-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

George Szamuely Demolishes Podhoretz's Allegations
Taki's Top Drawer / New York Press

"Is Patrick Buchanan an anti-Semite?" Thus the opening sentence of Norman
Podhoretz’s page-long screed in Oct. 25’s Wall Street Journal. The answer,
about 3000 words later, is no surprise. Yes, Buchanan has indeed "become an

One wonders why Podhoretz even bothered writing the article. That "Buchanan
is an anti-Semite" is by now a cliche. For this, we largely have Podhoretz to
thank. Back in January 1991, Commentary–the magazine Podhoretz edited for 35
years–published an article, "Patrick J. Buchanan and the Jews," by Joshua
Muravchik. It was here that for the first time a case was made against
Buchanan accusing him of "anti-Semitism." Though it seemed extraordinary that
for more than 25 years–until Muravchik came along, in fact–a man as
outspoken as Buchanan could have succeeded in concealing from the rest of the
world his rabid "anti-Semitism," in no time at all the Commentary insights
became conventional wisdom: Buchanan was an "anti-Semite."

The charge of "anti-Semitism" is an extremely serious one. Webster’s defines
"anti-Semitism" as "hostility toward or discrimination against Jews as a
religious, ethnic, or racial group." Has Pat Buchanan demonstrated "hostility
toward or discrimination against Jews as a religious, ethnic, or racial
group"? His many Jewish friends say no. This cuts no ice with Podhoretz. He
dismisses the "some of his best friends [are] Jews" claims as the
"traditional…apology" for anti-Semites.

However, Podhoretz fails to name any anti-Semite whose best friends really
were Jews. One would have thought Buchanan’s Jewish friends are in the best
position to know whether his friendship is genuine or not.

This is how the anti-Buchanan method works. Surmise, suggestion and
insinuation take the place of facts. Where are the clear statements by
Buchanan that are readily identifiable as "anti-Semitic"? Where is guff about
the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, the Jewish World Conspiracy, rootless
cosmopolitans? What we get instead are snippets of sentences pulled from his
voluminous writings and innumerable tv appearances. Taken out of context,
their meaning distorted, they are then all mixed up together in the hope that
the resulting stew will be sufficiently toxic.

In his Journal article Podhoretz offered a number of examples of the method.
I will cite only two. Like many others before him, Podhoretz refers to a past
column in which Buchanan is supposed to have lavished praise on Hitler.
Buchanan describes Hitler as "an individual of great courage, a soldier’s
soldier in the Great War…[a] genius." However, what Buchanan really said in
this 1977 column was, "Though Hitler was indeed racist and anti-Semitic to
the core, a man who without compunction could commit murder and genocide, he
was also an individual of great courage, a soldier’s soldier…" etc.
Significantly, the word "genius" appears somewhat later and in a different
context. Buchanan says, "[Hitler’s] genius was an intuitive sense of the
mushiness, the character flaws, the weakness masquerading as morality that
was in the hearts of the statesmen who stood in his path."

Buchanan wrote this column to attack the policy of "appeasement." Indeed,
throughout the column he sounds a lot like Podhoretz: "Men like Chamberlain
and Daladier needed a moral justification for their acts of weakness and
betrayal… Almost alone among European statesmen, Churchill saw that–under
the guise of restoring Germany to her rightful place among nations–Hitler was
marching along the road toward a New Order where Western civilization would
not survive. The vision lacking in the statesmen of ’37 appears lacking as
well in the men of ’77."

Now, one could say that Buchanan has changed his view of Chamberlain.
However, by no stretch of the imagination could the piece be described as
"soft on Hitler." Yet how many people will take the trouble to dig up a
column from more than 20 years ago and see for themselves what Buchanan
actually said?

Podhoretz makes another familiar charge against Buchanan. Writing about the
Gulf War, he describes the time that Buchanan allegedly listed "four
prominent Jews who thought war might be necessary. Almost immediately…he
counterpoised them with ‘kids with names like McAllister, Murphy, Gonzales
and Leroy Brown,’ who would actually do the fighting if these Jews had their
way." According to Podhoretz, this "juxtaposition of the prominent Jewish
figures who favored the war with the non-Jewish ‘kids’ who would be sent to
die in the Persian Gulf" was a "traditional anti-Semitic canard."

"When it came to digging up anti-Semitic filth from the foul swamps where it
was buried," Podhoretz concludes, "Mr. Buchanan was deterred neither by facts
nor by the stench arising out of his exhumations." Them’s strong words! They
would have greater force if Buchanan had actually said what he is supposed to
have said.

In the first place, Buchanan never counterpoised "four prominent Jews" with
kids "who would actually do the fighting." Buchanan’s comments come from two
different columns. It is the editors of the British magazine The Economist
that he contrasts with the "kids." Here is what Buchanan actually said: "‘The
civilized world must win this fight,’ the editors [of The Economist] thunder.
But, if it comes to war, it will not be the ‘civilized world’ humping up
that bloody road to Baghdad; it will be American kids with names like
McAllister, Murphy, Gonzales and Leroy Brown." It is obvious from the context
that Buchanan is having a go at the Brits, not the Jews.

As for the other column, the one in which he upbraided A.M. Rosenthal,
Charles Krauthammer, Richard Perle and Henry Kissinger–the "four prominent
Jews," to use Podhoretz’s phraseology–for their enthusiasm for war on Iraq,
nowhere did Buchanan suggest that their advocacy had something to do with
their being Jewish. Podhoretz fails to mention, moreover, that one of the
culprits Buchanan listed was The Wall Street Journal.

Quoting approvingly from the 1991 Commentary article, Podhoretz then suggests
that Buchanan was a dove during the Gulf War only because of "his animus
against Israel." For the last 10 years, Buchanan has been a "dove" during
every single U.S. engagement abroad. Podhoretz knows this well. So how can he
continue to stand by this judgment?

How can he claim that Buchanan defended John Demjanjuk out of eagerness to
champion "the cause of almost anyone accused of participating actively in
Hitler’s genocidal campaign against the Jews"? Where is the evidence?
Buchanan was not defending the man’s alleged actions. He was defending him
from the charge that he was the Treblinka guard Ivan the Terrible–a stance
that the Israeli Supreme Court eventually vindicated.

Podhoretz alleges that Buchanan "lent his weight to some of the preposterous
claims of…those who believe either that the Holocaust never occurred or that
‘the Jews’ have wildly exaggerated the number of lives it claimed." But he
is unable to quote a single sentence by Buchanan that expresses any
skepticism about the Holocaust.

Our system of justice is based on the principle that the more serious the
charge, the higher should be the standard of proof. Yet people toss around
words like "anti-Semitic" and "racist" with cheerful abandon. Proffering
evidence is unnecessary. Every hack simply quotes every other hack. Besides,
once we know a man is "anti-Semitic," whatever he says or does will always
manifest his "anti-Semitism." The effect is to rule certain people and
certain positions out of serious consideration.

Worse, the poison and bitterness that such words carry increasingly ensure
that just about every issue is now off the table. The former editor of
Commentary is normally, and rightly, among the loudest to denounce the
promiscuous deployment of the "racist" barb. It is a shame that he is not as
vigilant when it comes to the toxic "anti-Semitic" slur.

by George Szamuely

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