Posted at 8:11 p.m. EDT Tuesday, September 15, 1998

                  President hires longtime friend to ward off

                                     By TERENCE HUNT
                                 AP White House Correspondent

                  WASHINGTON (AP) -- At the height of the hippie-radical era at Yale
                  Law School, Hillary Rodham befriended an anti-war leader from Harvard
                  named Greg Craig. Two years later, Rodham and Bill Clinton moved 
into a
                  $75-a-month New Haven apartment passed down by Craig.

                  For nearly three decades, they have been close friends.

                  As the Clintons advanced in the political world, Craig earned his 
stripes on
                  Capitol Hill as a foreign policy adviser to Sen. Edward Kennedy. 
Then he
                  went into private law practice with clients as diverse as Ronald 
                  would-be assassin, John Hinckley, and a wealthy Haitian family that 
                  influence in Washington and tried to stave off economic sanctions 
harmful to
                  their business.

                  On Tuesday, Craig took on one of the toughest assignments in 
                  leading Clinton's defense against possible impeachment proceedings 
in the

                  ``I have known him for many years,'' the president said, ``and have 
                  confidence in his judgment and ability.''

                  Craig will take over a job complicated by frictions between Clinton's
                  political and legal advisers over how to save Clinton's presidency 
from the
                  Monica Lewinsky scandal.

                  ``He's thought of as a good bridge between the political world and 
the legal
                  world,'' said Clinton adviser Doug Sosnik. ``People on Capitol Hill 
                  him as someone they can work with and someone they can trust.''

                  It will be Craig who has to sort out how Clinton can handle demands 
                  him to admit that he lied about a sexual affair with Ms. Lewinsky, 
while at
                  the same time protecting himself against perjury charges.

                  White House press secretary Mike McCurry said Clinton ``made it quite
                  clear that he had some kind of sexual relationship.'' He said that 
                  lawyers, in denying that Clinton lied, have been ``answering a very 
                  question about perjury.'' But he said Clinton, in his grand jury 
                  acknowledged an ``improper, intimate sexual relationship.''

                  ``I'm not sure what else it is he is supposed to say,'' McCurry 
said. ``I'm
                  not sure what kind of hoop you're trying to have him jump through.''

                  On questions like these, Craig will be Clinton's undisputed legal
                  quarterback. ``He's it. It's Greg Craig on this matter,'' said 
                  spokesman Joe Lockhart.

                  Significantly, Craig also is friends both with Clinton's lead 
attorney, David
                  Kendall, and his deputy chief of staff, John Podesta, head of the
                  damage-control team until now.

                  Craig will be joined by two assistants with a lot of experience in 
                  congressmen and senators: Susan Brophy McGowan and Steve Ricchetti.
                  Both were members of Clinton's team previously as deputy assistants 
                  legislative affairs. Richetti left the administration to set up a 
lobbying firm,
                  while McGowan moved overseas as the wife of the U.S. ambassador to
                  Portugal, Gerald McGowan. Both came back for this fight.

                  Craig's relationship with the Clintons was described by author David
                  Maraniss in the biography ``First in His Class.'' The book describes 
                  as ``absolutely euphoric'' when Clinton first took the oath of 
office as
                  governor of Arkansas in 1978.

                  After four years on Kennedy's staff, Craig joined the Washington law 
                  of Williams & Connolly and later moved to the State Department, 
                  he was director of the policy planning staff, charged with looking at
                  long-term foreign policy issues and providing guidance to the 
secretary of

                  AP-ES-09-15-98 1907EDT


We are a Nation of the Rule of Law;
however, I, for one, will not be Ruled by the Lawless.

To All Elected Officials:
  "Stop stealing my earnings that you use to give to those whom you know will vote for 

There's not a dime bit of difference between a DemoRat and a RepubRat,
they're simply two wings of the same bird of prey which pecks at your
earnings while insidiously devouring your Freedom.


Eternal Vigilance - The Price of Freedom!

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