-Caveat Lector-

----Original Message Follows----
From: "Robert Kemp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Fwd: What is Globalisation?
Date: Tue, 07 Sep 1999 16:55:04 EDT

----Original Message Follows----
From: "dr wooo " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: What is Globalisation?
Date: Sun, 5 Sep 1999 19:31:34 -0500 (CDT)

        A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E

Hello all, I think this below, is one of the most important articles on
analysing ' Globalisation ' and some of the misconceptions around it. An
excelllent piece for analying our own points of view and looking at J18 etc.
It is really long about 80K so I have placed the full text on a bulletin
board here


Here is a part of the intro which sums up what the article is about.  I
encourage you all to read it.  The full text of Do Or Die number 8 will be
online soon ( off eco-action.org ) I have requested a number of there
excellent articles in the meantime, they include a detailed look at J18 and
a critical look at the Inter-continental caravan a major project of the
network Peoples Global Action from someone involved.

... here is part of the article.

I. What is Globalisation?

Globalisation has become a bte noire for all sorts of people--activists
and academics, reformists and revolutionaries.

At a time when nationalism is resurgent, we see an internationalisation
of struggle. And yet... confusion reigns--confusion over our
objectives, our ideals, our methods and goals. A confusion that could
be fatal--if we miss our chance when it is presented to us we might not
get another one. We are living in critical times. Therefore in the
following pages we examine the background to globalisation, the
struggle against it and some of the confusions and misunderstandings
that surround it.

The current trend for opposing globalisation appears to have fallen for
an inverted version of the same illusion that those in favour of it
suffer from--that what is occurring (and has been for approximately the
last 20 years) is something new and radically different to what has
gone before. The things that are identified as constituting
globalisation--free trade, the free movement of capital, the growth of
international regulatory bodies and institutions, the expansion of
multinationals and the creation of one global 'culture'-- are new in
the sense that they are new forms of organisation and structure but in
essence they are a continuation of what has gone before.

Capital has always been global. The capitalist system is the most
adaptable and voracious in history. From its beginning it has been
driven by the need to constantly expand or die; the changes that have
occurred in recent years are an expression of this need. Globalisation
is 'worse' in the sense that it represents an attempt at extending and
intensifying capital's grip on humanity, but it is not worse, as some
seem to imply, in opposition to a mythical idealised past when
capitalism was nice and local and the state intervened to protect us
against the markets. The logic is the same now as it always been--to
exploit people and nature to the maximum extent possible. The fact that
in some previous eras this exploitation may have taken place in a way
that was softer or more 'democratic' doesn't change its essential

In order to understand the process that has become known as
globalisation, it is essential to understand the trajectory taken by
post-war capitalism. Looked at in this context, globalisation can be
seen not as a separate phenomenon but rather as the effect of the
crisis caused by the resurgence of European and American class struggle
in the late 1960s and the 1970s.

II. 1945--1968: Restructuring, Integration and Growth '

happy reading ... at http://www.ratical.org/corporations/wwwboard.html

perhaps this should be an article we debate and look at our own action for
j18 locally and internationally and for November 30th etc.

woooo out

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