From:               [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dr. Andreas van Almsick)
To:                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:            Once again Michael Pardue
Date sent:          Mon, 3 Jul 2000 20:05:39 +0200

Dear Mr. Webre,

Thank you for your fast answer. i will attach a translation of an article
Michael Pardue published on 20.12.99 from the national available "Frankfurter
Rundschau". This shoulf give you an impression how Michael's case is seen
here in Germany.

Best regards

A. van Almsick


26 years innocent behind bars?

Michael Pardue was sentenced to life in the US state of Alabama for homicides
never committed.

By Jörg-Michael Dettmer (Fort Worth)

For the past 26 years the 43-year old Michael Pardue has been in prison in
US federal state of Alabama. His case is like a nightmare: Pardue was
to life  in 1973 when he was 17-years old because of a triple homicide.
the Supreme Court of Alabama set aside this controversial verdict in 1997 due
a lack of proof, Pardue is still behind bars for life without the possibility
pardon. This is because he has escaped three times from prison.

In Alabama there is a strict law, "Three strikes and you are out", in German:
three crimes means life. A controversial law enacted to fight against the
spreading crime in the country. Therefore Michael Pardue must remain in
for his three escape attempts even though he was trying to escape detention
a crime of which he was in all likelihood innocent.

This is the history of his case: In the early morning of May 22nd , 1973 the
owners of two gas stations, located 25 kilometers from each other in the
of Alabama, were brutally murdered. On the same night Michael Pardue had
and behaved foolishly with a friend and a girlfriend at a Motel in Saraland.
17-year old boy stole a pickup-truck to drive to Mobile with the girl and,
this later got stuck in mud, a Volkswagen. The motel was only three
away from one of the scenes of the crime.

According to Pardue the police became aware of him because of the stolen
He was summoned the next day and had prepared himself to be arrested for car
theft. But it all turned out differently. The local police force of the city
Saraland apparently stood under immense media and public pressure to clear up
the brutal homicides. In Michael Pardue they believed they had found the

After 78 hours interrogation by a total of ten police officials and
Michael Pardue confessed to three homicides. This was because in the meantime
further victim of homicide had been found. During the marathon interrogation
17-year old was threatened and beaten, received hardly anything to eat and
prevented from sleeping. Pardue was not allowed to talk to an attorney not to
call his family. The officials threatened him with the death penalty even
it wasn't being implemented at that time in USA.

Michael Pardue's complete murder trial lasted only one and a half hours. His
attorney made absolutely no efforts to help him in anyway. The 17-year old
sentenced to life imprisonment.

"I was not exactly a good boy at that time but I am not a murderer ", Michael
Pardue writes in a letter from prison. "My confession was extorted in a most
brutal way. I was only 17 years old at that time, I was quite alone, I was
without any influence and couldn't defend  myself".  Not a single piece of
evidence was presented by the Office of the District Attorney during the
that convicted Pardue as a murderer. The only proof linking him to the three
homicides was his verbal confession which one of the officials that had been
involved in the interrogation - once more verbally - summarized in front of
court. There never was a written confession. In a second trial in the year
Michael Pardue was again convicted of homicide and sentenced to 100 years
custody. For inexplicable reasons an audio tape suddenly appeared containing
confession of 1973. At this stage the Supreme Court of Alabama interfered. It
didn't allow the tape to be used as evidence because the confession had been
illegally coerced. The conviction was overturned and all charges of homicide
against Pardue were dropped.

Pardue and his attorneys have listed a whole kaleidoscope of faults,
inconsistencies, fraud and others shocking facts associated with his case.
example, as the interrogation proceeded, Pardue identified weapon used in the
crime as a shotgun, which belonged to relatives. When the police found the
weapon in the cupboard of Pardues aunt, there were according to the attending
officers spider's webs and rust in the barrel. The same shotgun appeared
polished in the trial. And:  It had been recently fired.

Criminologists said, that the bullet wounds of the gas station attendants
pointed to a pistol or a rifle rather than a shotgun. Neither blood nor gun
powder residues were found on Michael Pardues clothes. Moreover, he was never
charged with taking the red Volkswagen. According to the testimonies of
witnesses this theft occurred at precisely the same time as one of the gas
stations homicides and this could have exonerated Pardue. No wonder, that the
convict speaks about conspiracy.
Lastly: The leading district attorney of Baldwin County, Jim Hendrix, and the
detective Bobby Stewart, who interrogated Pardue in 1973, were later
imprisoned for drug associated crimes. William Travis, at that time Chief
investigator of  Mobile County was later dismissed because of  brutality and
corruption.. The assistant district attorney of  Mobile, Willis Holloway, was
taken into custody because of extortion and forgery.

The three failed escape attempts of Michael Pardue are offences. If one
in his innocence, one can't really justify these offences, but one can at
understand. The case would be more difficult and morally more complicated if
Pardue had injured or even killed people during his jailbreaks. "I have hurt
nobody during my escapes",  Pardue writes from prison. "With the first escape
was a matter of me being forced to smuggle drugs in prison. If I had refused,
might have had to defend myself with violence. Therefore I escaped."
to Pardue´s own words, in his second escape he also wanted to get away from
brutal and violent live within the notorious Holman Prison.

The third escape, this time from a prison farm, he obviously made because of
frustration and despair. His petition of parole had been rejected once more
he knew that he would have to go back to Holman Prison.

An important break in the life of this evidently wrongly convicted American
occurred in the beginning of the eighties. In prison he met Becky Pouyardou,
later married him in 1988 in Holman Prison. Becky became Michael Pardue´s
supporter, his adviser and not last his mouthpiece. She set up a webpage
this case on the internet and helped him in his fight against the courts. The
fact that Michael Pardue has survived 26 years in American prisons isn't
a matter of course. US penitentiaries are dangerous places where groups and
gangs are involved in power struggles and where violence, extortion,
intimidation and murder all occur. "The passage of time favors the courts",
Pardue writes from cell. "If I should die, they would have nor more problems
with me. I live in violent surroundings.  Every day I have to be extremely
careful, that I don't by a mistake get involved in a violent situation. My
protection is to stay in my cell when  I am not working".

A lot of  prisoners who survive, become brutalized. In comparison to this,
Michael Pardue, as shown by his correspondence, has continued his studies and
worked on himself. He teaches general education and computer courses to other
prisoners. Pardue has obviously tried to preserve his individuality and
How much effort day of day this has cost and costs can only poorly be
by an outsider.

At the moment Pardues fight for justice concentrates on a civil suit with
he wants to prove his innocence in court. He has sued the City of Saraland,
two concerned district counties, the officials involved in his interrogation
his 1973 trial attorney. The grounds are conspiracy, assault and battery,
various violations of a number of laws and regulations, fraud and malicious
criminal prosecution and a row of other offenses. In addition two different
courts are reviewing anew the convictions relating to Pardues escape
because of which he sits in prison today. The reversal of just one of these
sentences could mean a mitigation of punishment for Pardue. He is currently
serving a life sentence without the possibility of parole. A mitigation of
punishment does not automatically mean freedom. The justice system of Alabama
in a defensive position. To international inquiries this means most
that Michael Pardue is lawfully in detention. That's right, according to the
of the State Alabama he was convicted lawfully for the three escape attempts.
"Doesn't the State also have a duty to correct injustices and to try and make
recompense?", critics ask.

In the meantime, Michael Pardue has sat in prison in Alabama, since he was 17
years old. He is 43 years old today. 26 years behind bars, that is an
inconceivably long time. In addition, if one just supposes that Michael
is in fact innocent: What a gruesome and unimaginable thought, 26 years spent
behind bars in the knowledge that one is innocent. What kind of man is able
endure this without simply going mad?

"My wife, who has shown me what honest and pure love is and my unshakable
in the truth give me the hope to survive", writes Pardue from his cell.

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