-Caveat Lector-

<A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/";>www.ctrl.org</A>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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-Caveat Lector-

<A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/";>www.ctrl.org</A>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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-Caveat Lector-



Technology Raises Risk of Tyranny

The administration's sophisticated initiatives are terrifying.

By Robert A. Heverly
Robert A. Heverly is a fellow with the Information Society
Project of Yale Law School. [Bill & Hillary Clinton Blythe
Rockefeller Esquire's alma mater, and Bushes' Skull & Bones
Brotherhood of Death - http://secretsofthetomb.com]

December 5 2002

What does the government know about you?

As technology has changed in recent years, the type and the
quantity of information about us that the government can use have
increased and changed. How government gathers and uses
information is changing in ways that should be important to a
people asserting the right to control its government.

Most people are probably not aware of the scope of these changes
or why they are important to our everyday lives in a free
society. People want to be safe. But will these changes really
make us safer?

When we look closely, we can discern a pattern of information
gathering underway at the national level that is staggering in
its breadth and purposes. Its relationship to our safety is
tenuous, at best.

So we must look closer still. The national information-gathering
puzzle is made up of many pieces. Viewed separately, some may
seem innocuous, even common sense, while others are troubling.
Viewed together, their existence should give us all pause.

Consider the Justice Department's Operation TIPS (Terror
Information Protection System), the Department of
Transportation's CAPPS II (Computer Assisted Passenger
Prescreening System II) program and the Pentagon's Total
Information Awareness initiative. Any one of these three projects
alone is frightening. Considered together against a backdrop of
personal liberties, they are terrifying.

The danger posed to freedom by the administration's current
initiatives lies in the use of computers and computer systems,
which allow for much of the collection and use of information.
Computer power allows government to access a greater variety of
types of information, pull more pieces together into a whole and
analyze data without needing to have a human being look at it.

In the past, government could collect information, but it
couldn't necessarily use it all. Human intervention was required
to make connections between pieces of information. When
government wanted to tyrannize its citizens, it gathered
information and placed it in Manila file folders. Perhaps some of
these files were centrally located under the control of a person
charged with determining the importance of that information. Yet
the government had only so many resources; there were only so
many people who could be tyrannized at one time. People reviewed
people, and people could do only so much. The danger of mass
tyranny was not based on information itself, but on the leg power
of government.

But today computers allow different government agencies to share
information; information collected for one purpose is now
reviewed for others. Computers analyze according to their
programs, spitting out potential relationships between facts and
figures. Tyranny, as much as if not more than freedom, is
facilitated by the computer. And the administration's current
programs have the potential for tyrannical effects.

How does the Bush administration respond to civil rights
advocates concerned about its efforts? As it does with its
justification for nearly all of its current activities: by
reference to the "war on terrorism." And while the administration
admits that it cannot ensure our safety from terrorism, all the
while it goes about establishing systems designed to violate our
freedoms and liberties in pursuit of a politically expedient (and
false) sense of security.

There are those who would argue that protecting the lives of
Americans takes precedence over freedoms, liberties and perhaps
all other obligations. We, as a nation, must reject this
argument. Benjamin Franklin, more than 20 years before the
Revolutionary War, said, "They that can give up essential liberty
to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor

We know that information can lead to tyranny, yet our government
is purposefully collecting and using more information about
American citizens than it has ever had before. Information about
you and me, about mothers and fathers, about sons and daughters.

What will our government do with that information? The
administration says it will use the information to keep us safe.
The real question is: From whom? 


[DARPA's Admiral Poindexterter's 5 felony convictions]

[9 arrests and convictions of Presidents and Senator Bush]




Crichton wins right to internet domain

Ananova 12/05/02

Original Link:

Author Michael Crichton has won control of the internet name
www.michaelcrichton.com in a ruling by a UN panel.

The World Intellectual Property Organisation ordered the transfer
of the domain name to Crichton after he complained to them it was
being used illegally.

Crichton wrote "Jurassic Park" and created the television series

The ruling says the registered owner of the name - Alberta Hot
Rods, of Alberta, Canada - had no rights or interests in the

Crichton's lawyers told the panel the domain linked to another
website, which contained advertising but made no reference to
Crichton or his work. The owner of the site did not file a

The UN arbitration system, which started in 1999, allows those
who think they have the right to a domain to get it back without
having to fight a costly legal battle or paying large sums of

Since his 1971 novel, "The Andromeda Strain," was made into a
movie, Michael Crichton has enjoyed a string of literary and
Hollywood successes.

More than a dozen of his novels and original screenplays have
been turned into feature films, including "Twister," "Disclosure"
and "West World."




State Coalition Approves Internet Sales Tax Plan
Prospects in Legislatures, GOP Congress Uncertain 
November 12, 2002



Homeland Security Bill Includes Some New Internet Police Powers
Associated Press 

WASHINGTON (AP) - Internet providers such as America Online could
give the government more information about subscribers and police
would gain new Internet wiretap powers under legislation creating
the new Department of Homeland Security.



Congressional bill considers jailing hackers for life 
CNET News.com 
November 13, 2002



Man Surfing Bomb Web Sites Arrested In Florida 
Police Find Suspicous Liquids In Man's Backpack 
July 30, 2002 

PUNTA GORDA, Fla. -- Police evacuated a public library and
arrested a British man using a computer to look at [legal]
"bomb-making" web sites after officials said they found
suspicious [cleaning] liquids in his backpack.  



November 8, 2002 

Snoops at the Library 
Attention, Mr. FBI Snoop. Here's a short list of the authors I
have checked out of the public library recently: Howard Zinn,
Michael Parenti, William Blum, Noam Chomsky, Alexander Cockburn,
and John Pilger. Now you don't have to go and bother
my librarian. She has better things to do than answer your
intrusive questions.


BTW FBI, John Lee, executive producer of IDIOTBOXWARS.ORG,
checked out some interesting books today at Knoxville Tennessee's
Lawson McGhee Public Library: 

schematics for 30 projects including Tesla Coil, high-voltage
lasers to puncture metal from up to a mile away, ultrasonic
eavesdropping radio, pocket pain stun gun, 128db acoustic phaser
shockwave pistol, ultrasonic shock-wave gun, ultrasonic
mind-control and attack security alarm system using peizo tweeter
speaker by Motorola, infrared night vision not that bogus green
stuff (published 1983)



"THE US defence department is to fund a "death ray" programme to
allow the air force to field working laser and microwave weapons
capable of tackling underground enemy bunkers. Boeing's Phantom
Works, the top-secret research facility which handles "black" US 
military projects, is working on directed energy beam weapons
designed to be fitted in robot fighters and to the new Joint
Strike Fighter. 

See for yourself people cooked from the inside out and popped
like a kitten in a microwave oven during 1983 US invasion of
Panama Canal:



"'It's like Star Trek or The Jetsons,' Leslie told the South
Florida Sun-Sentinel. Microchip implants have been criticized as
a governmental attempt to track citizens, but Derek countered
those views. 'I see it as more of an evolution of man and
technology,' he said."
—MSNBC NEWS (AP), "Boca clan to become first 'microchip family',"
Feb. 12, 2002

"This "industrial strength" version of the Sonic Nausea is now
available for non-government sales for the first time. It
provides serious, substantial capability to disrupt and disperse
gatherings. Speeches, demonstrations, crowd dynamics - this
device has been used to "influence" more of these in recent years
than you might suspect. Or, if planted near the podium, you might
just have a case of a speaker with diminished clarity and
concentration, or perhaps is even unable to complete his
presentation "due to illness". This "illness" might even be
contagious, as some of the VIPs up there with him also seemed to
have caught the same bug. Use only with extreme discretion."
-Shomertec Law Enforcement Catalog, SUPER SONIC NAUSEA, $99,
Batteries not included

"The scientists, from Franklin to Morse, were clear thinkers and
did not produce eroneous theories. The scientists of today think
deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but
one can think deeply and be Quite Insane."
—Nikola Tesla, from the book of news archives, Tesla's Engine - A
New Dimension for Power, edited by Jeffry Hayes and Tesla Engine
Builders Association [American Tesla invented AC electricity and
radio according to US Supreme Court, among 2,000 other patents
such as aircraft and cars that drove without gasoline or



Beyond bookburning: FBI in Libraries and Bookstores - Reading is
now a "terrorist" act

VILLAGE VOICE, FEB 14, 2002 - "The definition of terrorism in the
USA Patriot Act is so broad and vague that any number of American
readers may be caught in this additional Ashcroft dragnet. For
example: You commit "the crime of domestic terrorism if [any of
your acts] appear to be intended to . . . influence the policy of
a government by intimidation." Such 'acts' could be based on what
you read in a book. This threat was described in a November 1
letter to booksellers across the country by Chris Finan,
president of the American Booksellers Foundation for Free
Expression. [Under Section 215 of the USA Patriot Act] the
director of the FBI may seek an order 'for any tangible things
(including books, records, papers, documents, and other items)
for an investigation to protect against international terrorism
or clandestine activities.' "The request for such an order is to
be made to a judge who sits in a special court that is sometimes
called the 'spy court.' This is the secret court established by
the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). On its bench
sit federal judges selected by the chief justice of the Supreme
Court; they receive requests for subpoenas and warrants from
federal agents engaged in investigating terrorism. In the 24
years since this court began functioning, hardly any request for
a subpoena has been denied. I confirmed this during a recent
debate in Washington with Viet Dinh, John Ashcroft's chief legal
adviser in the Justice Department. Chris Finan's letter to the
country's booksellers continues: 'The judge makes his decision
'ex parte,' meaning there is no opportunity for you or your
lawyer to object in court. You cannot object publicly, either.
The new law includes a gag order that prevents you from
disclosing 'to any other person' the fact that you have received
an order to produce documents.' And this is the United States of
America, John Ashcroft, attorney general—not the People's
Republic of China?"



Smallpox Vaccine Reactions Jolt Experts 
>From Rashes to Fevers, Array of Side Effects Is Uncommon Today

[75,000 Americans expected to die instantly from smallpox
vaccinations - Bush signed Homeland Security law to ban lawsuits
for ALL vaccine deaths - Doctors are now the elite serial killers
in USA] 
Dr. Carol Tacket administers the smallpox vaccine to Edward
Dudley in a clinical study by the University of Maryland Medical
Center. President Bush is poised to announce plans to resume
vaccinating Americans to protect the nation from a biological
assault. (Dennis Drenner For The Washington Post) 
Special Reports

• Bioterrorism Defense Plan Takes Shape (The Washington Post, Dec
5, 2002) 
• Bioterrorism Defense Plan Takes Shape (The Washington Post, Dec
5, 2002) 
• Officials Asked to Speed Smallpox Plan (The Washington Post,
Nov 28, 2002) 
• More on Smallpox 
By Ceci Connolly
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, December 5, 2002; Page A01 

As physical specimens, the Baylor University students were fit
and healthy, the "crème de la crème," in the words of researcher
Kathy Edwards. Yet when she inoculated them with smallpox
vaccine, arms swelled, temperatures spiked and panic spread.

It was the same at clinics in Iowa, Tennessee and California. Of
200 young adults who received the vaccine as part of a recent
government study, one-third missed at least one day of work or
school, 75 had high fevers, and several were put on antibiotics
because physicians worried that their blisters signaled a
bacterial infection.

Even for experts such as Edwards, the Vanderbilt University
physician overseeing the study, the side effects were startling.
"I can read all day about it, but seeing it is quite impressive,"
she said. "The reactions we saw were really quite remarkable."

President Bush is poised to announce plans, perhaps as early as
this week, to resume vaccinating Americans against smallpox as
part of a massive push to protect the nation from a biological
assault. As he weighs the decision, researchers are becoming
reacquainted with the unpleasant -- often severe -- complications
of the vaccine.

The experiences in a half-dozen clinical trials offer an early
look at what military personnel, hospital workers and other
emergency workers will likely encounter if Bush adopts the
recommendations of his top health advisers to vaccinate as many
as 11 million people in the coming months. What is disconcerting,
say the people participating in the clinical trials, is that when
it comes to smallpox vaccination, what had once been considered
ordinary is rather extraordinary by today's standards.

"I just wanted to go to bed for a day or two there," said Alison
Francis, a New York University graduate student who received the
vaccine. Francis, 24, said she felt tired and achy after getting
her shot. Her arm was heavy, warm to the touch and terribly
itchy. "I thought, 'Can you just chop off my arm?' "

Participating in the study was part patriotism and part
selfishness, she said. "Now I'm protected."

Once among the deadliest scourges on earth, smallpox was declared
eradicated worldwide in 1981. But growing hostilities with Iraqi
President Saddam Hussein, Osama bin Laden and others have renewed
fears that the virus could be used as a potent, stealthy weapon.
Vaccination is surefire protection against the disease, but it is
risky. For every 1 million vaccinated, between 15 and 52 people
will suffer life-threatening consequences such as brain
inflammation, and one or two will die, according to historical
data. Pregnant women, babies, people with eczema or weakened
immune systems should not receive the vaccine.

Federal health officials have proposed resuming vaccination in
stages, beginning with as many as 500,000 hospital workers most
likely to see an initial case. Later, as many as 10 million
police, fire and medical personnel would be offered the vaccine.
The Pentagon hopes to vaccinate 500,000 soldiers.

Over the past year, federal researchers have been testing the
40-year-old vaccine for its safety and potency. None of the 1,500
volunteers has died or been seriously injured by the vaccine. But
even the most mundane cases can be disturbing to doctors and
patients unaccustomed to the live virus used in the vaccine and
its side effects.

Unlike most modern vaccines, the smallpox vaccine is administered
by 15 quick pricks that "establish an infection in your skin,"
said Julie Gerberding, director of the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention in Atlanta. "There is the immediate
discomfort of getting poked in the arm and a range of annoying

Within three to four days, a red itchy bump develops, followed by
a larger blister filled with pus. In the second week, the blister
dries and turns into a scab that usually falls off in the third
week. During the three weeks, many people experience flu-like
symptoms -- aches, fever, lethargy -- and terrible itchiness.

"You can't scratch it; it's all bandaged up; all I could do was
smack it," said Meg Gifford, a University of Maryland junior who
participated in one study. For a weekend, she was "pretty
miserable," suffering from a slight fever, an arm that was hot to
the touch and swollen lymph nodes in her armpit.

At the University of Rochester Medical Center, researcher John
Treanor saw a wide range of reactions, from a small rash to
swelling the size of a grapefruit. About 5 percent of the 170
participants had rashes that spread to other parts of the body.
It took time and experience, he said, for the team to get
comfortable with the natural course of the vaccine. 

"The reactions we are seeing are totally out of line with today's
vaccine experience and absolutely in line with historical
experience," said Anthony Fauci, director of the National
Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. "In the 30 years
since we had routine vaccination, the public's tolerance level
has gone way down."

Maryland researchers have begun a second trial revaccinating
older adults to see how much immunity stays in the system. Early
indications are that people who have been previously inoculated
do not suffer as many severe side effects. "I had a small red
mark and that was about it," said Edward Dudley, 33. 

Very few of today's physicians have administered the vaccine or
treated its side effects. Even at the CDC, where health experts
work with an array of germs, smallpox vaccinations were briefly
halted when 10 people had serious enough reactions to begin
antibiotics, said Walter Orenstein, director of the CDC's
National Immunization Program.

"The clinic physician couldn't decide if this was a normal,
primary exuberant take or a bacterial infection," he said. He
added that, in fact, the swollen, itchy, red arms were routine.

As a first-year medical student 33 years ago, Orenstein was so
alarmed by the fever, swollen glands and red streak up his arm
after he was vaccinated that he went to the emergency room for
antibiotics. "I respect this vaccine," he said.

If Bush moves forward with vaccination, Edwards warns doctors to
expect the array of unsightly, unfamiliar complications that will

"You are going to have to be prepared to see these individuals
and to see really bad takes," she told state health officers.
"You'll wonder if they are bacterial infections; in some cases
the rash will move up the arm and onto the chest. The vaccinee
requires a lot of TLC."


"A total world population of 250-300 million people, a 95%
decline from present levels, would be ideal."
-Ted Turner, interview with Audubon magazine

"350,000 people will have to eliminated every day in order to
sustain the planet. It's a terrible thing to say but somebody has
to say it."
—Jauques Cousteau, Frenchman with network TV in America who lived
and worked underwater

"All propaganda has to be popular and has to adapt its spiritual
level to the perception of the least intelligent of those towards
whom it intends to direct itself. The people must not know who I
am. They must not know where I come from. If the Germans cannot
win, they deserve to disappear."
--President Adolf Hitler Shicklegruber Rothchild, Reich
Chancellor and Fuhrer of NAZI Germany, heir to half the world's
wealth via the Rothschild banking dynasty that owns the private
Federal Reserve Bank Corporation that prints counterfeit "green
money" (AKA bank loans), and employs Internal Revenue Service of
Puerto Rico (IRS) Corporation to enslave USA since 1917

Congressional bill Would Limit Damages for People Injured by
Smallpox Vaccine, Associated Press, Nov 13, 2002 



40,000 US DOA from contagious vaccinations from US biowar
factories owned by Bushes/BinLadens

Executive producer John Lee's wife was locked in isolated
quarentine and strapped down to a gurney at US military prison
hospital at Ft Leavenworth, read the Last Rites, after nearly
dying from "chicken pox" from a forced vaccination by US Air
Force in 1981. She had 4 heart attacks within 1 year of military
retirement in 1992 due to Gulf War Vaccine Disease, after
refusing a job offer (bribe) from Dick Cheney at Pentagon. VA
paid her a 10% disability check of $50/month for forced
sterilization via 100 "medical school experiments" without
fraudulent "informed consent", then VA cancelled her disability
payments because she dared collect a small retirement check. BE



December 5, 2002

Border tour today for 4 in Congress

McCain, Kyl, Kolbe, Grijalva to go by copter
By Tim Steller 

Four members of Arizona's congressional delegation, including
both senators, are planning to spend today together in Southern 
Arizona, a rare event focusing on U.S.-Mexican border issues. 

Sens. Jon Kyl and John McCain, Rep. Jim Kolbe and Rep.-elect Raúl
Grijalva [member of MECHA, Movimiento Estudiantil 
Chicano de Aztlanare, to violently overthrow USA with treasonand
annex California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, 
Oklahoma, Colorado and Texas - http://www.utep.edu/mecha/ -
http://www.utexas.edu/ftp/student/mecha/ ] scheduled to take a
helicopter tour of the border and visit facilities in Nogales and 
Douglas. [The Migrant Education Consortium for Higher Achievement
(MECHA) is a collaboration between Barry University, 
Dade County Public Schools Migrant Education Program (DCPS MEP),
public television, telecommunications and software 
publishing industry partners, and school districts serving
migrant children and youth in five states along the migrant
stream of the 
eastern coast of the United States. MECHA Aims at Eastern Stream 
>From Dade County at the tip of the Florida Peninsula, home to one
of the nation's largest migrant populations, agricultural 
workers move throughout the United States of America. The Migrant
Education Consortium for Higher Achievement 
(MECHA) will develop, implement and evaluate a comprehensive
model for continuity and high academic standards for migrant 
students who migrate north into Georgia, South Carolina, North
Carolina, Virginia, Pennsylvania, and back to Florida. In the 
first year, one hundred families will be randomly selected from
among the more than 1000 migrant families in Dade County. 
Each will receive a WebTV interface with a remote, a small
keyboard and carrying case. The Department of Education 
announced today $3.4 million in grants to organizations in
Florida, Kentucky, Illinois, Michigan, North Carolina, and Oregon
help strengthen academic achievement of migrant students through
the Internet, public television and other technology.
Vice President Gore said, "High school students who perform
agricultural work in more than one state during the harvest
will be able to accumulate the credits they need to graduate by
continuing their coursework at home over the Internet."

Kyl is leading the event, which begins with a discussion at
Tucson Medical Center of the cost of medical care for illegal
crossers. Kolbe said the senators requested the border tour. 

"They haven't been down to the border, I think, for quite some
time," Kolbe said. "I think it's fair to say this is more to
them up to speed." 

He and Grijalva were included in part because, once Grijalva is
sworn in, they will represent Arizona's entire southern border, 
Kolbe said. 

Grijalva said the four may have different perspectives on how to
solve border issues, "but the fact that we're all going to take a 
look together at this border crisis is important. That's why I'm

Grijalva said that in considering border issues today, he is
going to focus on two: investigating the armed citizen patrols
in Southern Arizona, and holding bipartisan congressional
hearings on border issues. 

After their discussion at TMC, the four men and their entourages
plan to board U.S. Customs Service helicopters based at 
Davis-Monthan Air Force Base about noon. The pilots are scheduled
to take them over the border region southwest of Tucson, 
known to border agencies as the West Desert. That's the area
where most of this summer's deaths due to heat exposure 

>From June through September, 116 crossers were known to have died
in Pima, Santa Cruz, Cochise and Pinal counties, 
according to an Arizona Daily Star analysis of death reports. 

Kolbe said he finds such trips valuable. 

"I have not flown out over the western desert ever, and I haven't
been on the border by air in quite some time," he said. 

Nearly 30 people will travel with the four, so many that customs
will use three of its six Blackhawks to carry them, said Dennis 
Lindsay, chief of customs' air branch. Normally the helicopters
are used for interdicting drug smugglers. 

After flying over the West Desert area, the group is planning to
land in Nogales and tour the Mariposa Port of Entry. Then it 
expects to fly to the new Border Patrol station just west of

At Douglas, the members plan to discuss medical costs with
representatives of hospitals in Nogales, Douglas and Bisbee,
said. The pilots are scheduled to have them back in Tucson around
6 p.m., Lindsay said. 

"Since I spend a lot more time on the border with the Border
Patrol, the kind of briefings they're going to be getting
will be things I've already heard," said Kolbe. 

Said Grijalva: "I don't know if it's a question of finding
something new, but I think it's significant we have the two

Whatever the four learn, they will set a record for Lindsay.
Since arriving in Tucson in 1996, Lindsay said, he has taken many 
politicians on border tours, but "I've never had that many come
through before." 





"NAFTA is a major stepping stone to the New World Order."
—Heinz "Henry" Kissinger, chairman of George Bush Jr's Committee
to Invetigate 911, Satanic cultmember at Bohemian Grove
Presidential Retreat, and member of the Satanic super-elite
secret society of Illuminati Council on Foreign Relations, when
campaigning for the passage of NAFTA

"If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier,
just so long as I'm the dictator."
—President-Elect George "Texascutioner" Bush, CNN News, Aired
December 18, 2000

"By 1939, Franco and his Fascist allies were victorious. The
democracies of America and England had failed to intervene. An
opportunity to challenge Fascism had been lost. A 'New World
Order' began to take shape. In August 1941, Hitler visited the
Eastern Front. Euphoric from German victories, he envisioned a
Thousand-Year Reich: A 'New World Order' was still clear in the
mind of the Fuhrer."
—Edward Hermann, History Channel, "The Color of War - World War 2
- A New World Order", May 2002 

"The world can therefore seize the opportunity (the Persian Gulf
crisis) to fulfill the long held promise of a New World Order
where diverse nations are drawn together in common cause to
achieve the universal aspirations of mankind."
—President George Bush Sr. in his State of the Union Address,
January 29, 1991

"Operation Northwoods may be the most corrupt plan ever created
by the U.S. government. Operation Northwoods had called for
nothing less than the launch of a secret campaign of terrorism
within the United States in order to blame Castro and provoke a
war with Cuba."
—James Bamford, from Body of Secrets (published April 2001) 

GEORGE W. BUSH reigns at the White House -- because he has more
royal blood than Al Gore. And because of his noble heritage,
Burke's Peerage, the bible of British aristocracy, correctly
predicted Bush's victory before Election Day. "Governor Bush is
related to more imperial royal and noble houses than any previous
President," said Burke's Peerage publishing director Harold
Brooks-Baker. FAST FACT! "He's closely related to every European
monarch on and off the throne, including a close kinship with all
members of the British House of Windsor, making him a distant
cousin of the Queen and Prince Charles."
—National Enquirer (CIA owned and operated - #1 propaganda value
at every checkout line in USA), "BUSH'S WIN: IT'S ALL IN HIS
ROYAL BLOOD!", December 28, 2000

"In the event that I am reincarnated I would like to return as a
deadly virus in order to contribute something to solve
—His Royal Highness Prince Phillip, husband Queen Elizabeth of
Britain, from autobiography, in chapet titled, "His Royal Virus"

"There ought to be limits to freedom."
–Governor George Bush Jr, May 21, 1999

<A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/";>www.ctrl.org</A>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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begin:          vcard
fn:             John Lee
n:              Lee;John
org:            IDIOT BOX WARS CATV
email;internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:          Executive Producer
note:           reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED]@netzero.net
x-mozilla-cpt:  ;0
x-mozilla-html: FALSE
version:        2.1
end:            vcard

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--- End Message ---

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