This two-part compendium on HAARP is posted as a research document on
electronic warfare and mind control, for the record.  You may agree with
parts of it, and diagree with others but at least it is on public record for
those who are concerned about the risk assessment of HAARP, on the ionophere,
on dimensionality, on population mind control and other impacts. Alfred Webre
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Armageddon or New Age?)
 Kent Steadman's graphics

 Upon further examination it might be possible that
 the proportions in the patterns emanating from HAARP in fact
 exhibit the Golden Ratio.

 looks like the HAARPsters have discovered the hidden sine wave
 in the Fibonacci series--those sly devils.

 When they juice up HAARP on the 23rd, we might all just see the
 everywhere-shape--expect a brilliant white light that penetrates

 (please note: the above date is in legitimate question)**

 I think HAARPster-hamster agenda is to throw up a shield around
 the planet.  Why?  I wonder (who-what) is in approach to earth?

 You will be able to see through closed eyes.

 HAARP would summon-fabricate God--now that could backfire in their


 I have mapped out this HAARP-Golden ratio thing in the
 enclosed attachment; furthermore, I have interpreted with a
 gif construction animation under the heading, "Fabricating God" at:

 Those of you who are discussing the BLUE STAR concept, consider
 that a five-pointed star is also a representation of the Golden
 Mean as is the dodecahedron, which some think is the basic
 crystaline endoskeleton of the earth and the basis for the
 earth grid concept. Might be a good research to identify
 the exact position of the HAARP array (and other sister
 installations)relative to the earth grid.
 SEE: Wondrous Geometry on Mars at:

 We are in for a wild ride!


 I enhanced to bring out the bands of energy on HAARP cam image:
 This picture was taken: 3/10/97; 3:16:52 PM Alaska Time.
 3/11/97; 12:16:52 AM UTC
 Image attached as well as posted at:

 > Nice try, but you've just demonstrated "banding" (an image artifact caused
 > by reducing the number of colors available to display an image). In
 > addition, radio waves do not image onto photographs.

 I intentionally reduced the colors in order to give shape to the
 radiant-signature that I perceived to be there.

 According to legend and paltry few notes Tesla discovered a radiant
 energy quite separate from normal EM frequencies.  This phenomenon,
 perhaps beyond E=M, seemed to pass through, or exist beyond,
 molecular(ly)-identified structures that would normally provide
 shielding from electromagnetic fields.

 Under certain conditions the aether can be seen with the naked eye. I
 thought I saw this familiar blue etheric glow in the HAARP cam image.
 Again, I made an intentional effort to reduce the colors to in order
 augment the emanating crescent SHAPE of "radiant", not radio,
 phenomenon. Shape as expressed through geometry is a better vehicle for
 identifying radiant effect--as opposed to wave or photon theory which
 speaks for the (lesser or stepped-down toward 3D) electromagnetic

 A study of dynamic symmetry, for instance the golden ratio, would help
 to understand radiant FORM.  Please think SHAPE as opposed to frequency.
 Radiant phenomenon is neither matter nor energy--there seems to be
 something else--in times yore identified as aether.  The correct
 approach in understanding the aether would be toward the gestalt
 geometry of the universe.

 HAARP is a Tesla device, not Marconi--the clue.  When they power up
 HAARP, depending on how the device is tuned, we will see that

 Kent Steadman

 ** question of date
 At 10:47 AM 3/12/97 -0600, you wrote:
 >  Speaking of the HAARP turn on for the 23rd......Does this have anything
 >do with Hale-Bopp approaching the earth at it's closest point around

 No. There is NO known HAARP Pturn-on planned for the 23rd. Yet more
 unsourced misinformation on this list. According to the U.S. Navy in an
 answer to my query:

 "We are conducting a science research effort currently. This test period
 will be completed at the end of this week. The next set of tests has not
 been scheduled as of now."  (I've asked for a clarification on this and
 Kent is checking some of his sources for the unofficial story.)

 A lot of people (including me) are monitoring shortwave signals from HAARP,
 so there's no way for them to transmit without our knowing it. By the way,
 in case you're interested, here's a little perspective to counter some of
 the rampant HAARP paranoia on this list.

 First, a reality check: HAARP is currently in a low-power test phase. The
 scary stuff you've heard about refers to the operational phase, especially
 when they modulate the signals with ELF (extremely low frequency) signals.
 That's not happening now (full operation is planned for 1998).

 HAARP operates at 320 KW (320,000 watts) during the test phase. To give you
 a idea what that means, that's approximately 1/3 the power of the Voice of
 America transmitter. Not something that will have any measurable effect on
 you. Any effects you've noticed are from other sources.

 Let's talk about some real problems. Take a look at for other
 megawatt HF transmitters and note the massive amount of energy from the
 MANY current and planned HF (high frequency) transmitters.

 And that's just in the HF, or shortwave range. It pales in comparison to
 the megawatts of energy in own cities beaming into your heads right now,
 including radio, TV, radar, satellites, and especially cellular towers,
 which operate at dangerous near-microwave bioactive frequencies, and the
 whole panoply of classified military systems, especially the High-Power
 Microwave and EMP (electromagnetic pulse) weapons they test (in New Mexico,
 for example) without telling us. If the government, electrical power,  and
 communication companies wanted to distract you from these realities, HAARP
 would be perfect.

 What's the total power entering our bodies? Good question. Anyone want to
 volunteer to help me research this?

 A even bigger problem: HISCAT
 (, operating at 10 MW (10
 million watts, but effective radiated average power of 30 GW, or 30 billion
 watts) in Sweden for "very deep probing into space" (asteroid detection?),
 the 1.2 MW (1.2 million watt) facility at Norway
 (, and the planned 1998 operational
 phase of HAARP at 3.6 MW (3.6 million watts).

 I'm even more concerned about signals in the brainwave and bioactive
 regions, like power lines (50 and 60 Hz and their sum and difference
 signals at 30 and 90 Hz) and electrified trains. Take a look at the diagram
 at and compare the level
 of these unnatural signals to the natural Schumann resonance signals (at
 7.8 Hz and harmonics) and especially note the intense mystery 82 Hz signal
 (submarine communication signal, presumably, but I haven't found data on
 this yet). I'm very concerned too with cellular and microwave signals,
 which are also bioactive and dangerous.

 For more on HAARP, see for the scientific
 details and Kent Steadman's impressive site at
 <> for the intuitive side (and
 don't miss his home page at <>,
 which is the most beautiful Web site I've seen yet). Also see the U.S. Navy
 HAARP site at for the
 official propaganda if you must.

 A note from Alaka locals:

    I found this in the Astronomy section night..and I was
    At the start, it is just a nice report of someone seeing the comet for
 the first time.
    But the second report remarks on a "hole" seen in the aurora..well, it
 just should not
    be there. As to what they saw, I have no idea, but after the firing of
 the HAARP site,
    we may now be seeing an effect. So, if you hear of anything new, please
 pass it on!
    And, was not a shadow from the would only see it
 "through" the aurora

 Subj:  Hale-Bopp and N. Lights
 Date:  97-03-12 23:12:49 EST
 From:  Lynette688

 We live in Chugiak Alaska.  My husband first noticed Hale-Bopp on 2/23/97.
 He was looking out across Cook Inlet from our livingroom windows and noticed
 what appeared to be "A Comet"!  Our sons (10 & 11) then informed us of
 we have continued to watch a.m. and p.m..  With the short days of winter and
 high front keeping the clouds away we have long intervals of viewing, from
 8:00 p.m. to 6:30 a.m..

 Last night (03/11/97) the Northern lights were very active and bright.
 I sat for hours looking out our bedroom window and watching the lights dance
 Hale-Bopp shimmer through the lights.  At around 2:00 a.m., AK time, I
 noticed a
 very dark spot in the lights, stars could be seen all around, but not in
 this one spot.
 (It was NOT a cloud).  I woke my husband to make sure it was not just
 because I had been
 staring at the sky to long.  He woke up and commented "Looks like
 Hale-Bopp's shadow.
 I had to agree.  I had no film, I had just used the last roll at the Willow
 start of the
 Iditarod and a baby moose in the yard.
 Did anyone else observe this shadow ?
 Does anyone have any scientific knowledge of what this was ?

 The OMEGA File
    Earth Island Journal, Fall 94: ARCO, Eastlund and the Roots of HAARP
      -- by Gary Smith:

 (Note: Following is an interesting by-product of ARCO [the Atlantic
 Co.,] which has been getting a good deal of attention throughout Internet
 discussion groups. Could such a powerful project be used 'against' American
 citizens by ARCO or other proponents of the 'New World Order'? - Branton)

 All atomic and electronic technologies -- from household appliances to
 weapons -- radiate energetic particles. While the immediate impacts of
 human-caused electromagnetic pollution are generally imperceptible, the
 long-term consequences for the biosphere can be profound.

 In 1988, OMNI magazine raised concerns about the environmental consequences
 a bizarre electromagnetic invention. According to OMNI, ARCO, the US oil
 giant, found itself wondering what to do with the estimated 30 trillion
 feet of natural gas that it hoped to extract from Alaska's North Slope.
 this was enough energy to supply the US for a year, the gas fields were too
 far from any potential customers. ARCO concluded that it would be too
 expensive to liquefy the gas and ship it thousands of miles to urban
 What was needed was a client that wanted access to vast amounts of energy
 on-site -- in the wilds of Alaska.

 Bernard Eastland, an MIT and Columbia University physicist with eight years
 experience with the Atomic Energy Commission, came to the rescue with an
 extraordinary plan to use the energy "at the point of production."

 Eastland, who soon became president of ARCO's Production Technologies
 International Company in Houston, proposed burning the vast Alaskan gas
 to power a huge electric generator. The resulting power would be directed
 a huge antenna complex, 40 miles on a side. The antennae would be used to
 focus an intense beam of electromagnetic energy into the upper atmosphere
 where it would collide with the ionosphere to create a phenomenon called the
 "mirror force." Eastland was granted a US Patent (# 4,686,605) for this
 invention on August 11, 1987.

 "You can virtually lift part of the upper atmosphere," Eastland told OMNI,
 "You can make it move, do things to it." One of the tricks Eastland
 involved 'surgically' distorting the ionosphere to disrupt global
 communications. Pushing the upper atmosphere around might also generate
 high-altitude 'drag' that could heat and deflect enemy missiles or surround
 them with "high-energy electrons" that might cause the missiles to detonate

 The proposal appealed to the Pentagon, which invested several hundred
 dollars 'evaluating' Eastland's work. Eastland maintained that there were
 'peaceful' uses for his technology. In one scenario, he explained how beams
 electromagnetic power could lift portions of the upper atmosphere and
 the jetstream to alter global weather patterns. Using "plumes of atmospheric
 particles to act as a lens or focusing device," Eastland proposed
 sunlight and heat to different parts of the Earth's surface, making it
 possible to manipulate wind patterns, cause rainstorms in Ethiopia, drive
 hurricanes out of the Caribbean, incinerate airborne industrial pollution
 sew up the hole in the Antarctic ozone layer.

 "Because the upper atmosphere is extremely sensitive to small changes in its
 composition," OMNI cautioned, "merely TESTING an Eastland Device could cause
 irreversible damage."

 And also we have the following article, titled "DOOMSDAY DEATH RAY".
 "Is the U.S. Government Testing a Secret Mega-Weapon?" -- by "Agent X"., The
 Nose Magazine, issue #26 [March 1995]. We have to ask ourselves, just WHO
 have control of this 'weapon', especially if ARCO is deeply involved with
 HAARP project? Beginning some ways into the article:

 In marked contrast to other advanced weapons-related programs, HAARP is not
 part of the officially denied 'Blackworld' budget. Rather, the military
 insists that HAARP is a strictly scientific program to study the aurora
 borealis [or Northern Lights], when in fact it is a device intended to
 seriously tweak the ionosphere for purposes that are less than benign.
 ...BUILT by ARCO Power Technologies, HAARP is due to begin initial testing
 this story goes to press. During 1996, a planned $75 million increase to the
 already multi megabuck project will increase the output of the system to
 1.7 gigawatts, making HAARP the most powerful emitter in the world. Several
 smaller sites exist around the world, most notably in Russia. Though these
 installations cannot match the ionosphere heating capabilities of HAARP,
 experts in the field who wish not to be quoted suggest that some aberrant
 weather conditions MAY HAVE been caused by their operation. The
 weapon-development whiz kids have been interested in this sort of gizmo for
 quite some time. Just what in hell does the military want with the world's
 largest weenie roaster? Here are some possible applications I've discovered:

 EARTH-PENETRATING TOPOGRAPHY: Sort of a CAT scan for the planet. By heating
 the ionosphere to create a resonant mirror, electronic-beam steering directs
 an energy stream to specific coordinates on the planet. This energy
 the ground to a depth of a kilometer or more, and the signal return is
 received by satellite or aircraft. After computer processing, A RELATIVELY
 CLEAR PICTURE OF WHAT IS UNDERGROUND emerges. Damn handy when trying to
 out where those wily North Koreans hide their nukes -- or where YOU keep

 HARD-KILL WEAPON SYSTEM: The output of HAARP would have to be boosted a
 thousand-fold, but if that is accomplished, a shell of high-speed electrons
 can be constructed that encompasses the earth. Any ballistic missile or
 warhead passing through the shell would explode.

 SOFT-KILL WEAPON SYSTEM: By directing enormous amounts of radio-frequency
 energy at a specific area, HAARP could overload electrical power
 grids, fry sensitive microelectronics, detonate weapons that use electronic
 fuses, scramble missile guidance systems and probably upset brain chemistry.

 WEATHER MODIFICATION: Heating the upper atmosphere over specific areas could
 change weather patterns, creating torrential floods, destroying an enemy's
 infrastructure or denying an enemy's harvest by drought... Weather as a
 weapon. IDENTIFICATION OF SATELLITES: By illuminating orbiting spacecraft
 HAARP, the constituent materials and the mission of a satellite can be

 COMMUNICATIONS: Possible uses include satellite jamming, satellite
 communications with submarines and detection of stealth aircraft.

 Physicist Bernard Eastlund, president of Production Technologies Company AND
 FORMER 'ARCO' BIGWIG, was granted three patents over the past seven years
 a system that looks suspiciously like HAARP - though much larger. His plan,
 using a transmitter encompassing 160 square miles and powered by massive
 amounts of electricity generated using vast Alaskan natural gas reserves [to
 which ARCO has access], was to shoot down missiles and alter the weather.
 initially owned Eastlund's patents, but was soon paid a visit by Edward
 (the "father of the H-Bomb", Nevada Test Site coordinator for the "Star
 or SDI defense program, and major MJ-12 member. - Branton.), and development
 grew secretive. Eastlund declined further involvement, and the patents were
 quietly sold in June 1994 to E-Systems, a high-tech corporation famous for
 ultra-secret defense projects such as the president's customized Boeing 747
 doomsday plane.

 "HAARP is the perfect first step towards a plan like mine," Eastlund says.
 "Advances in phased-array transmitter technology and power generation can
 produce the field strength required. The government will say it isn't so,
 if it quacks like a duck and it looks like a duck, there's a good chance it

 "Eastlund is nuts," says an Air Force official speaking on condition of
 anonymity. "HAARP is much smaller and less powerful than his instrument. We
 are not doing anything except good science and pure research.

 "The real beauty of HAARP," he then adds cryptically, "is that nothing you
 see on the outside is sensitive. The secret is the beam steering agility and
 pulsing of the transmissions... When covert operations occur, the science
 team, the operating funds and the mission will be black."

 Whatever is going on, Alaskans are mad as hell. The federal government
 a long tradition of screwing over the inhabitants of the Last Frontier.
 Generally speaking, the feds are as welcome as a case of herpes. And studies
 done by the EPA, the Swedish government and others indicate that HAARP could
 interfere with communications, navigation systems, wildlife migration and
 possibly human health.

 "There has never been a transmitter of this power in this frequency,"
 says. "It would be wise to assess its impact." Though there are many
 questions, the military insists that all is well and there is nothing to

 "We are not doing anything to the ionosphere -- we are just looking at it,"
 insists Air Force Phillips Laboratory spokesman Roy Heitman.

 Although an ad-hoc grassroots organization called NO HAARP is trying to stop
 the project, founder Clare Zickuhr admits, "It's all a whitewash, [HAARP] is
 going to happen." An ARCO retiree, Zickuhr is convinced HAARP is a secret
 weapons project. "It has all the appearances of a secret program. This is
 good science -- they have no idea what this thing could do to the
 To put this in the hands of the military scares the hell out of me."

 (Remember however that, although this particular ex-ARCO employee -
 Zickuhr --
 is against the project, the HAARP facility in Alaska was never-the-less
 CONSTRUCTED by ARCO POWER TECHNOLOGIES. So Zickuhr's views apparently do not
 reflect the views of ARCO in general in regards to the project. - Branton)

 And if you're not yet convinced that ARCO -- The ATLANTIC RICHFIELD
 is a front for the fascist "Nazifeller" New World Order infiltration of, if
 not invasion of, North America, then try this one on for size:

 tangled web we weave..."):


 (A few excerpts from this lengthy hearing appear below - Branton):

 "This is the first of two days of hearings before the House Interior
 on the subject of covert surveillance authorized by the Alyeska Pipeline
 Service Company and conducted by The WACKENHUT Corporation. "On August 7 of
 this year, the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs filed a written
 request for documents from Wackenhut and Alyeska in connection with
 allegations that the Wackenhut Corporation conducted undercover surveillance
 of Charles Hamel on behalf of Alyeska and its OWNER companies. In letters to
 both Wackenhut and Alyeska, I expressed concern that the surveillance of Mr.
 Hamel was for the purpose of obtaining information on and/or interfering
 Mr. Hamel's communications with this Committee. "Charles Hamel has been a
 source of information for Congress, state and federal regulatory agencies,
 the media, concerning environmental, health and safety VIOLATIONS by Alyeska
 and its oil company owners (that is, ARCO or Atlantic Richfield. - Branton).
 Mr. Hamel has served as a conduit for whistleblowers, including Alyeska
 employees, to make public information on oil industry practices. At the same
 time, Mr. Hamel has at least two significant business disputes with ALYESKA
 and EXXON... "In the next two days, we will explore the issue of whether
 Alyeska's use of a 'bogus' environmental group formed by Wackenhut spies was
 an effort to disrupt and compromise a source of information for this
 Committee's continuing investigation of oil industry practices in Alaska...
 "In my view, it is important to find out why some of the largest and most
 powerful corporations in this country would resort to such elaborate 'sting'
 tactics to INVADE and DESTROY the privacy of Mr. Hamel, federal and state
 officials, environmentalists and ordinary citizens... "We believe that the
 testimony and the evidence presented in these hearings during the next two
 days will show that the covert surveillance operation involved the much more
 sinister and disturbing motives of SILENCING environmental critics and
 intimidating whistleblowers..."

To Part II

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