-Caveat Lector-

 URL:  http://www.vortex.com/privacy/
 Date: Sat, 25 Sep 99
 Subj: PRIVACY Forum Digest V08 #13


 Date:    Sat, 11 Sep 1999 02:36:36 -0400
 From:    Monty Solomon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Subject: ACLU Joins International Protest Against Global Internet
          Censorship Plans

 Excerpt from ACLU News -- 09-10-99


      ACLU Joins International Protest Against
      Global Internet Censorship Plans

 Thursday, September 9, 1999

 MUNICH, GERMANY -- The American Civil Liberties Union today joined
 rights groups from around the world in denouncing a proposed
 international Internet rating system that could provide governments
 with a blueprint for censorship.

 In a joint statement issued at an Internet policy conference here
 today, members of the Global Internet Liberty Campaign (GILC) --
 including the ACLU and other prominent defenders of cyberliberties --
 said the so-called voluntary ratings system may actually facilitate
 governmental restrictions on Internet expression.

 The three-day "Internet Content Summit," organized by the Bertelsmann
 Foundation, a nonprofit social policy group based in Germany, has
 brought together some 300 Internet and computer industry executives
 and experts in the fields of technology, law and government to discuss
 ways to control illegal or potentially harmful material online without
 resorting to government regulation.

 But after analyzing an advance copy of the Bertelsmann
 recommendations, which will be issued formally on Friday,
 GILC said that censorship is a foregone conclusion.

 "This approach merely shifts the focus of governmental censorship
 initiatives from direct prohibition of speech to mandating the use of
 existing ratings and blocking technologies," the GILC members said in
 their statement.

 Speaking from the conference, Barry Steinhardt, Associate Director of
 the ACLU and a co-founder of GILC, said that much of the Bertelsmann
 plan was prophesied in a 1997 ACLU report
 warning of the free speech dangers in various ratings plans then
 being proposed by U.S. industry groups.

 "We said it then, we say it now and we'll keep saying it even after
 software programs try to block us: proposals like this will transform
 the Internet from a true marketplace of ideas into just another
 mainstream, lifeless medium," Steinhardt said.

 And in remarks circulated to participants prior to the conference,
 ACLU President Nadine Strossen, a member of the Bertelsmann
 Foundation's "expert network" for the conference, invoked principles
 of free expressions enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human
 Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights,
 the European Convention on Human Rights, and analogous national
 guarantees, such as the First Amendment to the United States
 Constitution. Echoing GILC's criticism, Strossen said that the
 proposed rating and blocking schemes violate these free expression

 Strossen strongly criticized a plan to establish telephone hotlines
 that the public can use to report objectionable Internet content,
 saying that it turns hotline operators into "self-appointed judges
 of law" and encourages vigilantism.

 "These hotlines violate due process concepts that are also enshrined
 in international, regional, and national guarantees around the world,"
 she said.

 Strossen also stressed her agreement with the GILC recommendation that
 emphasizing education and parental supervision should receive far more
 attention than it has to date.

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