Saturday April 22, 2000; 5:43 PM EDT

  Child-Abuse, Clinton Style

  The week that began with a White House-connected doctor charging that
  Elian Gonzalez's Miami family was "abusing" him, has ended with White
  House-sponsored federal agents pointing guns at the six-year-old and his
  relatives while shouting, "Gimme the f - - - - - g boy or we'll shoot

  For those who have seen the photo of the G-man in riot gear waiving the
  barrel of his machine gun just inches from the terrified boy, there's
  now little doubt who the true abusers of Elian Gonzalez are: President
  Clinton, Attorney General Reno and the officials who went along with an
  assault plan that put Elian's life in danger; a plan that was guaranteed
  to frighten him out of his wits.

  Surely no qualified psychologist would suggest that Elian won't carry
  the emotional scars of that moment with him for the rest of his life.

  Other press accounts illustrate the brutality of the government's
  tactics, which were apparently authorized by the president himself.

  Donato Dalrymple, the Miami fisherman who rescued the boy five months
  earlier and who had tried to hide him from the Immigration and
  Naturalization Service assault force, told Reuters he believed Elian had
  been physically injured in the abduction:

  "It's as if they were taking a terrorist, a hostage. And they grabbed
  the boy, and I said, 'Please, don't hurt the child, don't hurt the
  child.' They grabbed this boy physically. They hurt him physically and
  emotionally. They ripped him from my arms."

  Marisleysis Gonzalez, the boy's de facto mother in America, said she
  pleaded with Clinton's agents:

  "Please, we'll give you the boy, don't let him see this. He's seen
  enough, seeing his mother's death. We don't want this. We're not going
  to do anything. We're not armed. They ran in my room, they broke the
  closet door. They broke Elian's bed. They went in my mom's room. They
  broke the door down."

  Enraged by the outrageous attack, Ms. Gonzalez added, "Janet Reno and
  everybody else, don't say you came here with no violence and that this
  boy's okay. How can this boy be okay when he had a gun to his head? "

  "I thought this was a country of freedom and a country that seeks for
  the benefit of a child, that wouldn't psychologically traumatize a
  child. Now they've really done the harm. They have already
  psychologically traumatized Elian when they put that gun (on him) and
  when he saw what was going (on) in this house."

  A military source familiar with the scene at Homestead Air Force base,
  where Elian was taken after his abduction, told Fox News that he was
  still crying hysterically and calling out Marisleysis' name as INS
  agents carried him to a waiting plane.

  Other accounts from inside the house reveal that Elian and Dalrymple
  were far from the only members of the household who were subjected to
  the Clinton administration's thug-like tactics.

  An NBC cameraman told MSNBC news anchor Brian Williams that Clinton
  agents kicked him in the stomach and clubbed his sound man with a rifle
  butt while shouting, "Don't move or we'll shoot."

  Marisleysis has said that government agents also pointed a machine gun
  at Elian's five-year-old cousin.


Be vigilant Folks,
Those b & b's in our White House are just chopping at the bit
to create another incident which will enable them to
declare marital law.


To All Elected Officials:
  "Stop stealing my earnings that you use to give to those you know will vote for you."

There's not a dime bit of difference between a DemoRat and a RepubRat,
they're simply two wings of the same bird of prey which pecks at your
earnings and devours your Freedom.


Eternal Vigilance - The Price of Freedom!

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