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Global Intelligence Update
Weekly Analysis November 15, 1999

IMF's Camdessus Misses the Point


The recent resignation of Michel Camdessus from the directorship of
the International Monetary Fund (IMF) invites us to consider the
effectiveness of the IMF and other international entities in
managing the global economy. There has been much criticism of the
IMF. Our perception is that more than a failure, the IMF has been
largely irrelevant. From its management of the Third World debt
problem to its mishandling of the Asia crisis, the IMF did not and
could not understand the real forces driving economic development.
The problem is not so much the people as it is the focus. So deeply
linked to existing economic forces and orthodoxies, the IMF is
incapable of recognizing emerging forces and new realities. It
always manages to miss the point.


The resignation of the leader of the International Monetary Fund,
Michel Camdessus, two years before the end of his term is a
punctuation mark in economic history. He came into office at a time
when the world's major economic issues were Third World debt, the
United States' inability to compete with Japan and Gorbachev's
attempt to restructure Russia's economy. He leaves at a time when
the major issues are the growing irrelevance of the Third World to
the global economy, the inability of Japan to compete with the
United States and the cataclysmic failure of economic reform in
Russia. Camdessus and the IMF were deeply involved in all of these
issues. What is fascinating is that despite its involvement, the
institution has been largely irrelevant - except when it has been

It is important not to personalize the failure. This is not about
Michel Camdessus. It is not even about the technocrats who manage
the IMF and its sister institution, the World Bank. Rather, it is
about the impersonal forces that govern the international system
and the fantasy that a de-nationalized technocracy can manage that
system. The story of Camdessus' tenure is not about incompetence or
corruption, although there was plenty of the former and the jury is
still out on the latter. Instead, his tenure is about impotence:
the inability of the technocrats to either understand or control
the forces at work. No one could have done the job. The job was

Consider the case of Third World debt. Back in the 1980s, Third
World countries found themselves unable to repay billions of
dollars in debt owed to the world's banks. Had they all gone into
default together, they threatened to damage or even sink the global
economic system. Under U.S. Secretary of State Nicholas Brady, a
scheme for refinancing the debt was devised, with the IMF playing
the role of policeman of Third World economies by linking lines of
credit to painful austerity. One might take this as a triumph for
the IMF and international institutions. Indeed it was, until we
recall the origins of the crisis.

During the 1970s, the world saw a massive increase in the price of
global commodities, led by oil. The conventional wisdom was that
commodity prices would only go higher. The Club of Rome and other
sophisticated observers of history pointed out that we were running
out of scarce resources. The world was compared to a space ship:
resources were being exhausted by growing populations and
intensified industrial use. It followed that the price of
commodities like oil, copper and wheat could only go up. If the
price of commodities went up forever, it followed that the best
place to invest your money was in commodities. This was rocket
science, right? The primary producers of commodities were Third
World countries that lacked industrial capability but controlled
natural resources sorely needed by the industrial world. Any sane
investor in the 1970s knew that investing in industries that
purchased raw materials was dumb, while investing in producers of
raw materials was smart.

So everyone, particularly the international banking community and
the World Bank, began pouring billions of dollars into ventures
from Mexico to the Philippines to Nigeria, all designed to produce
raw materials. Since oil was going to cost 40, 50 or even 100
dollars a barrel on spaceship earth, the cost of production was not
critical. The price was going up and it was important to get in
while the getting was good. All of the technocrats simply knew this
and the entire international economic system became skewed toward
investing and lending to Third World commodity producers.

Of course, the inevitable happened. It turned out that while the
world may have a finite amount of oil or copper, there were still
huge untapped reserves. When Third World megaprojects started
production, the price of commodities collapsed. When prices fell
below the cost of production, projects went bankrupt. We suddenly
had a Third World debt crisis, which Nicholas Brady and the IMF
moved in to clean up. The Third World debt crisis originated in an
ideology of commodity scarcity that led to an avalanche of
investment decisions that wound up invalidating the ideology
through its success.

The debt crisis, however, was not resolved by Brady, the IMF or any
other multinational institution. For Third World countries, the
development decisions made by their governments with the
encouragement of the international development community created a
long-term capital shortage that has left a legacy of misery. Nor is
it clear that multinational communities solved the crisis for the
first world either. The simplistic projection of a future in which
commodity producers dominated industrial commodity consumers was
rendered false not only by the collapse in commodity prices. It was
also rendered irrelevant by another phenomenon in the early 1980s:

Microsoft, and the endless other software and related companies
that appeared during the 1980s, altered the equation that had
obsessed the World Bank and most other serious economic thinkers.
The emergence of computing technologies meant that it was possible
to have increased economic growth without similar increased
commodity consumption. Microsoft, after all, produces wealth
without consuming commodities in proportion to growth.

The extraordinary growth of the American economy has many causes.
There is no doubt that the persistent growth of productivity in the
United States is due to the efficiencies introduced by computing.
Even Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan has acknowledged this,
while also acknowledging that it is hard to calculate impact. This
much is apparent. At a time when productivity should be falling,
inflation and interest rates soaring and the economy moving toward
recession, growth in productivity - driven by the effects of
computing - is maintaining growth at unprecedented levels.

When Camdessus came to the IMF, Japan produced cars and cameras at
lower prices and better quality than the United States. He leaves
at a time when the ability to produce cars and cameras is much less
interesting than the ability to write software. Production has
shifted in a way that is almost metaphysical. The hardware that
runs a web server is much less valuable than the immaterial
intellectual property that resides on the server. The decoupling of
value from physical production, its shift to intellectual
production, is a millennial shift whose full meaning will not
unfold for many generations. To overstate it, the Japanese bet on
hardware while the Americans bet on software.

It has been said that the IMF mishandled the Asian crisis. The
reason for this is simply that the institution and its leadership
could not believe that Asia was having a systemic crisis. Camdessus
and his peers believed so deeply in the assumption that Asia would
be the powerhouse of the 21st century, he could not accept the fact
that the entire Asian enterprise was in jeopardy. For Camdessus,
Asian industrial efficiency owned the future. The economic problems
that arose were merely national problems solvable with a good dose
of IMF discipline. Camdessus did not see that Asia as a whole was
crumbling because he did not understand that Asia's industrial
efficiency was both real and increasingly irrelevant. A new game
was being played, in which the Asians weren't able to compete.

There were, of course, other problems. The IMF staff deals in
numbers. It assumes the numbers they see are in some sense
connected to reality. The IMF missed the extent of Asia's banking
problems because no one, including the Asians who collected the
data, knew what the real numbers were. The lack of transparency, as
the IMF likes to call it, or lying through your teeth, as we
prefer, left the institution with a set of bogus numbers. In the
case of Russia, the distance between economic statistic and bald-
faced lie has always been short but has recently become

Camdessus was no better and no worse than anyone else in his
position. The real issue is whether the world needs his position.
The role of the IMF is to provide central management at the highest
level for the international financial system. The concept misses
this point: the highest level is not where the international
economic system is located. While the IMF was focused on
refinancing Western debt with petrodollars and novels were being
written about Arab world dominance, the real history of the future
was being written by unknown companies like Apple and Microsoft.
When Michael Dell devised a more efficient way to sell the computer
parts Asia could barely make a profit on, creating a multi-billion
dollar company in a few years, Camdessus had neither heard of him
nor if he had, would have taken him seriously.

Men like Camdessus are infatuated with yesterday's problems and
yesterday's elite. They owe their power to those who at the top,
and therefore, have nowhere to go but down. Ironically, Karl Marx
understood it best when he spoke of capitalism and the "constant
revolutionization of the means of production." Capitalism is
constantly overthrowing itself, that is its single constant.
Camdessus is not a stupid man. The people working at the IMF are
not stupid people. But they are institutionally incapable of seeing
the forces reshaping the international economy, because their focus
is on the capital cities of the world and that is simply not where
history is being made. The organizations that will define the next
twenty years of history are probably completely unknown to anyone
today. Certainly no one in Washington knows of them or takes them
seriously. Therefore no one at the IMF can possibly know what is
really going on in the world's economy.

The idea that you can manage an economy from the top down is the
central fallacy. When the IMF governors meet, they can't possibly
know the economic entities and forces redefining the system,
precisely because they are no longer down in the trenches, creating
the future. That means the IMF will, at best, have some sense of
what happened yesterday, maybe - depending on the numbers - it
might know what is happening now, but has no way of understanding
what will happen tomorrow. Therefore, the governors will not wind
up making bad decisions nearly as often as they will wind up making
irrelevant ones. That is why, as Michel Camdessus leaves, we can't
help but think of him as the man who kept missing the point.

(c) 1999, Stratfor, Inc.


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