem had been
                The tip-off on the APMT that I received helped put the
                puzzle together. The Chinese needed help with their
                satellite communications, since their own
                telecommunications satellites weren't functioning any
                longer. Indeed, open source data reveal that they
                basically stopped functioning or no longer were reliable
                by the end of 1996. In addition to the fundraiser for
                President Clinton, Liu Chaoying reportedly also was to
                visit with U.S. aerospace representatives, appointments
                set up by Chung.
                In addition, Liu Chaoying,a Lieutenant Colonel in the
                PLA, had set up a company in 1996 in Torrence, Ca.,
                called Marswell. It was co-located with Johnny Chung's
                fax company in Torrence. Marswell mirrored the
                company she created a year earlier called Marswell
                Investment, Ltd, in Hong Kong.
                According to Hong Kong incorporation documents,

                Marswell Investment Ltd was created in 1995 with two
                subscribers, Timeway Ltd and Cheerfit, both of which
                are located at the same address as Silver Faith Holdings
                on Hong Kong Island. Cheerfit and Timeway are the
                same two companies which were parent subscribers of
                Carrie Enterprises (HK) Ltd. and Carrie Enterprises
                Overseas Ltd. Carrie Enterprises is a known PLA front
                for the PLA's General Political Department (GPD), a
                PLA intelligence unit. The subscriber's list for Marswell
                Investment Ltd in Hong Kong reveals a direct link to the
                PLA's GPD and thereby links Liu to GPD intelligence
                business operations in Hong Kong.
                Liu's involvement also suggests a direct Chinese
                intelligence link to acquire U.S. satellite technology in
                addition to revealing possible PLA financial contributions
                to President Clinton's's 1996 reelection.
                A further link of China's telecommunications satellites to
                the PLA is through the company which was set up to
                provide high quality satellite transponder services for
                international and Asia-Pacific broadcasting and
                telecommunication sectors, APT Satellite Holdings Ltd.
                APT Satellite Holdings and APT Satellite Co. own and
                operate the Hughes Apstar I and Apstar IA satellites.
                APT Satellite Co. also had sought Hughes-Loral
                assistance in identifying the LM-3B rocket failure. Some
                of the principal APT shareholders include China Satellite
                Launch and Tracking (CLTC) and China Aerospace
                Corporation (CASC). It is CASC which owns Liu
                Chaoying's CASIL (China Aerospace International
                Holdings Ltd). Both entities are subordinate to
                COSTIND. In addition, the vice-chairman and President
                of APT Satellite Holdings Ltd is He Ke Rang, who
                similarly is associated with COSTIND.
                Before the Gulf War, China didn't have an adequate C4I
                system. Since 1991, China has sought to form a national
                integrated C4I system, thereby giving it a highly advanced
                national telecommunications infrastructure. Since 1992,
                PLA communications network reportedly has increased
                10 fold. In addition, the PLA is working hard to integrate
                its telecommunications network into civilian
                communications networks. In addition to serving the
                civilian sector, such a C4I network is essential in warfare
                to link targeting data with strike assets. The ingredients
                for this system include high capacity fiber optics,
                switching systems, satellite communications systems and
                systems integration.
                The combination of Hughes satellites and terminals, along
                with the pending Hughes APMT satellite export,
                combined with other U.S. exports of fiber optic and
                sophisticated telephone switching technologies and high
                performance computers give China such an integrated
                telecommunications infrastructure. This development
                raises the further question of whether the ultimate return
                for U.S. national security is worth this policy approach
                toward China.
                Michael Maloof
                07 Jul 1998

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