-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

And the Award Goes To...Hillary Clinton!

“Hillary Rodham Clinton has just won an honor she probably won’t enjoy:  She
has been selected 1999’s most boring celebrity.  The boring titles are handed
out each year by the Boring Institute in Maplewood, N.J., and according to
founder Alan Caruba, Clinton wins the honor this year because ‘she’s the
perfect description of someone who can’t take a hint to go away.’”

- “The Buzz,” Las Vegas Review Journal, 12/7/99

Bradley Opens Mouth, Inserts BIG Foot

After telling the world last week that he might have to raise taxes to pay
for his outlandish health care scheme, Democrat presidential contender Bill
Bradley told the New York Times to tell RNC Chairman Jim Nicholson to “ask
George W. Bush to take a no new taxes pledge.”  Ooops.  Bradley is now busy
removing egg from his face.  The fact is, all six of the Republican
presidential contenders HAVE signed the “No New Taxes” pledge of Americans
for Tax Reform, including Bush.  As Nicholson pointed out in a press release
yesterday, “The ONLY candidates who HAVEN’T signed are Bradley and Gore.”
The GOP chief concluded with this stinging observation:  “Bradley is Walter
Mondale with a jump shot, while Gore is Michael Dukakis without the
personality.”  Ouch.  That hurts.  But how true!

Keyes’ Star Rising

“Alan Keyes has always been eloquent, but he’s become more cool and
comfortable.  He’s a great speaker; you listen and don’t daydream when he
talks, but in the past when I’ve seen him speak I’ve half expected him to
break into, ‘And the Angel Moroni came to me and said...’  His intensity was
compelling, but I think it also made people wonder if he was at all suited to
public office.  For whatever reasons, that has changed.  He’s the only
political figure I’ve ever heard make the connection between abortion and the
national character and the future.  It’s interesting when you see brilliant
people with nothing to lose perform at the top of their game.”

- Wall Street Journal editor Peggy Noonan, 12/8/99

Debates Good Exercise for Dubya

“Certainly Texas Gov. George W. Bush knows by now he faces a contest and not
a coronation.  His lead in money and organization still makes him the heavy
favorite.  But his competitors are serving a purpose by challenging him on
both the issues and his record.  If he can’t handle this gantlet, he
certainly isn’t ready for the Gore-Carville assault Democrats.  It’s about
time Mr. Bush joined the debates in particular, because by Thursday’s
performance he needs the practice. ... The front-runner sounded too
programmed and defensive, and his TV appearance is sometimes a bit

- Wall Street Journal editorial, 12/6/99

Coulter Shock

“I’m getting a little tired of politicians trying to prove how ‘moderate’
‘centrist’ they are by taking more of my money and freedom.  Where’s this
center - somewhere between Lenin and Stalin?”

“Saying tax cuts benefit only ‘the rich’ is like complaining that civil
rights laws benefit only minorities.  Yeah, of course it’s ‘the rich’ who
benefit from tax cuts:  They’re the ones who pay the taxes.  Indeed, a pretty
good working definition of ‘the rich’ is ‘any taxpayer with an alarm

“Republicans compromising with Democrats is like a common criminal trying to
reach some middle ground in a negotiation with Ted Bundy:  ‘OK, you want to
rape and decapitate her, but I only want her purse.  So how about we
triangulate to a couple acts of sodomy and a life-threatening wounding, and
we’ll split the money.’”

- Columnist Ann Coulter, Las Vegas Review Journal, 12/7/99

Big Honor for the “Big Dog”

Tom Wiesner, Nevada’s Republican National Committeeman since 1986, will be
inducted into the Southern Nevada Sports Hall of Fame on June 2 at an awards
dinner at the Las Vegas Hilton.  Wiesner, affectionately known as “Big Dog”
by friends and associates, was named MVP for the Wisconsin Badgers in 1960
and played in the Rose Bowl as well as three professional football leagues.
He was elected a Clark County Commissioner from 1970 to 1976 and currently
serves as an elected member of the University Board of Regents.  His
involvement in local sports in Southern Nevada since moving here in 1963 is
well-known, and finally, with this award, well-recognized.  Congratulations,

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Published by:  Nevada Republican Liberty Caucus
“The Conscience of the Republican Party”
Chuck Muth, Chairman

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