-Caveat Lector-

So here is interesting item sent to me by friend on another list.

Now when tickets are fixed which is the case re Gore, a Reckless
Operation Charge it is mandatory you appear in Court - and this Reckless
Charge is usualy the result of drunk driving or driving under influence
of drugs.....and it is all too obvious Daddy Gore fixed his little boy's
ticket - while George Bush so many years ago did not set himself above
the law - he went to court and was given the fine and sentence as
anybody else during that time frame.

Daddy Gore had so much respect for the law that he held his son and
obviously himself above the law - George Bush Sr.  probably had the
influence he could have done the same thing, but did not.

The charge was a misdemeanor - and surely nothing to brag about - and
having worked for the head honcho once in the Democrat Party, believe me
the parties have even copies of parking tickets for nobody is perfect -
look at Barney Frank and his male homosexual lovers on payroll......when
working for the people.   He was chastised, embarassed - but continues
to do his job as best he can, whether we agree wih all he does or not.

So Gore is desperate and at the last moment reveals an old ticket Bush
had many years ago where he plead guilty - in all fairness, looking at
the record and being a former clerk of court in a small city, when I see
Reckless Operation  with no other charge, this means the charge was
reduced from driving under influence of drugs and/or alcohol.......and
we know, Al Gore inhaled.

So George Bush already got my vote - based on his promise hat no US
Soldier would wear UN Uniform so long as he was President....he is his
own man - he proved that when he stood as a man before a Judge and pled
guilty to a misdemeanor charge of DUI and received the same sentence
that you or I would have received.......while Daddy Gore fixed his son's
ticket......and sent two body guards with him to Viet Nam while he
played reporter.

Maybe the real test here is this......George Bush did not put himself
above the law - Al Gore and his daddy did.


Mail message
From: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxaol.com
 Date: Sat, Nov 4, 2000, 1:00am

To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Fwd: Gore Reckless Driving Charges

"...and he that was called Judas, one of the twelve, went before them,
and drew near unto Jesus to kiss him....but Jesus said unto him, Judas
betrayest thou the Son of man with a kiss?"   Luke 22

[EMAIL PROTECTED] Date:    Fri, Nov 3, 2000, 11:25pm  Subject:
   Gore Reckless Driving Charges To:    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This story was broken after a tip by a former Commercial Appeal
reporter, Mike Fleming. Michael Reagan has picked it up on his radio
show tonight. Fleming said that national tv news was prowling around the

  Gore said today that he was never arrested. There are two
Tennessee State troopers who know this is false. They arrested him for
reckless driving (at different times) in the late 60's. One is named
Swift and the other is Overstreet (now retired). This was news on a
local Memphis radio talkshow hosted by Mike Fleming. Gore is visiting
the city today and tomorrow.

    Bush opponent Al Gore declined to comment
on the Republican's admission but said he never had been arrested for
drunken driving.

``I´ve had speeding tickets, but no. Absolutely not,´´ Gore said.

[Saba note:  Liar, Liar - Pants On Fire .....]

    The vice president received a speeding ticket 32 years ago
on Interstate 40 in Tennessee and paid $21.75 in fines and costs, Smith
County records show.

    Gore was given two tickets, one for speeding and a second
for driving without a license. The second ticket was dropped when Gore
appeared in court on Sept. 6, 1968.

  There were also reckless driving charges which Gore, Sr. fixed.>>

Saba Note:   And working for a court any police officer knows Reckless
Charges - what drove the officer to note this - why drunk driving or
driving under influence of drugs - for normal procedure is to get on
ROMV, test and then nail on one of the two or both of DUi.......so Daddy
Gore got his little "he inhaled" off hook and booked on lesser charge,
which he fixed.

Know one Governor of Ohio arrested once for DUI and it was dropped
outside of Court and this police officer who gave me his masonic books
(Mackeys) never forgot that for he was the arresting officer - but as a
gentleman you would never see him use this isnformation for financial
gain....this man is still alive today, and true blue gentleman.

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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