-Caveat Lector-

Wednesday, February 17, 1999 Published at 20:46 GMT BBC Online

GM report may be released

A leaked report expressing fears about the risks posed by genetically
modified foods is likely to be published on Thursday, it has emerged.

The report was drawn up by the Department of the Environment last June but
had not been made public until it was leaked to Friends of the Earth.
The environment pressure group claimed Cabinet Office Minister Jack
Cunningham had sought to suppress the report's contents.
But the government insisted it had always planned to publish it and
suggested the normal administrative process was to blame for the delays but
in an apparent U-turn it may now be rushed out.

Environment Minister Michael Meacher said earlier: "It is wrong to say
we're just sitting on a report. We're not, we're getting it out as fast as
we can."

'Danger to wildlife and plants'

Genetic modification of crops can include giving them an ability to repel
insects and to tolerate weedkillers.
The report warns that if growing such crops allows weedkillers to be used
more aggressively, some plants and insects could be driven from the
This would remove the food supply from many farmland birds and animals,
with potentially far-reaching implications for the countryside.

The leaking of the report was embarrassing for ministers
The paper, GM Crops: Wider Issues - Biodiversity in the Agricultural
Environment, questions whether the existing system of regulation for
growing GM crops is able to judge what the affects on wildlife could be.
The Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions has confirmed
the Cabinet committee on GM foods, chaired by Mr Cunningham, will consider
releasing the report when it meets on Thursday.
The environment minister denied the dangers set out in the report could
occur in Britain.
Mr Meacher said: "We have made clear there will be no commercialisation -
no commercial planting of GM crops - until the government is fully
satisfied that is safe, first of all in terms of food safety and also in
terms of the affects in the environment.

Tory bill to ban GM crops
Conservative leader William Hague said the whole issue had become "an
extraordinary shambles" and strengthened the case for a three-year
He said the Tories would introduce a bill in the House of Lords to bring in
a temporary ban on the commercial use of GM crops.
He added: "It says in the actual report a number of options may exist for
addressing the issue: research, voluntary action and legislation.

"The government at the moment are proposing not to take the time over the
research, not to call for voluntary action and not to have any
Liberal Democrat leader Paddy Ashdown said two major issues existed in
relation to GM foods
"What are their impact on human beings and the jury there is out - we
should be following the precautionary principle and I'm worried that we're
"The second is, what is its affect on the environment - and this report is
very clear about that."

Friends of the Earth executive director Charles Secrett said: "The evidence
of possible environmental damage caused by GM crops is clear.
"The evidence of possible damage to human health is growing and urgently
needs further work.
"All we ask is a halt to the rush to introduce GM food and crops into
Britain until scientific research is completed, published and debated."
The row over the report comes amid a series of allegations about the
government's handling of the GM issue and a heightening of consumer fears.
In an unrelated development on Wednesday, two companies - including the GM
giant Monsanto - admitted failing to control an area of GM crops.
They were fined a total of £31,000 for breaching government regulations.

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